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听力原文:Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters s

听力原文: Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters stand for five steps in the reading process: Survey, Question, Read, Review, Recite. Each of the steps should be done carefully and in the order mentioned.

In all study reading, a survey should be the first step. Survey means to look quickly, Don't stop to read complete sentences. Just look at the important divisions of the material.

The second step is question. Try to form. questions based on your survey. Use the question words who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Now you are ready for the third step--read. You will be rereading the titles and important words that you look at in the survey. But this time you will read the examples and details as well. Sometimes it is useful to take notes while you read. I have had students who preferred to underline important points, and it seems to be just as useful as note- taking. What you should do, whether you take notes or underline, is to read actively. Think about what you are reading as a series of ideas, not just a sequence of words.

The fourth step is review. Remember the questions that you wrote down before you read the material. You should be able to answer them now. You will notice that some of the questions were treated in more detail in the reading. Concentrate on those. Also review material that you did not consider in your questions.

The last step is recite. Try to put the reading into your own words. Summarize it either in writing or orally.


A.A new way to take notes.

B.A short name for survey reading method.

C.The five steps in the reading process.

D.Different ways to study for examinations.

更多“听力原文:Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters s”相关的问题


听力原文:W: John, do you want to go swimming with me today?M: Sure, but I can' t leave now

听力原文:W: John, do you want to go swimming with me today?

M: Sure, but I can' t leave now. I have an appointment with my professor at 3 o' clock.

Q: Why can' t John go swimming now?


A.He must meet his teacher.

B.He must attend a class.

C.He must go out with his girlfriend.

D.He must stay at school to finish his homework.



听力原文:W: I've got two tickets to today's game. Do you want to come along?M: It'll be on

听力原文:W: I've got two tickets to today's game. Do you want to come along?

M: It'll be on television. Besides, it's really too cold for me.

What will the man probably do?


A.He will go to see the game.

B.He will stay at home.

C.He will play a role in one TV program.

D.He will go to a doctor.



听力原文:M: Alice, do you want to go shopping with me today?W: Sure, but I can't leave yet

听力原文:M: Alice, do you want to go shopping with me today?

W: Sure, but I can't leave yet. I've lost my room key and I have to wait for the security guard to let me back into my room?

Q: What is Alice problem?


A.She's locked out of her room.

B.She lost her key in the shop.

C.She left her key in the room.

D.She won't go shopping without a security guard.



听力原文:M: I've been getting annoying calls for two weeks. When I answer the phone, the o
ther party hangs up without saying anything. I've tried everything including blowing a whistle into the receiver.

W: Beginning today, we want you to keep a record of the time each call occurs. From this chart, we can get information to help us trace the calls. If necessary, the telephone company can contact the police.

Q: what does the woman suggest that the man do?


A.Disconnect his telephone.

B.Blow a whistle into the receiver.

C.Keep a record of incoming annoyance calls.

D.Report his problem to the police.



听力原文:W: Hello, sir. Can I help you?M: Yes... Er, have you mod about the World Cup in t

听力原文:W: Hello, sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes... Er, have you mod about the World Cup in today's newspaper, Miss?

W: Yes, I have.

M: Are you interested in football?

W: Well, yes.

M: I am. Wonderful game, football.

W: Yes, it is. Now, what shoes can I show you, sir?

M: I like all sports and games.

W: Oh, yes?

M: Yes. Football, cricket, swimming. Can you swim?

W: I'm not a good swimmer, but I go swimming sometimes.

M: Tennis. That's a good game.

W: Yes.

M: I'm interested in tennis. I never miss Wimbledon, you know. I see it every year.

W: Oh?

M: And what about running? The oldest sport in the world. Wonderful. One man is trying to nm faster than other men. Do you nm?

W: No. I just play table tennis, and swim, and I walk quite a lot. Now, what kind d shoes do you want, sir?

M: You don' t play golf, then?

W: No, never.

M: I really like golf. Mind you, I like all sports, games as well.

W: You're a real sportsman, sir. Perhaps you want some tennis shoes or running shoes?

M: Er... no.

W: Football boots?

M: No. I want some carpet slippers like those.

W: Carpet slippers?

M: Yes. I want to be comfortable when I'm watching television.


A.Two sports fans.

B.Two acquaintances.

C.Customer and shop-assistant.

D.Foreign tourist and his guide.



听力原文:Good morning everyone. My name is Craig Stone, and I'll be your guide for today's

听力原文: Good morning everyone. My name is Craig Stone, and I'll be your guide for today's tour of Kyoto. First, I want to go over the itinerary of the tour, so everyone can enjoy the trip without being worried about being left behind along the way. Of course, no one has gotten lost so far.

First of all, we'll be leaving at 9:i5 outside the main train station exit. Be sure to board the bus by 9:00 sharp.

We'll be visiting some of the most famous historical spots in Kyoto. Our first stop will be at the Golden Pavilion, a temple constructed in 1397. We'll be leaving there at 10:30. You'll have about forty-five minutes to stroll around the temple and its gardens.

Our next destination will be Ryoanji Temple. That's always a difficult one to pronounce. This temple is famous for its beautiful rock garden. We'll depart from the temple at 11:45.

Next, we'll have lunch from 12:00 to 12:45.

In the afternoon, we'll be making a brief stop at Heian Jingu Shrine, which was constructed in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of the city of Kyoto.

After that, we'll head downtown and stop in Gion. Many people asked me about different traditional shopping areas, and this is a place we don't want to miss. You'll have about an hour to look around, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the atmosphere of the entire area—the shops, the homes, and the restaurants. We'll be leaving Gion at 2:30.

Finally, we'll visit Nijojo Castle, which was the residence of the first Tokugawa Shogun. You'll have about an hour to tour the .castle. and we'll meet at the bus at 4:00.


A.At 9:00.

B.At 9:15.

C.At 9:50.

D.At 9:30.



听力原文:M: Carol, did you take the car to the garage today?W: Yes, I did. Still at that g

听力原文:M: Carol, did you take the car to the garage today?

W: Yes, I did. Still at that garage that we used to get the car repaired.

M: What did the repairman say? (23)And every time I start it up, the engine runs for a minute or so, and then dies, so that it is very oil consuming.

W: The man said the plugs were bad. He checked it very carefully and said that the brakes should be fixed, too. I told him to go ahead.

M: How much is it going to cost all together?

W: That depends. And it may take a little long time to get the car back, (24) because so many cars are on the list of repair.

M: Well, I asked Ed to stop by in the morning. I'll ride to work with him. How are you going to work?

W: It does some inconvenience for me, but don't worry about that. You see, I can take the bus or cab.

M: I think I'd better start working some overtime. We need a new car.

W: Do you think so?

M: (25) Well, we have promised our son to drive to California next summer; I don't want something that's going to have trouble.

W: Maybe we should wait a couple of years and just go to New York next summer, or we could visit your mother in Chicago.

M: No, the kids really want to go and we've been planning it for so long.

W: Well, we may save the money to buy a new one.


A.It can not be stopped properly.

B.The brakes got loose.

C.It can not start up.

D.The engine tends to die.



听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel. (19) Are you going to the in-service gaining today?M: You bet.

听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel. (19) Are you going to the in-service gaining today?

M: You bet. I missed the training session last month, so I have to be sure to make this one. Aren't you excited about the program?

W: Not really. (19)(20) Before I became a nurse I drove an ambulance and had a lot of emergency medical training. Practicing basic first aid techniques is a kind of boring for me.

M: Well I can understand that. But you know, it's amazing how quickly you get out of practice. (21) As nurses in a hospital, we have all the fancy equipment for medical emergencies-and plenty of doctors around, so we hardly ever get a chance to practice basic techniques. They're really easy to forget. And you know that practice makes perfect.

W: I can see your point, and it never hurts to review what you're already supposed to know. By the way, who's teaching the class this time?

M: Dr. Huston. She's the new emergency room physician.

W: Well, she certainly ought to know what she's talking about. I've heard she's a really good surgeon.

M: That's right. I've been taking care of some of the patients she worked on, and they all think highly of her.

W: When are you going to head over to the classroom?

M: Immediately. I'm just on my way there. Do you want to walk over together?

W: That sounds good to me. Let's go and prepare for the training.


A.At a dentist office.

B.In a school.

C.In an ambulance.

D.At a hospital.



听力原文:What has happened to the youth of today? People Of the older generations ask this

听力原文: What has happened to the youth of today? People Of the older generations ask this question. Yet, for some time now a movement has been developing among our young people. It is called "Straight Edge" and its followers are attempting to overcome the poisons of life. The leader of this movement is Ian Mckays, a former Washing ton singer. He was the person who set the goal of this movement: no smoking, no drinking, no drugs. Since its birth in 1981, the movement has spread to Europe and is growing worldwide.

Lutz Dinslage, 19, has been one of the movement's followers for a year now. "My friends first introduced me to the movement, and I became interested in it. I began to realize that I no longer wanted to create false feelings of happiness by smoking, drinking or taking drugs. I did not want to just mess around. For this reason I changed my attitude and my habits and decided to live out the principles of this movement."

At present it is still not clear whether Straight Edge will continue to develop into a promising movement of the future. However, one thing is certain: we are dealing with a trend that is proving that a healthier life style. among the young people is possible.


A.To create feelings of happiness for the young by singing.

B.To promote a healthier life style. among young people.

C.To close the gap between the older generations and the young.

D.To change the attitude of the young towards work.



听力原文:W: Good morning, Prof. Harkins. I hope I am not disturbing you?M: Not at all, Mir

听力原文:W: Good morning, Prof. Harkins. I hope I am not disturbing you?

M: Not at all, Miranda. Come right in. I'm always in my office in the morning.

W: I need an extension for the paper.

M: Why?

W: It would be due on the last day of exam period, which is this Friday,that's two days away.

M: Don't you think you could have the paper finished then?

W: I haven't even started it yet and I want to change my topic. You see, I've been sick since last Saturday with my left ear. I just checked out of the hospital this morning.

M: So you were in hospital for four days.

W: Yes, from Saturday till today, Wednesday.

M: This paper is meant to substitute for a final exam. Generally, for an illness like this, we can postpone the exam by the number of days the student has been ill, in your case, by four days.

W: That means I'll be able to hand in my paper next Tuesday instead of Friday?

M: That's right, but first you have to fill out this form, giving the name of the course, your reasons for needing the extension and so on, then take the request to the hospital to have it signed by the doctor, then bring it back to me today, and I'll have a copy sent to the dean.

W: Thank you very much. I'll see you late this afternoon with the completed form.

M: I'm glad you are feeling better.

W: Thank you, Prof. Harkins.


A.To know what to write about the term paper.

B.To ask for an extension for the paper.

C.To ask for a sick leave.

D.To enquire where to get the reference materials.


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