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Betty moved out from the dormitory () the noise.

A.because of

B.in spite of



更多“Betty moved out from the dormitory () the noise.”相关的问题


Betty moved from the dormitory______ the noise.

A.in spite of


C.caused by

D.because of



What did people do to solve the problem of rain lack around Chad Lake?A.They moved out of

What did people do to solve the problem of rain lack around Chad Lake?

A.They moved out of this area.

B.They drew water from Lake Chad.

C.They carried water from other areas.

D.They utilize sea water near this area.



听力原文:Bill: Betty, you speak several languages, don't you?Betty: Yes, I speak Spanish a

听力原文:Bill: Betty, you speak several languages, don't you?

Betty: Yes, I speak Spanish and French.

Bill: And what helped you most in learning those languages?

Betty: What helped me most...Well, I studied both languages in high school, and I'm still studying Spanish here at the university, but I think that travel has probably been the most help to me. You see, I've been lucky in that I've lived in Europe. Believe me, I didn't speak very well before I moved there.

Bill: You're fight, Betty. After studying a language, practice is very useful. When you live in a country where the language is spoken, it's ideal. But, you know, sometimes it's difficult to make friends in a new place, even when the people are very friendly.

Betty: Yes, I know what you mean. Especially if you don't speak my language too well. I had some problems when I first moved to Europe.

Bill: And, of course, some people are shy.

Betty: That's true.

Bill: Betty, whether or not I'm living in a country where the language is spoken, I always go to movies, and whenever I can, I watch TV or listen to the radio in the language I'm trying to learn.

Betty: Me too. And reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I think that newspapers and magazines are even better.

Bill: So do I. But I don't believe that it's possible to take advantage of practice opportunities without some knowledge of the language first.

Betty: Sure. First it's a good idea to study grammar, vocabulary.

Bill: ...and listening, perhaps even reading.

Betty: Then practice is very, very helpful.


A.Making friends in a foreign country.

B.Spanish and French.

C.Foreign TV, radio and other media.

D.Learning a foreign language.



听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.W: Hi, Peter. How are you? It's been a long time since I've seen y

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.

W: Hi, Peter. How are you? It's been a long time since I've seen you. Don't you live in the dorm anymore?

M: No, I moved out at the beginning of last semester.

W: Where are you living now.

M: I moved to the Oak Creek apartments. I'm sharing a unit with three other people, one from Brazil, one from Japan, and one from Hong Kong.

W: That sounds interesting. How are you getting along with your roommates?

M: Everything is working out just fine, at least up to now. They all share the cooking and I do the shopping since I have car.

W: I guess that would work out. Yon must have all kinds of foods from different countries.

M: That's right. I'm really enjoying mealtime! But we've had a few other problems.

W: Like what?

M: Well, one was that we got confused when the first month's telephone bill came.

W: What happened?

M: We couldn't remember who had called each number, so we didn't know how much each person owed. Alter a lot of discussion, we each ceded up paying for the calls we were sure of and dividing the rest equally. Now we all jot down the number whenever we make a call, especially the long distance calls, and we have no more telephone problems.

W: Hope it stays that way. I'd love to come over and meet your roommates sometime.

M: OK. How about coming for dinner? I'll ask them about it and let you know.

W: Great.


A.Inviting foreign students to dinner.

B.Eating habits of foreign students.

C.Sharing a flat with foreign students.

D.Getting along with foreign students.



听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?W: Not too good, I suppose.M: What happened?

听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?

W: Not too good, I suppose.

M: What happened?

W: Well, you know I moved out from Mrs. Henzer's nine months ago. And all along I forgot to inform. the registration office to get my address changed. Guess what? The library sent three reminder notices on the fines incurred on the overdue books and Mrs. Henzer kept the letters without returning them to the senders.

M: How did you find out?

W: Well, I went to the registration to get my transcript. but they said there are some outstanding fines that I have to settle before they can release it.

M: Then just pay the fine and you. can get your transcript. What's the big problem?

W: Yeah, that's exactly what I thought but the fine came to $150 and that was a shock to me. I didn't expect it to come to that much.

M: Oh. That's a bit of a bite! Did you keep the book for long? That's the first time I've come across such a big fine on the library loan.

W: Guess what? I checked with the library and they told me three books are still outstanding. They're from 8 months ago. I thought I'd returned them.

M: Are you sure you returned the books yourself or did you get someone to do it?

W: Well, hard to recall now since it was so long ago. At that time I was holding two jobs and had to juggle with school. I really thought I had returned them.

M: Tell you what. Why don't you go back in Mrs. Henzer and see if the books are still there? Otherwise, you'll have to pay for the lost books and I'm sure they will cost more than $150.

W: I guess that's the only choice I'm left with right now.


A.She had moved out of the old address.

B.She ignored it.

C.The library didn't try to inform. her about it.

D.The landlord refused to give the books back to her.



听力原文:M: Betty, you speak several languages, don't you?W: Yes, I speak Spanish and Fren

听力原文:M: Betty, you speak several languages, don't you?

W: Yes, I speak Spanish and French.

M: And what helped you most in learning those languages?

W: What helped me most... Well, I studied both languages in high school, and I'm still studying Spanish here at the university, but I think that travel has probably been the most help to me. You see, I've been lucky in that I've lived in Europe. Believe me, I didn't speak very well before I moved there.

M: You're right, Betly. After studying a language, practice is very useful. When you live in a country where the language is spoken, it's ideal. But, you know, some times it's difficult to make friends in a new place, even when the people are very friendly.

W: Yes, I know what you mean. Especially if you don't speak my language too well. I bad some problems when I first moved to Europe.

M: And, of course, some people are shy.

W: That's true.

M: Betty, whether or not I'm living in a country where the language is spoken, I always go to movies, and whenever I can, I watch TV or listen to the radio in the language I'm trying to learn.

W: Me too. And reading is another good way to learn. Books axe good, but I think that newspapers and magazines are even better.

M: So do I But I don't believe that it's possible to take advantage of practice opportunities without some knowledge of the language first.

W: Sine. First it's a good idea to study grammar, vocabulary.

M: ... and listening, perhaps even reading.

W: Then practice is very, very, helpful.


A.Making friends in a foreign country.

B.Spanish and French.

C.Foreign TV, radio and other media.

D.Learning a foreign language.



听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.W: Hi, Peter. How are you? It's been a long time since I' ye seen

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.

W: Hi, Peter. How are you? It's been a long time since I' ye seen you. Don't you iive in the dorm anymore?

M: No, I moved our at the beginning of last semester.

W: Where are you living now'?

M: I moved to the Oak Creek apartments. I'm sharing a unit with three other people, one from Brazil, one from Japan, and one from Hong Kong.

W: That sounds interesting. How are you getting along with your roommates?

M: Everything is working out just fine, at least up to now. They all share the cooking and I do the shopping since I have

W: I guess that would work out. You must have all kinds of foods from different countries.

M: That's right. I'm really enjoying mealtime! But we've had a few other problems.

W: Like what?

M: Well, one was that we got confused when the first month's telephone bill came.

W: What happened?

M: We couldn't remember who had called each number, so we didn't know how much each person owed. After a lot of discussion, we each ended up paying for the calls we were sure of and dividing the rest equally. Now we all jot down the number whenever we make a call, especially the long distance calls, and we have no more telephone problems.

W: Hope it stays that way. I'd love to come over and meet your roommates sometime.

M: OK. How about coming for dinner? I'll ask them about it and let you know.

W: Great.


A.Inviting foreign students to dinner.

B.Sharing a flat with foreign students.

C.Eating habits of foreign students.

D.Getting along with foreign students.



听力原文:M: Lucy, where are you from? W: I am from Indonesia. M: And how did you find Ca
mbridge when you first arrived? W: Well, I like it here. I think the city is very beautiful. M: What about your accommodation? Was that OK? W: Yes, OK. At first I stayed with a family for three months. They were very kind to me, but they had three young children and I found it difficult to study. M: Right, I see. W: So after three months I moved out and now I live with two other students in a student house. Its much cheaper and we like it there. M: Good, and what about your studies? What are you studying? W: Im doing a Bachelor of Computing. M: Computing, I see. Um, apart from the language difficulties, if you can separate them, how have you found the course? W: OK, but... M: Yes, go on. W: Well, the main difficulty for me is getting time on the computers in the computer room. Its always busy and this makes it very hard to do my practical work. M: Yes, Im sure it would. Can you reserve time in the computer room? W: No, I cant but it would certainly help if we could reserve computer time. M: Yes. Ill look into that and see if something can be done to improve things over there. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. Why did the woman move out and choose to live in a student house? 14. What is the womans major? 15. What did the woman think could help solve her problem?13.







听力原文:Many people dislike walking into the bank standing in long lines and running out

听力原文: Many people dislike walking into the bank standing in long lines and running out of checks. They're dissatisfied with the bank's limited hours too. They want to do some banking at night and on weekends. For such people, their problems may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do their banking from the comfort of their own home any hour of the day, any day of the week. Many banks preparing online branches or internet offices, which means that people will be able to take care of much of their banking business through their home computers. This process is called interactive banking. On these online branches, customers will be able to view all their accounts, move money between their cards. Customers will also be able to pay their bills electronically and even email questions to the bank. Banks are creating online services for several reasons. One reason is that banks must compete for customers who will switch to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the service they receive. The convenience of online banking appeals to the kind of customer banks most want to keep, that is people who are young, welleducated and bare good incomes, Banks also want to take advantage of modem technology since they have moved into the 21st century.


A.Their business hours are limited.

B.Their safety measures are inadequate.

C.Their banking procedures am complicated.

D.They don't have enough service windows.



听力原文:We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East, where people

听力原文: We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas—legends handed down from one generation to another. (29)These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did.

(30) Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian people now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2000 years ago.

But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.

(31) Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. (31)Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.


A.They moved from one place to another.

B.They came from Indonesia.

C.They have left us information about their migrations.

D.They preserved their sagas and legends.

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