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?Your company exports to a number of countries around the world and is looking for a new a

gent for international freight. The Export Sales Manager has asked you to write a proposal saying which agent you recommend.

?Read the two advertisements below, on which you have already made some notes.

?Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your proposal for the Export Sales Manager.

?Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.

?Your company exports to a number of countries aro

更多“?Your company exports to a number of countries around the world and is looking for a new a”相关的问题


Accountant Wanted: Excellent Career Opportunity

  Tender Plus is a highly successful Gold Coast food processing company enjoying a healthy and strong growth in Australia and export markets, and seeking to employ a qualified and experienced person to assume responsibility as the Company Accountant.

  Applicants should be qualified to CPA(合格职业会计师) status with at least 10 years accounting experience, and be able to demonstrate a proven track record in running a fully integrated accounting system in a manufacturing environment. Strong computer skills and literacy are essential, particularly in advanced spreadsheet(空白表格程序) usage.

  This position reports to the Manager of Finance and Administration. Your main responsibilities will be to ensure that the accounting function contributes to the overall achievement of corporate strategies and objectives by providing timely, accurate, and informative financial information. At the same time you will be responsible for further developing computerized accounting and information systems to add to overall company effectiveness and profitability.

  This is a long-term career position offering excellent rewards and challenges. Applicants should forward their details to:

  Manager of Finance and Administration

  PO Box 2055, Burleigh, MDC 4220

What kind of business is Tender Plus engaged in?




Mr. White works with a chemicals import & export company, but he_________for this industri
al fair, since he is on leave.

A.has worked


C.has been working

D.is working



Which of the following sentences is courteous?()

A.No smoking.

B.We are sorry you have misunderstood us.

C.We are withholding your shipment until we receive the payment.

D.Congratulations to your great success in the China Export Commodities Fair!



带有质押的融通汇票 A Revolving Acceptance Credit covering exports from the UK to Australia opened i


A Revolving Acceptance Credit covering exports from the UK to Australia opened in favour of The Exporting Company by an accepting house, William Caxton & Company-Secured.


William Caxton & Company

To: The Exporting Company London, 15 Feb., 200×

London, E. C. 2.

Dear Sirs,

Revolving Acceptance Credit No. 3254

In response to your application, we have pleasure in opening a Revolving Acceptance Credit facilities at your disposal to the extent of GBP100,000.00 (say one hundred thousand pounds) to assist in the financing of your export to Australia, subject to the following terms and conditions:

This credit is available by your drafts on ourselves at ninety days after sight, which are to be marked "Drawn under Acceptance Credit No. 3254 against shipment of goods to Australia".

At or before time of drawing on us, you are to deposit with us as security, and for collection under our existing arrangements with you, your draft at a determinable future time not exceeding 90 days on your buyer in the importing country, accompanied by full shipping documents, the total amount of such draft is to exceed the respective drawing on us by not less than 10%.

As and when proceeds of collection become available, they will be applied by us in cover of our outstanding acceptances.

All drafts are to be covered by you in cash with us at or before their respective maturity dates but the credit being revolving, when and to the extent that drafts are so covered, the facility automatically becomes available again.

Our commission for accepting your draft will be at the rate of 1.5% per annum, i.e. 3/8% on draft at 90 days after sight. In addition, collection commission and incidental expenses will be payable by you.

This credit will expire on 15 Feb., next year, and all drafts on us must be drawn and accepted not later than that date.

For and on behalf of

William Caxton & Co., London



The Seller, The Exporting Co., London who has sold agricultural tractors to the buyer, The Overseas Importing Co., Brisbane issued a collection bill on 20 March, 200× to be drawn on the buyer at 60 days after sight for GBP7,700.00 payable to the order of William Caxton & Company marked the words " Drawn under sales contract No. 27358 against shipment of agricultural tractors from London to Brisbane for collection ".

Please draw a collection bill to meet the above requirements in the form as follows:

Exchange for ______ ______

__________________ pay to the order of

________________________________________________ the sum of


Drawn ______________________________________________________


To __________________ For __________________

__________________ __________________


The Seller wishes to make use of Acceptance Credit No. 3254, since he has issued a collection bill which would entitle him to draw on William Caxton & Co. a bill dated on 22 March, 200× for the sum of GBP7,000.00 payable at 90 days after sight to drawers' order marked "Drawn under Acceptance Credit No. 3254".

Please draw an accommodating bill on William Caxton & Co., London duly endorsed in blank by the payee. Suppose the bill was accepted by the drawee on 23 March, 200× payable at Barclays Bank Ltd., London. Please accept the bill and specify its due date.

带有质押的融通汇票  A Revolving Acceptance Credit covering


You will send these two bills together with the shipping documents to William Caxton & Co. with a letter which will be written by you in the form as follows:

To: William Caxton & Co.,

London 20 March, 200×

Dear Sirs,

Revolving Acceptance Credit No. 3254

We enclose here with the full shipping documents covering a shipment of ______ to The Overseas Importing Co., Brisbane. We also enclose our ______ days sight bill drawn on the importer for ______. Would you kindly forward these to your agents at ______, and arrange for the presentation of the bill to the importer for ______, and later for collection at maturity, and remit the proceeds to ______.

Under the terms of the above credit, we also enclose our ______ days sight bill drawn on you for ______. After acceptance, we should be grateful if you would kindly hand this bill to Gillett Brother's Discount Co. Ltd. for

We should be glad if you would debit our account with your acceptance commission.

Yours faithfully

The Exporting Company


You will send a copy of this letter to Gillett Brother's Discount Co. Ltd. with a covering note as follows:

To: Gillett Brother's Discount Co. Ltd.,

20 March, 200×

Dear Sirs ,

We enclose a copy of the letter which we have sent to William Caxton & Co. today. Will you please pay the net proceeds to Barclays Bank Ltd., London for credit of our account.

Yours faithfully

The Exporting Company, London



Please calculate the discount using the formula as follows:

V=face value of the bill=GBP7,000.00

t=tenor in days=90

N=discount number

d=discount rate in ×% per annum=9

D=amount discounted

v=present value of bill (after deduction of amount discounted from the face value)

带有质押的融通汇票  A Revolving Acceptance Credit covering

带有质押的融通汇票  A Revolving Acceptance Credit covering ______


Use the given numbers in formula D and v to calculate amount discounted and net proceeds.

When Gillett Brother's Discount Co. Ltd., have discounted the bill, they will send a discount statement to The Exporting Company. Please make out a discount statement filling particulars in the form as follows:


Gillett Brother's Discount Co. Ltd.,</strong>]

To: The Exporting Company, London, 21 March, 200×


We have pleasure in confirming the purchase of the bills listed below. In accordance with your instructions, the net proceeds. have been paid to Barclays Bank Ltd. London for the credit of your account.

Discount and net proceedsDue dateTenor in days
Face value GBP __________________
Less discount

at 9% per annum ______

Net proceeds GBP ______

Per Pro

Gillett Brother's Discount Co. Ltd.,




— What does your company specialize in?

— ()

A.Our company is very large.

B.Our company specializes in flood-proof development.

C.Our company is located in Beijing.



—Please sign here with your signature to give consent to our company for using your personal information.

—Hi, Li Ming.().



— I hope I can join your company when I graduate from Yale.





A.know your company

B.know your customer

C.know your children



When talking to people within your company()don’t speak your language, you may have to

When talking to people within your company()don’t speak your language, you may have to use English.






If you have difficulty ______ your bills, tell your utility company as soon as possible.



C.to pay




Were it not for your help, the profit of the company this year____________ (不会比去年翻一

Were it not for your help, the profit of the company this year____________ (不会比去年翻一翻).


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