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听力原文:W: John must be over 40 now.M: Yes, when Tom left New York ten years ago, John wa

听力原文:W: John must be over 40 now.

M: Yes, when Tom left New York ten years ago, John was already 35.

Q: How old is John now?






更多“听力原文:W: John must be over 40 now.M: Yes, when Tom left New York ten years ago, John wa”相关的问题


听力原文:W: John, do you want to go swimming with me today?M: Sure, but I can' t leave now

听力原文:W: John, do you want to go swimming with me today?

M: Sure, but I can' t leave now. I have an appointment with my professor at 3 o' clock.

Q: Why can' t John go swimming now?


A.He must meet his teacher.

B.He must attend a class.

C.He must go out with his girlfriend.

D.He must stay at school to finish his homework.



听力原文:W: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?M: No, it's not taken. Do you want to sit by the

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

M: No, it's not taken. Do you want to sit by the window?

W: Oh, no, thank you. I like the aisle seat better.

M: My name's John, John Smith. Please to meet you.

W: I'm Mary White. How do you do?

M: Do you live in New York?

W: No, no. I'm from Florida.

M: I'm too. But didn't you just get on?

W: No, no. I just changed my seat. A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really bothers me.

M: Do you have family in New York?

W: No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City. We like to go to the theatre together. How about you?

M: Yeah. A son and his wife and their three children-my grandchildren.

W: You must be excited.

M: I can't wait to see them.

W: Are you going to live with them?

M: Yes.

W: Permanently?

M: Well, they want me to, but it's too early to know for sure. Some people don't mind being alone. I do.

W: I understand. But tell me, why did you stop working?

M: I retired because... I wanted to be with my family. I didn't want to be alone anymore!


A.In a tube in New York.

B.On a train to New York.

C.In a car in Florida.

D.On a train to Florida.



听力原文:M: Why, Mary Smith. I haven't seen you for ages. How have you been?W: John, John

听力原文:M: Why, Mary Smith. I haven't seen you for ages. How have you been?

W: John, John Brown. It has been a long time, hasn't it? It must be at least a year.

M: No, we talked at the Johnson's Christmas party last December. Don't you remember?

W: That's right. Well, how are you? Still working for the Jones and French Company?

M: No, I changed jobs about 3 months ago. I'm with the National Bank now. How about you?

W: I'm still teaching at the university. But I switched from the German department to the Spanish department.

M: Don't tell me you speak Spanish, too.

W: Sure. I grew up in Spain, you know. German was what I studied in college, but my Spanish is much better.

M: All I've ever managed to learn is a little Italian. I can get a pizza in Rome, but not much more.

W: Well, how is your family? Are the children all in school now?

M: No, Billy is still at home. Tom is in the third grade and Jane's in the second. Billy could have gone to kindergarten, but we didn't want him to start school too early. So we're keeping him out until next year.

W: Our two children haven't started school yet either. But my daughter Sue will go in the fall, too. Oh, my bus band just came in. I want to go ask him something. I'll talk to you again later, John.

M: It was nice seeing you again, Mary.


A.The National Bank.

B.The Spanish department.

C.The Jones and French Company.

D.A company in Rome.



听力原文:M: Susan, could you do me a favor?W: What is it, John? You will ask for a leave f

听力原文:M: Susan, could you do me a favor?

W: What is it, John? You will ask for a leave from Professor Li's class again?

M: No, no. This is easy compared to that. My cousin is coming on Thursday. She has an interview at the college and I promised my aunt to look after her. (23) On Friday, I must be on duty at the library all day. And I am wondering if you can show her around during thaw day?

W: Ok, I am free on Friday. What kind of things does she like to do?

M: Actually she is still in high school. (24) So she probably enjoys anything on campus. You may show her around on our campus.

W: Well, that is an easy job, and is she interested in the painting exhibition?

M: (25) I think there are no other things than painting that can make my cousin happy_ You know, she wants to apply for the arts as her major in university.

W: That is so great. I may find a friend with the same hobby. And I know that an exhibition is being held on the arts department on campus.

M: Well, how about the time schedule? I'll plan on dropping her off at your place on the way to work, around eleven.

W: Sounds good. Meantime I'll keep Saturday open.

M: I hope this works out. I feel kind of responsible. And I want her to have a good time. Anyway I really appreciate your help.

W: No problem.


A.He will meet her cousin sister at the station.

B.He will ask for a leave from the class.

C.He will have an interview.

D.He will be on duty at the library.



听力原文:W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon?M: He's supposed to. But actually

听力原文:W: Will John be coming to class this afternoon?

M: He's supposed to. But actually he cannot come out from the hospital until next week as the doctor has said.

Q: Where is John now?


A.At class.

B.Back at home.

C.At work.

D.In hospital.



听力原文:W:Hello,boys.It's time for dinner.Where is Jim,John?M:We are playing hide-and-see

听力原文:W:Hello,boys.It's time for dinner.Where is Jim,John?

M:We are playing hide-and-seek,mom.But I can't find him.Would you help me,please?

Q:What will the woman probably do?


A.Play hide-and-seek with her sons.

B.Have dinner with her sons.

C.Cook dinner for her family.

D.Help John to find Jim.



听力原文:W: John thinks that you should not fix your car yourself.M: Why should he care? I

听力原文:W: John thinks that you should not fix your car yourself.

M: Why should he care? It's not his car.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.It does not concern John.

B.John does not care about his car.

C.John will help him fix the car.

D.tie wants John to fix the car.



听力原文:W: Could you show me how to use this, John?M: It is fully automatic. All you have

听力原文:W: Could you show me how to use this, John?

M: It is fully automatic. All you have to do is to focus on the scene and press the button here.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.How to use a camera.

B.How to use a washer.

C.How to use a keyboard.

D.How to use a tape recorder.



听力原文:W: John, I'm going to visit the book fair tomorrow.M: Oh, Kate. I wish I could go

听力原文:W: John, I'm going to visit the book fair tomorrow.

M: Oh, Kate. I wish I could go with you but you know...

What does John mean?

A.John may go with Kate.

B.Nobody can go with John.

C.Kate has to go by herself.



听力原文:W: John, are you doing research for Professor Williams this semester?M: Actually,

听力原文:W: John, are you doing research for Professor Williams this semester?

M: Actually, I'm working as his teaching assistant.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He needs another job as research assistant.

B.He asked Professor Williams for assistance.

C.He assists Professor Williams with his teaching.

D.He is doing research with Professor Williams.

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