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New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as t

New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.



更多“New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as t”相关的问题


alongside book browse comfort employment crash fill out make friends (with sb.) paperwor
alongside book browse comfort employment crash fill out make friends (with sb.) paperwor

k prior to sightseeing capture solo stress out visa be obsessed with (1) taking a working holiday abroad you will need to do a number of things. There is quite a lot of (2) to complete. You will need to (3) various forms, including a(n) (4) application. Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take (5) , rather than just being an ordinary tourist type that allows you to do (6) only. (7) that, of course, you need to (8) your ticket. Once that is all done you will be ready to set off. Don’t let the thought of stepping outside your (9) zone frighten you, don’t let it (10) you (11) . You may set out on your own, travelling (12) , but you will soon (13) with many of the new people you meet on the way. So, start (14) the Internet to see where you would like to start your adventure!



When a new vent forms, tube worms congregate around it voluntarily.A.YB.NC.NG

When a new vent forms, tube worms congregate around it voluntarily.






听力原文:Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other pla

听力原文: Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other planets, using telescopes. When they saw the geography of Mars, they thought they could see canals and that this might be evidence of intelligent life on the planet. More recently, however, spacecraft have been sent to analyze the soil for signs of life. The results were negative and astronomers are now convinced that no life exists on the surface of any other planet in our solar system. To send a spacecraft far beyond our solar system is not realistic because of the huge distances involved.

The only way we are likely to know of its existence is from radio messages unless life comes and visits us. Listening for intelligent life is not a new idea, but the techniques now being used to offer much better chance of success than before. Looking for evidence of life in other solar systems now means using special radio receivers called radio telescopes to listen out for messages. The assumption is that intelligent forms of life would have discovered radio waves and would, like us, be using them to communicate.

Through its research work, astronomers have developed two means of systematically searching for intelligent life. The first method is to select the closet 800 stars like our sun and to direct a radio telescope to scan each one of them for electromagnetic waves. The second way is to survey the entire sky, listening for continuous signals. All this, as well as the chance of discovering that maybe we are not alone in the universe!


A.Intelligent life.

B.Canals of some kind.

C.Signs of life.

D.Natural resources.



"It is impossible that old prejudices and hostilities should longer exist, while such an i
nstrument has been created for the exchange of thought between all the nations of the earth, "acclaimed Victorian enthusiasts the arrival in 1858 of the first transatlantic telegraph cable. People say that sort of things about new technologies, even today. Biotechnology is said to be the cure for world hunger. The sequencing of the human genome(基因组) will supposedly uproot cancer and other diseases. The wildest optimism, though, has greeted the Internet. A whole industry of Internet has attracted audiences with claims that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. However, although the Internet is still young enough to inspire idealism, it has also been around long enough to test whether the prophets(先知) can be right.

Grandest of all the claims are those made by some of the experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology about the Internet's potential as a force for peace. Nicholas Negroponte, has declared that, thanks to the Internet, the children of the future "are not going to know what nationalism is". His colleague, Michael Dertouzos, has written that digital communications will bring" computer-aided peace" which" may help avoid future fight of ethnic hatred and national breakups". The idea is that improved communications will reduce misunderstandings and transfer conflict.

This is not new, any more than were the claims for the peace-making possibilities of other new technologies. In the early years of the 20th century, airplanes were expected to end wars, by promoting international communication and (less credibly) by making armies out-of-date, since they would be weak to attack from the air. After the First World War had dispelled such notions, it was the turn of radio. "Nation shall speak peace unto nation," ran the fine motto of Britain's BBC World Service.Sadly, Radio of Rwanda disproved the idea that radio was an intrinsically (固有的) peace force once and for all.

The mistake people make is to assume that wars are caused simply by the failure of different peoples to understand each other adequately. Indeed, even if that were true, the Internet can also be used to advocate conflict. Hate speech and intolerance develop in its dark comers, where government finds it hard to intervene. Although the Internet undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to war.

Nowadays, the 1858 acclaim by enthusiasts is still used to describe ______.

A.the merits of biotechnology

B.the significance of new technology

C.the prospect of the Internet

D.the sequencing of human genome



It can be concluded from the passage that the introduction of electronic media into the wo
rld of music

A.has brought about an information revolution

B.has speeded up the appearance of a new generation of computers

C.has given rise to new forms of music culture

D.has led to the transformation of traditional musical instruments



根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 Culture is the sum total of all the traditions, customs, be
liefs, and ways of life of a given group of humanbeings. In this sense, every group has a culture, however savage, undeveloped, or uncivilized it may seem to us.To the professional anthropologist (人类学家), there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist there is no intrinsic hierarchy (等级制度) among languages. People once thought of the languages of backward groups as savage undeveloped forms of speech, consistinglargely of grunts and groans. While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans, it is afact established by the study of "backward" languages that no spoken tongue answers that description today. Mostlanguages of uncivilized groups are, by our most severe standards, extremely complex, delicate, and ingenious piecesof machinery for the transfer of ideas. They fall behind our Western languages not in their sound patterns orgrammatical structures, which usually are fully adequate for all language needs, but only in their vocabularies, whichreflect the objects and activities known to their speakers. Even in this department, however, two things are to benoted: All languages seem to possess the machinery for vocabulary expansion, either by putting together wordsalready in existence or by borrowing them from other languages and adapting them to their own system. Theobjects and activities requiring names and distinctions in "backward" languages, while different from ours, are often surprisingly numerous and complicated, A Western language distinguishes merely between two degrees ofremoteness ("this"and "that"); some languages of the American Indians distinguish between what is close to thespeaker, or to the person addressed, or removed from both, or out of sight, or in the past, or in the future. This study of language, in turn, casts a new light upon the claim of the anthropologists that all cultures are to be viewed independently, and without ideas of rank or hierarchy. According to the author, one culture or language has no________



Certain species disappeared or became ________ as new forms arose that were better
adapted to the Earth’s changing environment.

A) feeble

B) extinct

C) massive

D) extinguished



听力原文:M: Did your sister like her new car?W: She thought it was too noisy, and somethin

听力原文:M: Did your sister like her new car?

W: She thought it was too noisy, and something got wrong with the tyros; but my father believed it was quite a good car.

Q: What did the woman's father think of .the new car?


A.He thought it was a good car.

B.He thought it was too noisy.

C.He thought there was something wrong with the car.

D.He didn't like it.



The writer thought that one of the achievements he had was that ______.A.he began to love

The writer thought that one of the achievements he had was that ______.

A.he began to love learning

B.he was promoted in the postal office after getting the diploma

C.he had learned to ignore negative comments

D.he had no difficulty when he embarked on a new career



New scientific data prove that ______ have been much more devastating than people thought
at the time when they decided to take action.



A primary objective in the development of Restoration thought was ______.A.to modify tradi

A primary objective in the development of Restoration thought was ______.

A.to modify traditional Chinese society to reflect new conditions

B.to create a new society based on truth

C.the knowledge that Chinese conservatism is superior to western conservatism

D.the desire to familiarization China with western military technology

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