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My parents had explained everything to me and now ().

A.I am having in no doubt left

B.I have not in doubt left

C.I was left in no doubt

D. leaving me in no doubt left

更多“My parents had explained everything to me and now ().”相关的问题


My parents had trouble_____to living in an apartment.







听力原文:My parents ran a small restaurant. The restaurant was opened 24 hours a day, seve

听力原文: My parents ran a small restaurant. The restaurant was opened 24 hours a day, seven days a week. [32] And my first job when I was six years old was shining shoes for customers. My duties increased as I grew older. By age of ten I was cleaning tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. [33] I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. [34] One day I made a mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me 10 pounds a week. He said, "OK, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring in your friends for free drinks?" [35] He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot.


A.Washing plates.

B.Cleaning tables.

C.Shining shoes.

D.Sweeping the floor.



听力原文:M:I wish you had told me your vacation plans soon.W:I'm sorry.I thought you knew.

听力原文:M:I wish you had told me your vacation plans soon.

W:I'm sorry.I thought you knew.I go to my parents' beach house each August.

Q:Why is the man upset?


A.Because he wanted to meet the woman's parents.

B.Because he goes to beach house each August.

C.Because he won't be able to take a vacation.

D.Because he didn't know the woman's plan.



听力原文:M:I wish you had told me your vacation plans sooner. I hope we could have a splen
did vacation.

W:I'm sorry.I thought you knew I go to my parents' beach house each August.

Q:Why is the man upset?


A.Because he wanted to meet the woman's parents.

B.Because he goes to a beach house each August.

C.Because he won't be able to take a vacation.

D.Because he didn't know the woman's plan.



听力原文:W: Mike, have you ever thought about winning the lottery and becoming a millionai
re overnight?

M: Of course I have. I bought a few tickets each time for a couple of yearn, but up till now I haven't had any luck.

W: Me, either. By the way, what would you do with millions of dollars if you won the lottery?

M: Let's see...if I had the sum of money, I would buy a house for my parents in Shanghai and deposit the rest in the bank for future use. How about you, Mary?

W: If I had the sum of money, I would buy a nice car, a Porsche, and a software-designing company.

M: What would you want that for?

W: With a company of this kind in my hands, I could hire top computer programmers to make the best online games for even more money,

M: That sounds like fun.


A.About one movie.

B.About a millionaire.

C.About how to get the luck.

D.About how to become a millionaire.



听力原文:M: How about going to a fashionable party with me tonight, Jane?W: I'd really lov

听力原文:M: How about going to a fashionable party with me tonight, Jane?

W: I'd really love to, but my parents expect me at home before 9:00 and we'll leave to visit my aunt early tomorrow.

Q: Why didn't Jane accept the man's invitation?


A.She wanted to get ready for the party.

B.She was afraid of going out at night.

C.She had to be home early.

D.She wanted to get ready for the play.



We are all conditioned by the way we are brought up. Our values are determined by our pare
nts, and in a larger sense, by the culture in which we live. The Chinese, for example, are not accustomed to the drinking of milk, and may actually become sick if they are compelled to drink a glassful of the beverage. Americans, on the other hand, thrive on milk, although they have many taboos of their own.

Some years ago I gave a dinner party during which I served a delicious hors d' oeuvre filled with a meat that tasted somewhat like chicken. My guests wondered what the meat was, but 1 refused to tell them until they had eaten their fill. I then explained that they had just dined on the flesh of freshly killed rattlesnake. The reaction was nausea--and in some cases violent vomiting. If I had served rattlesnake to a Chinese, he would doubtless had requested a second helping, for in China the dish is considered a delicacy.

Another interesting case is the young man I met recently in New York City. An American by birth, he had been removed from his native state of Oregon at the age of six months when his parents went to Japan as missionaries. Orphaned before his first birthday, he was reared by a Japanese family in a remote village. The young man was unmistakably American in appearance, with blond hair and blue eyes. But he had a Japanese style. of walking, Japanese facial expressions, and he thought like a Japanese. Though he had learned to speak English fluently, he felt uncomfortable and nut of place in an American city. He soon returned to Japan.

The best title of this passage is ______.

A.Cultural Conditioning

B.Our Parents' Values

C.American Customs

D.Taboos among the Chinese



听力原文:W:Read the report? The:tuition fee was increased to £ 3000 a year. And other livi
ng expenses are on average £3000 a year.

M:Yeah, it's a huge increase. How are you managing your budget?

W:Well, (23)I got a student loan, which is just over £3 000, but also I get some money from my parents as well. They're happy to help out because it's towards an education;as long as we're not just wasting it all in drinking it all away. I am in the 3rd year.1 went to the end of my overdraft a couple of times and I'm lucky to have middle class parents who can help me out really.

M:But mostly your finances have been poor!

W:(24)That's because of the summer. If I just 1ived as a normal student and then worked during the summer it wouldn't be so bad—but I go on big holidays and things. This year I went to the Philippines and then came back overland from Singapore, which is a wicked experience, but eats into your finances obviously. What about you?

M:My parents came to the arrangement that first of all they paid the fees for me;secondly they paid my hall fees; and thirdly they gave me an allowance.

W:That's quite practical. But can you manage?

M:Yeah, I did excellently. I decided first of all I was going to get a first, which I did, and secondly 1 was not going to have any debts.(25)I put the money in a high interest account, so I came out with no debts at all. But I did live on Marmite sandwiches almost for three years.


A.She earned a scholarship which covers all her studies.

B.She got both a student loan and support from parents.

C.She received a student loan and had a part-time job.

D.She had overdrawn her loan and let parents help out.



lt was perhaps when my parents—who also happen to be my housemates—left to go travelli
ng for acouple of months recently that it__ 26 _on me why I had not yet left the family home.

lt wasn 't that I relied on them for _ 27__reasons,or to keep my life in order, or to ease the chaosof the home. These days,1 rely on them for their company.

Ⅰ missed coming home and talking about my day at work,and I missed being able to read their facesand sense how their day was. I missed having unique_ 28_into tiny details that make a life.

While the conversation about young adults staying longer at home is_ 29_by talk of laziness, ofdependence,of an inability for young people to pull themselves together,_ 30 do we talk of theway,in my case at least,my relationship with my parents has_ 31 strengthened the longer we havelived together.

Over the years the power dynamic has changed and is no longer defined by one being the giver andanother,the taker. So,what does this say for our relationships within the family home?

According to psychologist Sabina Read,there are“some very positive possible_ 32_when adultchildren share the family home", noting the"parent-child relationship may indeed strengthen and mature”in the process.

But,she notes, a strong_ 33_doesn 't simply come with time."The many changing factors of therelationship need to be acknowledged,rather than hoping that the mere passage of time will _ 34connect parents to their adult children. It's important to acknowledge that the relationship parametershave changed to avoid falling back into __35_from the teen years.”

A) bond F) legislative K) patterns

B) contemplated G) leverage L) rarely

C) dawned H )logistical M) saturated

D) hierarchy I)magically N) stereotypes

E) insight J)outcomes O) undoubtedly



Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a p
arent saying, "Your child is bullying my child, and I want it stopped!" The bully's parent replied. "You must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel." A trillion phone calls later. The conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the US show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to playground recriminations(指责) and don't really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve conflicts.

"When you call parents, you want them to 'extract the cruelty' from their bullying children, "says Laura Kavesh, a child psychologist in Evanston, Illinois. "But many parents are blown away by the idea of their child being cruel. They won't believe it." In a recent police-department survey in Oak Harbor,Washington, 89 percent of local high school students said they had engaged in bullying behavior. Yet only 18 percent of parents thought their children would act as bullies.

In a new US PTA survey, 5 percent of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying. But many educators warn that those conversations can be misinterpreted(误解), causing tempers to flare. Instead, they say, parents should get objective outsiders, like principals, to mediate.

Meanwhile, if you get a call from a parent who is angry about your child's bullying, listen without getting defensive. That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food. Her son had confessed, but the victim's mom "wanted to make sure my son hadn't given her son a nasty disease," says McHugh, who apologized and promised to get her son tested for AIDS and other diseases. She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh's son that his bad behavior. was being taken seriously. McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results. All were negative.

Remember: once you make a call, you might not like what you hear. If you have an itchy dialing finger, resist temptation. Put it m your pocket.

The word "bullying" (Line 2, Para. 1) probably means ______.

A.frightening and hurting


C.behaving like a tyrant

D.laughing at



听力原文:M: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?W: Pardon?M: The book! You

听力原文:M: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?

W: Pardon?

M: The book! You haven't turned the page in the last ten minutes.

W: No, Jim, I suppose I haven't. I need to get through it though, but I keep drifting away.

M: So it doesn't really hold your interest?

W: No, not really. I wouldn't bother with it, to be honest, but I have to read it for a seminar. I'm at the university.

M: It's a labor of labor then rather than a labor of love.

W: I should say. I don't like Dickens at all, really, the author indeed I'm starting to like the whole course less and less.

M: It's not just the book. It's the course as well?

W: Yeah, in a way, although the course itself isn't really that bad. A lot of it is pretty good in fact, and the lecture is fine. It's me, I suppose. You see, I want to do Philosophy rather than English, but my parents talk me out of it.

M: So the course is OK as such, it's just that had it been left to you, you would have chosen a different one.

W: Oh, they had my best interest at heart of course, my parents, they always do, don't they? They believe that my job prospects would have been pretty limited with the degree in Philosophy, plus, they give me a really generous allowance, but I am beginning to feel that I'm wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed though if I told them I was quitting.


A.She is worried about the seminar.

B.The man keeps interrupting her.

C.She finds it too hard.

D.She lacks interest in it.

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