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A.She can't sleep well these days.B.She is not good at some subjects.C.She is under th

A.She can't sleep well these days.

B.She is not good at some subjects.

C.She is under the pressure of her parents' love.

D.She has suffered from headache.

更多“A.She can't sleep well these days.B.She is not good at some subjects.C.She is under th”相关的问题


听力原文:W: I'm tired of watching television. Let's go to the movies tonight.M: All right.

听力原文:W: I'm tired of watching television. Let's go to the movies tonight.

M: All right. Do you want to go downtown? Or is there a good movie in the neighborhood?

W: I'd rather not spend a lot of money. What does the paper say about neighborhood theaters?

M: Here's the list on page six. Here it is. Where's the Rialto? There's a good movie there.

W: That's too far away. And it's bard to find a place to park there.

M: Well, the Grand Theater has Gone With the Wind.

W: I saw that years ago. I don' t want to see it again. Anyway, it's too long. We wouldn't get home until midnight.

M: The Center has a horror film. You wouldn't want to see that.

W: No, indeed. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

M: That's about all there is. Unless we change our minds and go downtown.

W: No, we just can't afford it. There must be something else we haven't seen.

M: Here, look for yourself. I can't find anything else.

W: Look at this!

M: What?

W: In the television schedule, there's a baseball game on television tonight.

M: I wash' t looking for a TV program. I was looking at the movie ads.

W: I know, but I just happened to notice it. New York is playing Boston.

M: That ought m be good. I wouldn' t mind watching that.

W: OK. Let's stay home. We can go to a movie Friday.


A.She is tired of staying at home all day.

B.There is a good film in the neighborhood theater.

C.She enjoys going to the movies.

D.She is tired of watching TV.



听力原文:M: Some people seem to need significantly less sleep than others.W: Tell me about

听力原文:M: Some people seem to need significantly less sleep than others.

W: Tell me about it. I have a friend who swears that she sleeps only five hours a night. She seems to have plenty of energy, and she's not confused and incompetent the way I am after several nights of only five hours of sleep. You know what really annoys me? Because she sleeps less, (23) she has more time to accomplish more in her days than I do. It's not fair.

M: I know what you mean. I've also heard scientists have discovered a gene in flies that determines how much rest the individual needs. Flies with a version of this gene are actually programmed to need less sleep than others. (24) And we humans possess a similar gene.

W: So the amount of sleep one needs seems to be genetically inherited?

M: Yes. And (25) families of flies with a lower sleep requirement don't seem to suffer any injuries in their performance of daily tasks. It may very well be that people who claim to need less sleep to operate normally are telling the truth.

W: That's depressing.

M: Well, you might be interested to know that flies programmed to sleep less tend to die earlier.

W: Really? So maybe I'll end up with the same hours of waking time as my friend after all. It'll just take me a few extra years of living to catch up with her!

M: Maybe.


A.She sleeps less than her friend.

B.She is confused and incompetent while working.

C.She is annoyed by energy.

D.Her friend can accomplish more tasks than her.



We can infer from the 2000 Harvard report that______.A.people can only improve their memor

We can infer from the 2000 Harvard report that______.

A.people can only improve their memory by more sleep

B.sleep of only a few hours proves useless to improve memory

C.researchers didn't agree with the conclusion of the 1994 Israeli report

D.comparisons were made between subjects who slept and those who didn't



听力原文:W: Do you mind if we don't go to the modes tonight? I can hardly keep my eyes ope
n after studying for that exam all night.

M: No.It doesn't matter. We can go tomorrow or next week.

Q: Why is the woman tired?


A.She watched a movie all night.

B.She had an eye operation.

C.She took an exam all night long.

D.She was studying all night.



听力原文:M: What a beautiful day today! Life lies in motion, so let's go play tennis toget
her, shall we?

W: It has been the last thing I will do since the ball hit me last time.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She won't go to play tennis.

B.She can't play tennis.

C.She doesn't like doing sports.

D.She is not good at playing tennis.



听力原文:W:Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly? I'm ten minutes late already.

M:I don't know. I'll try. It will take at least twenty minutes.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?


A.She will reach the restaurant ten minutes late.

B.She has ten minutes to reach the restaurant.

C.He thinks he can reach the restaurant in ten minutes.

D.He thinks he can't arrive at the restaurant very soon.



听力原文:If you feel tired all the time, you don't necessarily need to go to bed earlier.

听力原文: If you feel tired all the time, you don't necessarily need to go to bed earlier. The solution could be as simple as taking a five-minute afternoon nap. Children under five have an abundance of energy and one of the reasons is because they nap once or twice a day. Many sleep experts think we are programmed to take a nap during the day, and getting back into this habit can be a solution for those who feel tired all the time. Professor Criss Ezekosky of the Sleep Advisory and Assessment Center thinks that one can feel refreshed after just five minutes' sleep and research has shown that concentration and attention are improved after even a short nap. Sleep is genetically programmed in babies and it's only as we get older that we learn to sleep about 8 hours at night and not at all during the day. But most research suggests that we are not physically designed to sleep for one long single block. Before the working day became 9:00 to 5:00, all western sleep patterns were all broken up. Research has shown that in the Middle Ages people's sleep quite often occurred in 3 distinct parts. A nap in the afternoon, an early evening nap and another longer sleep until dawn. So if you find yourself feeling sleepy through the day, don't feel your being lazy by giving in to sleep and having a nap. Your increased energy and alertness will make the rest of your day extra productive.


A.Partly because they sleep in one long block.

B.Partly because they take one or two naps daily.

C.Partly because they sleep in three distinct parts.

D.Partly because they have many five-minute naps.



听力原文:M: It looks like we won't have enough time to do all we wanted to.F: Who says we

听力原文:M: It looks like we won't have enough time to do all we wanted to.

F: Who says we won't? Let's get going.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She wants to know who said they won't.

B.She also doubts whether they can finish on time.

C.She asks the man to go with her.

D.She is confident of completing all they wanted to.



听力原文:M: Sara, aren't you glad we decided to take a trip to the Himalayas instead of Ne
w York?

W: Yes, the peaceful atmosphere and fresh air will be good for my spiritual well-being.

Q: What can we conclude from the woman's answer?


A.She is reluctant to change their trip.

B.Himalayas is known for the peaceful atmosphere.

C.She thinks she will enjoy this trip.

D.Fresh air is the only thing she pursues.



听力原文:W: I can't get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table.M: I was irrit

听力原文:W: I can't get over the way you treated me at our own dinner table.

M: I was irritated at something else. I said I was sorry, Do we have to go through all that again?

Q: What happened to the woman the other day?.


A.She was hurt by the man.

B.She lost her temper.

C.She didn't speak to her husband.

D.She missed the dinner party.

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