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A: Could I see the manager now? B: I’m sorry you can’t. He has ________ to Hong Kong.




更多“A: Could I see the manager now? B: I’m sorry you can’t. He has ________ to Hong Kong.”相关的问题


听力原文:M: You didn't seem to be able to sit still for class.Are you expecting something?

听力原文:M: You didn't seem to be able to sit still for class. Are you expecting something?

W: Yes. I'm expecting a call to see if I was accepted for the position at Cole's. I could do with the cash.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She is eager to be accepted by the university.

B.She is waiting to see if she could get the job from Cole's.

C.She is expecting to see if Cole would lend her some cash.

D.She has no idea about whether she can afford the university tuition.



听力原文:M: I wish I could see George here.W: He was planning to come. But a moment ago, h

听力原文:M: I wish I could see George here.

W: He was planning to come. But a moment ago, his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.

Q: Who was ill?


A.George's brother.

B.George's wife.

C.George's father.

D.George's father-in-law.



听力原文:M: I really enjoyed that TV special about tigers last night. Did you get home in
time to see it?

F: Well, yes. But I wish I could've stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She fell asleep when watching the programme.

B.She didn't watch the programme at all.

C.She enjoyed the programme very much.

D.She didn't understand the theme of the programme.



听力原文:M: I wish I could see George here.W: He was planning to come, but a moment ago hi

听力原文:M: I wish I could see George here.

W: He was planning to come, but a moment ago his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.

Q: Who was ill?


A.For a basketball match.

B.For a table tennis match.

C.For a football match.

D.For a volleyball match.



听力原文:W: Good morning , I'm calling about the job that was in the paper last night. M:

听力原文:W: Good morning , I'm calling about the job that was in the paper last night.

M: Well, could you tell me your name?

W: Candidate Foreset.

M: Oh yes. What exactly is it that interests you about the job?

W: Well, I thought it was just right for me.

M: Really? Um... Could you tell me a little about yourself?

W: Yes. I'm 23. I've been working abroad.

M: Where exactly have you been working?

W: In Geneva.

M: Oh, Geneva. And what were you doing there?

W: Secretarial work. Previous to that, I was at university.

M: Which university was that?

W: The University of Manchester. I've got a degree in English.

M: You said you've been working in Geneva.Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?

W: I thought it would be nice to be nearer to the family.

M: I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job?

W: Well, I'm ambitious. I do hope that my career as a secretary will lead me eventually into management.

M: I see. You have foreign languages?

W: French and Italian.

M: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is to reply a writing to the advertisement.

W: Can't I arrange for an interview now?

M: Well, I'm afraid we must wait until all the applications are in, in writing, and then decide on the short list. If you are on the short list, of course we should see you.

W: Oh, I see.

M: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or two.

W: Oh, yes, yes, certainly. M: Ok, thank you very much. Goodbye.

W: Thank you. Goodbye.


23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?

24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?

25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?


A.She could improve her foreign languages.

B.She could work close to her family.

C.She could travel overseas frequently.

D.She could use her previous experiences.



听力原文:M: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?W: Well, I'm sure you

听力原文:M: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?

W: Well, I'm sure you won't have any trouble, Mr. Smith; but if something should happen, just call this number. They'll see that you will get help.

Q: What does the woman really mean?


A.She meant he just waited till help came.

B.She was afraid something would go wrong with her ear.

C.She promised to help him herself.

D.She meant she could make a phone call if anything went wrong.



听力原文:W: Did you see the doctor this morning, dear? What did he prescribe for you?M: We

听力原文:W: Did you see the doctor this morning, dear? What did he prescribe for you?

M: Well, he said there was no need to take any medicine if I kept healthy diet and regular exercises.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.Nothing could help the man if he did no exercises.

B.No medicine could solve the man's problem.

C.The man should eat more and do more exercises.

D.Right food and proper exercises are important for the man's health.



听力原文:M: Could you please tell me what Mr. Church said to you last time? You see I was

W: Well, he gave us a special assignment on the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.Parent and child.

B.Boss and employee.


D.Teacher and student.



听力原文:W: This is surely a masterpiece of American country music.M: I see eye to eye wit

听力原文:W: This is surely a masterpiece of American country music.

M: I see eye to eye with you. The melody has been running through my head the whole month.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The music is hard to forget.

B.The melody is not strong enough.

C.He could hardly understand the music.

D.He needs to have his eye checked.



听力原文:M: I could really use a small calculator like that one for my statistics homework

W: Why don't you go in and see what they cost here. It looks like they're having a sale.

Q: What does the woman think the man should do?


A.Check the price of calculators.

B.Finish his statistics homework.

C.Look for an accouting job.

D.Use a smaller calculator.



听力原文:W: I had such a bad start in the last race; it was hard to catch up. All I could
see was the backs of the others' heads.

M: We'll work on your start. The most important thing is concentration.

Q: What is the probable relationship between these two people?


A.Student and professor.

B.Athlete and coach.

C.Client and lawyer.

D.Patient and doctor.

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