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The new Ford cars are cited as an example to show that ________. A.it is foolish t

The new Ford cars are cited as an example to show that ________.

A.it is foolish to criticize a famous brand

B.one should not always agree to others’ opinions

C.personal tastes are not something to be challenged

D.it is unwise to express one’s likes and dislikes in public

更多“The new Ford cars are cited as an example to show that ________. A.it is foolish t”相关的问题


Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. When it comes to sing

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

When it comes to singling out those who have made a difference in all our lives, you cannot overlook Henry Ford. A historian a century from now might well conclude that it was Ford who most influenced all manufacturing, everywhere, even to this day, by introducing a new way to make cars — one, strange to say, that originated in slaughterhouses.

Back in the early 1900’s, slaughterhouses used what could have been called a “disassembly line”. Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto (磁发电机). Rather than have each worker completely assemble a magneto, one of its elements was placed on a conveyer, and each worker, as it passed, added another component to it, the same one each time. Professor David Hounshell of the University of Delaware, an expert on industrial development, tells what happened:

“The previous day, workers carrying out the entire process averaged one assembly every 20 minutes. But on that day, on the line, the assembly team averaged one every 13 minutes and 10 seconds per person.”

Within a year, the time had been reduced to five minutes. In 1913, Ford went all the way. Hooked together by ropes, partially assembled vehicles were towed past workers who completed them one piece at a time. It wasn’t long before Ford was turning out several hundred thousand cars a year, a remarkable achievement then. And so efficient and economical was this new system that he cut the price of his cars in half, to $260, putting them within reach of all those who, up until that time, could not afford them. Soon, auto makers all over the world copied him. In fact, he encouraged them to do so by writing a book about all of his innovations, entitled Today and Tomorrow. The Age of the Automobile had arrived. Today, aided by robots and other forms of automation, everything from toasters to perfumes is made on assembly lines.

第27题:In Paragraph 1, the author gives a historian’s statement about Henry Ford to show _________.

A) Henry Ford is quite popular with historians

B) historians are quite interested in Henry Ford

C) Henry Ford’s influence on history can hardly be ignored

D) manufacturing is among the subjects of historians’ study



听力原文:W: With us now, is Malcolm Bricklin, CEO of Visionary Vehicles.M: Hello, everyone

听力原文:W: With us now, is Malcolm Bricklin, CEO of Visionary Vehicles.

M: Hello, everyone.

W: We have been hearing a couple of things about this news that Ford Motor Company is slashing up to 30,000 jobs, shutting down 14 plants nationwide. Is it a big deal if we are no longer manufacturing these cars, Malcolm?

M: I think it's a huge deal. I mean the companies are massive employers both directly and indirectly, If you look at Ford after their restructuring, they've actually got 87,000 employees which is twice as many as Microsoft have worldwide. Moreover, if you look at those jobs, they are very high-paying jobs. These are people who can afford to buy their own products.

W: Er, it seems to indicate a big hit for our economy if these jobs go bye-bye.

M: Yeah, it's a really sad day for America.

W: But it is not as if cars are stopped being made, right?

M: Correct. Still a large number of cars are being made by American manufacturers. More than haft of the American cars sold in America are American. So what has happened over time is that as the market share has fallen, foreign car companies have come in taken over plants and set up new plants, and they have taken over that capacity. So, it is not like there are fewer cars being produced in America than there were 30 years ago.

W: Let me ask you about the Chinese coming in. What would it mean to American jobs, if and when that happens?

M: The Chinese cars we have seen so far aren't that great and they don't have the branding necessary to make a huge impact in the world stage.


A.It is closing down some factories in the US.

B.It no longer offers high-paying jobs.

C.The number of its employees is doubled after the restructuring.

D.It is manufacturing as many cars as before.



Passage 6Rather than using custom machine tools to build early models of new parts, Ford i

Passage 6

Rather than using custom machine tools to build early models of new parts, Ford is now using 3-D printing technology to design and test its engineers’ latest ideas. The new method allows product developers to have a _1_ in their hands in as little as a week after they create a new design-compared with having to wait three to four months _2_. “We’re building more and more parts every day using this _3_,”says Harold Sears,a technical expert in rapid manufacturing at Ford’s design facility in Dearborn, Mich. Ford’s new hybrid transmission was developed on a 3-D printer that costs about $300,000 and which can turn a pile of aluminum powder into a working prototype in a day or two. While low-cost 3-D printing by consumers and small businesses looks like a market now ready for takeoff, large businesses have already _4_ advanced versions of the technology. The result has been a _5_ improvement in the product-development process across a wide range of industries, including the _6_ of cars, consumer electronics, safety equipment and medical devices. The process has done more than just save time and money. Engineers say rapid prototyping using 3-D printing is producing more _7_, higher-quality products—from custom-fitted bicycle helmets to better-sounding ear buds and loudspeakers. Instead of waiting for tools and parts to come back from outside machine shops or injection, molding houses, product developers on tight _8_ now get more hands-on time to test their models. 3-D printers allow them to test and _9_ more versions of their prototypes—in some cases tripling the number of duplicates of a new product that can be _10_ before being produced on a large scale.


B) thereafter

C) process

D) elastic

E) deadlines

F) manufacturing

G) significant

H) innovative


J) embraced

K) lubricate

L) prototype

M) refined

N) update

O) mechanisms




According to Ford Motor Co. , the crucial point for developing the latest electric cars is

A.using solar power.

B.finding better batteries.

C.attracting consumers' attention.

D.sharing automotive market.



It can be inferred from this passage that _________. A) more people could afford a

It can be inferred from this passage that _________.

A) more people could afford a car thanks to the assembly line

B) Henry Ford was forced to cut the price of the cars because of market competition

C) Henry Ford cut the production of his cars by 50% to reduce costs

D) Henry Ford was reluctant to share his invention with others



There has rarely been a tougher time to be a carmaker, Squeezed by the credit crunch, rock
ed by the seesawing price of oil and now faced with a nasty recession as the banking crisis infects the real economy, the traditional markets of North America, western Europe and Japan, already sluggish (行动迟缓的) for several years, have all but packed up. In America car sales are running at about 16% below last year's level. Detroit's struggling big three -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler- are in dire(可怕的) straits. They have gotten a $25 billion bailout from Congress and are now looking for much more. In Europe the market is also collapsing. Sales in Japan this year are expected to be the lowest since 1974.

However, not all is doom and gloom. Mature vehicle markets may be close to saturation (饱和), but there is huge unsatisfied demand in the big emerging car markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China (the so-called BRICs). Although not immune from the rich countries' troubles, they are likely to suffer much less. For one thing, levels of personal debt are far lower and a smaller proportion of cars are bought on credit. For another, the BRIC economies have been expanding so fast that even a slowdown should still leave them with growth rates that look respectable to Western eyes.

One measure of the BRIC countries' new importance to the car industry is that, recession or not, global car sales in 2008 may still hit an all-time record of about 59 million. For the first time passenger-vehicle sales in the BRICs, at around 14 million, are likely to overtake those in America, which are expected to be the worst since 1992. As recently as 2005 America outsold them by over 10 million. By the end of this decade China, already the world's second-biggest market, will probably overtake America's sales of 16 million-17 million in a "normal" year. In Brazil sales have increased by nearly 30% in each of the past two years.

It is the irresistible combination of rapid economic growth, favorable demographics (人口特征) and social change in the BRICs that is coming to the carmakers' rescue and that is likely to account for nearly all their growth for the foreseeable future. America has more than 900 cars (including light trucks) for every 1,000 people of driving age.

When times are hard, an American family that already has two or three cars will simply postpone buying a new one. But a potential customer in an emerging market who has been saving for years to buy his first car will still want to go ahead. As Carlos Ghosn, the boss of the Renault-Nissan alliance, put it at this year's Beijing motor show: "Nothing can stop the car being the most coveted product that comes with development."

What can we learn about the situations in traditional market from the first paragraph?

A.It is hard for carmakers for the hiking oil price.

B.General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are all in a dilemma.

C.Traditional markets in America began to be inactive this year.

D.Sales this year will get to the lowest in America.



John has bought himself a new Ford. He practically lives in the ______.





A.To park the cars in the garage at night.B.To lock up their garages where the cars ar

A.To park the cars in the garage at night.

B.To lock up their garages where the cars are kept at night.

C.To lock up their cars wherever cars are kept.

D.To keep their cars in locked garages.



Engines of ChangeThe Holy Grail(圣杯) for AutomakersI am driving through downtown Washingt

Engines of Change

The Holy Grail(圣杯) for Automakers

I am driving through downtown Washington, D.C., in a white GM minivan with friendly blue-bubble paper decorating the sides. It's emitting no toxic chemicals and the engine seems to purr(发出隆隆声) rather than growl. I am driving a hydrogen-powered automobile—so clean, you can drink from the exhaust pipe—and it's a smooth, energetic ride.

It's also the Holy Grail for automakers, environmentalists, political leaders—and, most important, drivers everywhere, whether or not we realize it yet. What's not to like about a vehicle that combats global warming, offers hope of weaning(使戒掉) the world off Mideast oil, and could save on fuel costs? More than anything, though, the development of the hydrogen car, along with other alternatives, is a response to one unsettling fact: The world will one day run out of oil. And that day may arrive sooner than most of us would think.

Industry experts at the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) predict that by 2008, we may have extracted half the available global supply of oil. While it took us the better part of the last century to reach this halfway point, it will take significantly less time to consume the rest. With more industrialized countries, more cars, trucks and buses, and more demand than ever for home heating and appliances—just think China—oil could reach depletion more quickly than we once assumed. So the race is underway to find affordable fuel alternatives, as well as new ways to conserve our remaining oil.

For car manufacturers and a growing number of consumers, the future is now-in the form. of the latest generation of hybrid vehicles. Toyota, Honda and Ford have led the charge with technology that pairs a small gasoline engine with an electric motor that actually powers the car without high levels of pollution. The electric motor and gasoline engine is more efficient than a combustion(燃烧) engine. According to the Alliance to Save Energy, in 2004, SUV drivers spent about $1,225 on fuel, while passenger cars cost $976 to run. Hybrid drivers only spent between $350 and $450.

Also, hybrids have solved a big drawback of energy-efficient electric cars, which need to be recharged regularly literally plugged into a power source. Hybrids like Honda's Insight, Civic and Accord, and Toyota's Prius, charge the battery as you drive. Plus, some can travel more than 600 miles on a tank of gas.

To lure people to buy these cleaner, more efficient cars—hybrids, the federal government is offering owners a one-time tax deduction. Local governments are offering incentives too. Hybrid owners in Los Angeles receive parking exemptions; in Connecticut, residents whose energy-efficient cars get at least 40 miles per gallon are exempt from the sales tax on the car; Pennsylvania owners are eligible for a $500 discount at purchase; and in Virginia, hybrid drivers can take advantage of the HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) lane—no matter how many passengers are on board.

According to Bradley Berman, editor of HybridCars.com, 88,000 of these automobiles were sold in the United States last year—that's nearly double the previous year and about ten times as many sold in 2000. This year alone, the chic(时尚的) Prius is on track to sell some 45,000, despite six-month waiting lists.

Reducing U.S. Oil Consumption

Even as more hybrid cars hit the road, the technology is a key element in an exciting new project, one that could hasten our transition to a hydrogen-fuel economy. The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to energy policy, has launched a research center with the sole purpose of creating the "Hypercar." This vehicle's design is what sets it apart. Hypercars are formulated to make the most of an ultra-light construction, low-drag aero-dynamics and hybrid-electric drive trains to achieve much greate





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