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This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not rela

This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.



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Most of the pioneers of low-temperature physics expected gases to liquefy, but none of the
m predicted superconductivity. This phenomenon was discovered in 1911 by Onnes while he was studying frozen mercury.

More than 40 years passed before physicists were able to offer an explanation for superconductivity. The accepted theory, developed in the 1950s, holds that the fundamental behavior. of electrons changes at very low temperatures because of the effects of quantum mechanics. Electrons are tiny particles that make up the outer part of an atom, circling rapidly around the nucleus of the atom. In a regular conductor—a metal that conducts an electric current—the outermost electrons are not bound tightly to the atoms, and so they move around relatively freely. The flow of these electrons is an electric current.

At normal temperatures, a conductor's electrons cannot move completely freely through the metal because they are "bumped around" by the metal's atoms. But according to the leading theory of superconductivity, when a metal is very cold, electrons form. pairs. Then, like couples maneuvering on a crowded dance floor but never colliding, the paired electrons are able to move unimpeded through the metal. In pairing up, it seems, the electrons are able to "blend together" and move in unison without resistance. This explanation seems to account for superconductivity at extremely low temperatures, but in 1986 scientists in Switzerland found that some metal-containing ceramics are superconductors at much higher temperatures. By 1992, scientists had developed ceramics that become superconducting at - 297'F, and some researchers speculated that room-temperature superconductors may be possible. Scientists are still trying to formulate a theory for high-temperature superconductivity.

The new ceramic materials can be maintained at their superconducting temperatures, with relatively inexpensive liquid nitrogen rather than the much colder and much more costly liquid helium required by metal superconductors. The cost difference could make superconductivity practical for many new technologies. For example, magnetically levitated trains, which require superconducting electromagnets, would be much cheaper to build than they are now. Superconducting devices might also be used for advanced power transmission lines and in new types of compact, ultrafast computers. But for the time being, superconductivity is finding application mostly in scientific research and in some kinds of medical imaging devices.

The flow of an electric current in a regular conductor is made possible by the fact that______.

A.electrons circle rapidly around the atom

B.the outermost electron move relatively freely around the atom

C.the innermost electrons stick to the atom

D.the outermost electrons are bound tightly to the inner ones



When people care enough about something to do it well, those who do it best tend to be far
better than everyone else. There's a huge gap between Leonardo and second-rate contemporaries. A top-ranked professional chess player could play ten thousand games against an ordinary club player without losing once.

Like chess or painting or writing novels, making money is a very specialized skill. But for some reason we treat this skill differently. No one complains when a few people surpass all the rest at playing chess or writing novels, but when a few people make more money than the rest, we get editorials saying this is wrong. Why? The pattern of variation seems no different than for any other skill. What causes people to react so strongly when the skill is making money?

I think there arc three reasons we treat making money as different: the misleading model of wealth we learn as children; the disreputable way in which, till recently, most fortunes were accumulated; and the worry that great variations in income are somehow bad for society. As far as I can tell, the first is mistaken, the second outdated, and the third empirically false. Could it be that, in a modem democracy, variation in income is actually a sign of health?

When I was five I thought electricity was created by electric sockets. I didn't realize there were power plants out there generating it. Likewise, it doesn't occur to most kids that wealth is something that has to be generated. It seems to be something that flows from parents.

Because of the circumstances in which they encounter it, children tend to misunderstand wealth. They confuse it with money. They think that there is a fixed amount of it. And they think of it as something that's distributed by authorities (and so should be distributed equally), rather than something that has to be created (and might be created unequally). In fact, wealth is not money. Money is just a convenient way of trading one form. of wealth for another. Wealth is the underlying stuff--the goods and services we buy. When you travel to a rich or poor country, you don't have to look at people' s bank accounts to tell which kind you're in. You can see wealth-- in buildings and streets, in the clothes and the health of the people.

Where does wealth come from? People make it. This was easier to grasp when most people lived on farms, and made many of the things they wanted with their own hands. Then you could see in the house, the herds, and the granary the wealth that each family created. It was obvious then too that the wealth of the world was not a fixed quantity that had to be shared out, like slices of a pie. If you wanted more wealth, you could make it.

This is just as true today, though few of us create wealth directly for ourselves. Mostly we create wealth for other people in exchange for money, which we then trade for the forms of wealth we want. Because kids are unable to create wealth, whatever they have has to be given to them. And when wealth is something you're given, then of course it seems that it should be distributed equally. As in most families it is. The kids see to that. "Unfair," they cry, when one sibling (兄弟姐妹) gets more than another.

In the real world, you can't keep living off your parents. If you want something, you either have to make it, or do something of equivalent value for someone else, in order to get them to give you enough money to buy it. In the real world, wealth is (except for a few specialists like thieves and speculators) something you have to create, not something that's distributed by Daddy. And since the ability and desire to create it vary from person to person, it's not made equally.

You get paid by doing or making something people want, and those who make more money are often simply better at doing what people want. Top actors make a lot more money than B-list actors.



















The atmosphere of Mars consists mostly of ______.


B.carbon dioxde


D.nitrous oxide



eBay is famous mostly for it is a big auction web site, with all kinds of things for biddi






Human behavior is mostly a product of learning _____________(然而,动物的行为主要依靠本能).

Human behavior. is mostly a product of learning _____________(然而,动物的行为主要依靠本能).




Employee morale is mostly adversely affected by ______.



This passage is written mostly probably for those ______.A.taking wreck diving as a sportB

This passage is written mostly probably for those ______.

A.taking wreck diving as a sport

B.specializing in wreck research

C.focusing on shipwreck archaeology

D.interested in marine medical science



68. A) mostly C) occasionally B) partially D) rarely

68. A) mostly C) occasionally

B) partially D) rarely

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