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听力原文:W: what does your work mean to you?M: I regard my work as a means to an end. Basi

听力原文:W: what does your work mean to you?

M: I regard my work as a means to an end. Basically I'm a family man, and as long as I have a job, which enables me to earn enough money, I'm happy.

Q: What does the man think of his work?


A.He doesn't care what he does for a living.

B.He does like what he does for a living.

C.He has a routine life.

D.He has a fabulous life.

更多“听力原文:W: what does your work mean to you?M: I regard my work as a means to an end. Basi”相关的问题


听力原文:W: What time would suit you for the first round talks with John Smith?M: Well, yo

听力原文:W: What time would suit you for the first round talks with John Smith?

M: Well, you know my schedule. Other than this Friday, one day is as good as the next.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The talks can be held any day except this Friday.

B.He could change his schedule to meet John Smith.

C.The first-round talks should start as soon as possible.

D.The woman should contact John Smith first.



听力原文:M: I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays the guitar.W: Why don't yo

听力原文:M: I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays the guitar.

W: Why don't you just ask him to turn down the volume, Peter7

Q: What does the woman suggest Peter do?


A.Keep all the volumes of books together.

B.Concentrate on the music.

C.Find a quieter place to study.

D.Bring the problem to his roommate's attention.



听力原文:W: What exactly do you mean by a friend?M: Well, it should be someone you know yo

听力原文:W: What exactly do you mean by a friend?

M: Well, it should be someone you know you can rely on, someone who will help you ifyou need help, who'll listen to you when you talk about your problems.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.How to solve problems.

B.Someone whom they can rely on.

C.Someone who will listen to them.

D.What a real friend should be.



听力原文:W: How often did you write home?M: I used to write home once a week.Q: What do yo

听力原文:W: How often did you write home?

M: I used to write home once a week.

Q: What do you understand from the man's answer?


A.He enjoys writing home every week.

B.He never fails to write a weekly letter home.

C.He doesn't write home once a week now.

D.He has been asked to write home every week.



听力原文:M: Excuse me madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?W: I beg yo

听力原文:M: Excuse me madam. Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.

W: Who are you to insist? I advise you to take off, before I call a policeman.

M: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.

W: What? Oh...well...and just what right does that give you to go around looking into people's bugs?

M: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else.

W: What do you mean belonging to someone else?

M: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?

W: Are you talking about stolen goods?

M: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest they wouldn't mind, would they?

W: Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what in their bags!

M: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible. However, I must insist on Being what you have in you bag.

W: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there?

M: Thank you madam.

W: Net at all.

M: Mm. Sixteen lipsticks?

W: Yes, nothing unusual in that I like to change the eater with my mood.

M: I see you smoke a lot. Fifteen cigarette lighters!

W: Yes, I an rather a heavy smoker.

M: Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?

W: But this is unfair!


A.A businessman in a store.

B.A wander in the street.

C.Amateur detective.

D.A man with plain clothes.



听力原文:M: The view from the top of the tower was breathtaking !W: Wasn't it!Q: What does

听力原文:M: The view from the top of the tower was breathtaking !

W: Wasn't it!

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She agrees with the man.

B.She didn't visit the tower.

C.High places make her uncomfortable.

D.She will use the elevator next time.



听力原文:W: Could you give this note to Alice?M: Give this to Alice? What do you think I a

听力原文:W: Could you give this note to Alice?

M: Give this to Alice? What do you think I am? A messenger?

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He does not know who Alice is.

B.He has found a job as a messenger.

C.He does not want to deliver the note.

D.He does not know where Alice is.



听力原文:W: What time does your bus leave for the office in the morning?M: It leaves at 6:

听力原文:W: What time does your bus leave for the office in the morning?

M: It leaves at 6:30, except on Fridays when it leaves thirty minutes later.

Q: What time does his bus leave on Fridays?








听力原文:W: We really must go to the new movie in town.M: Let's eat first.Q: What does the

听力原文:W: We really must go to the new movie in town.

M: Let's eat first.

Q: What does the man want to do?


A.Eat before seeing the movie,

B.See the movie immediately.

C.Get the first theater seat.

D.Stay in town for a while,



听力原文:W: John certainly has been in a bad mood today.M: I'll say he has.Q: What does th

听力原文:W: John certainly has been in a bad mood today.

M: I'll say he has.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.John is always sad.

B.He thinks the woman is right.

C.He will talk to John.

D.John is actually happy.



听力原文:W: Oh dear, what an awful weekend!M: Couldn't be worse !Q: What does the man mean

听力原文:W: Oh dear, what an awful weekend!

M: Couldn't be worse !

Q: What does the man mean?


A.They had a happy weekend.

B.It was not so bad as the woman thought.

C.The woman's health is getting worse.

D.He agrees with the woman.

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