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Mary: Our son has()some bad habits. Tom: Although Tony is a young child, he has the ab

ility to()Mary: Sometimes he even asked me to do some()things. Tom: Tom suggests that they treat Tony with patience,()and respect. Mary: Punishment doesn.t always work, and instead he picks up another()Tom: You’d better not always punish him for little things like(),etc.

更多“Mary: Our son has()some bad habits. Tom: Although Tony is a young child, he has the ab”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Congratulations on your baby girl! How's the mother doing?M: Thanks, Mary, Hel

听力原文:W: Congratulations on your baby girl! How's the mother doing?

M: Thanks, Mary, Helen is doing very well. It was a tough delivery, but she came through it well.

W: That's great. How big is the bouncing baby girl?

M: Pretty big. It's eight pounds, ten ounces. She has her mom's blue eyes, but she certainly inherited her papa's temper. I don't think she's stopped screaming yet.

W: We're all familiar with the world-renowned Taylor temper. Have you picked a name yet?

M: We haven't made a final decision yet, but we've got it narrowed down to three or four picks.

W: Everybody in the office chipped in to buy something for the birthday girl.

M: Thanks for the kind thoughts. By the way, in keeping with tradition, the new father has to give his friends some big, fat cigarettes. Here you go.

W: A Cuban cigar? I thought that custom went out with the dinosaurs. Smells great.

M: You know, it really feels great being a dad. I really want to share my happiness with my friends.

W: Yeah, this is the same case with a new mother. I remember how good I felt when Steven and I had our first. Well, plans for any more?

M: We really haven't thought about it. I'm sure I'll have my hands full handling this one.

W: You're right. You'll find your days as boss of the house are numbered.

M: I'd better get over to the hospital to see them. Again, Mary, thanks for the gifts and your greetings.

W: My pleasure. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate.


A.A business transact.

B.A get-together.

C.The man's life.

D.The newly 10om baby.



听力原文:M: Hello, how can I help you?W: My son isn't feeling well and I'd like to get som

听力原文:M: Hello, how can I help you?

W: My son isn't feeling well and I'd like to get some advice.

M: What seems to be the problem?

W: Well, he has been coughing for several days now. I'm wondering if he should come in and see the doctor.

M: How old is he?

W: He is 3 years old.

M: Does he have any other symptoms like fever, runny nose, or loss of appetite?

W: No, actually other than the cough, he seems healthy. I am concerned though, because some of his sister's friends have whooping cough and I know that it can be very contagious. Isn't that a pretty serious illness?

M: It can be serious with babies. Has your son been immunized against whooping cough?

W: I'm not sure. He did get all of the suggested vaccinations. I will look it up in our records.

M: If he has been immunized recently, it is very unlikely that he would catch whooping cough, even if he has been exposed.

W: Sounds like I don't have to worry about that, but what shall I do about his cough?

M: It will help if you give him lots of fluids and a hot bath before bedtime. Keep an eye on the cough to watch to see if it gets worse. Call us again if he has a fever or if you are still concerned.

W: Thanks for your advice.

M: You are welcome. Good-bye.

W: Bye-bye.


A.He has got a bad cold.

B.He has caught whooping cough.

C.He has a fever and a bad appetite.

D.He has been coughing for several days.



In primitive societies sick people had to rely on medicine men andwitch doctors.(Some peo

In primitive societies sick people had to rely on medicine men and

witch doctors.(Some people still rely on them. ) It was believed that a per-

son was sick because he has been attacked by evil spirits The witch doctor's S1.______

job was to drive away these spirits. S2.______

His technique involved a combination of three methods, first of which S3.______

was religious. He chanted magic words, and used good luck charms which

he thought had power on the evil spirits that supposedly had entered the S4.______

victim's body. Secondly, he deliberately fed the ancient mixtures, and were S5.______

often filthy and disgusting, to make the evil spirits so uncomfortable that

they would glad run away and so enable the patient to get well. The third S6.______

method was to give the patient medicines preparing from certain plants and S7.______

herbs that were similar in shape or texture to the various organs of the

body. From our points of view, this was the only method that had any val- S8.______

ue. Modem scientific study has shown that some of these remedies had real

usefulness in curing sickness, and at least in relieving pain, but not for the S9.______

reasons advanced by the witch doctors. S10.______




Everything has a name. All people, places, and things have names. For example, Jenny is th
e name of a student from England. England is the name of her country. Cities and towns have names, too. Schools and office buildings also have names. All things have names. For example, tomato, potato and bean are names of vegetables. Apple, orange and banana are names of fruits. Names are important.

We use names every day. When we meet a new person, we usually ask, "What' s your name?" It is important to learn a person' s name. Most people have two names. Some people have more names. Names are different all over the world. In Jenny' s class, Jenny must learn the names of students from all over the world. This is very difficult because the names are very different.

In the United States, most people have a first name, a middle name, and a last name. Parents choose the first and middle names for their baby. There are names for boys and names for girls. For example, John, Peter, Tom and Mike are all names for boys. Elizabeth, Betty, Susan, and Mary are all names for girls. The last name is the family name. Usually it is the father' s family name. In a family, the mother, the father, and the children usually have the same last name.

Sometimes a person has a nickname(绰号) ,too. A nickname is a special name. It is not a per son' s real name. Abraham Lincoln' s nickname was "Honest Abe". An honest person always tells the truth, and Abe is short for Abraham. Because he was an honest person, his nickname was "Hon est Abe". Pele(贝利) is a nickname, too. The football player' s real name is Edison Arantes de Na scimento, but everyone calls him Pele. Do you have a nickname?

Name are different all over the world. They can be long or short, but they are always very important.

Why does everything have a name?

A.It is very interesting to have a name.

B.It is very easy to be remembered.

C.It is very easy to be told from others.

D.Both B and C.



Skenazy’s decision to let her son take the Subway alone has net with________. A.opposi

Skenazy’s decision to let her son take the Subway alone has net with________.

A.opposition from her own family

B.share parenting experience

C.fight against child abuse

D.protect children’s rights



A.Dr Richardson is content with Mary's essay.B.Dr Richardson is disappointed with Mary

A.Dr Richardson is content with Mary's essay.

B.Dr Richardson is disappointed with Mary's essay.

C.Mary has great difficulties in completing the essay.

D.Mary can complete the essay by the deadline.



Skenazy's decision to let her son take the subway alone has met with______.A.opposition fr

Skenazy's decision to let her son take the subway alone has met with______.

A.opposition from her own family

B.official charges of child abuse

C.approval from psychologists

D.somewhat mixed responses



Mary's uncle _____ Japan twice.

A、has gone to

B、has been to

C、goes to

D、has been in



听力原文:W: I thought Tom said he got an A in our history test.M: Mary, you should know be

听力原文:W: I thought Tom said he got an A in our history test.

M: Mary, you should know better than to take Tom' s words too seriously.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.Tom is very responsible.

B.Tom's words aren't reliable.

C.What Tom said is true.

D.Torn is not humorous at all.



Skenazy’s decision to let her son take the Subway alone has net with________.A.opp

Skenazy’s decision to let her son take the Subway alone has net with________.

A.opposition from her own family

B.share parenting experience

C.fight against child abuse

D.protect children’s rights

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