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A.Add up the figures once more now.B.Put off the calculations until tomorrow.C.Take a

A.Add up the figures once more now.

B.Put off the calculations until tomorrow.

C.Take a rest first and finish the figures today.

D.Try calculating the figures for the last time.

更多“A.Add up the figures once more now.B.Put off the calculations until tomorrow.C.Take a”相关的问题


A.Because they expect too much from part-time jobs.B.Because they are too optimistic a

A.Because they expect too much from part-time jobs.

B.Because they are too optimistic about job markets.

C.Because they are lacking in experience.

D.Because the unemployment figures are up again.



Why is it difficult to say exactly how many miles of improved waterways are in operation?A

Why is it difficult to say exactly how many miles of improved waterways are in operation?

A.The most recent figures is for 1975 and the figure is declining.

B.Water transport's market there goes up and down frequently.

C.So few miles of inland waterways exist that no one has bothered to count them.

D.You must know whether to include coastwise and intercostals shipping in the figure.



听力原文: (32) Breakfast plays an important part in our dally life, and it supplies a cert

听力原文: (32) Breakfast plays an important part in our dally life, and it supplies a certain of the energy for us. If we had a good breakfast, we'll have a good day.

Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life's essentials. (33) Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have all been told is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food as first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure. So despite all the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983,the last year for which figures are available, the number of people who didn't have breakfast increased by 33 percent--from 8.8 million to 11.7 million--according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporations of America.

For those who feel the pain of guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. (35) Several studies in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. "Going without breakfast does not affect performance," said Arnold E Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, "nor does giving people breakfast improve performance."

(34) Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not adults.


A.A study of the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation.

B.One of the essentials for life.

C.Latest figures of people who don't eat breakfast.

D.Breakfast and human health.



听力原文: Breakfast plays an important part in our dally life, and it supplies a certain o
f the energy for us. If we had a good breakfast, we'll have a good day.

Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life's essentials. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have all been told is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food as first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure. So despite all the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983,the last year for which figures are available, the number of people who didn't have breakfast increased by 33 percent--from 8.8 million to 11.7 million--according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporations of America.

For those who feel the pain of guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. "Going without breakfast does not affect performance," said Arnold E Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, "nor does giving people breakfast improve performance."

Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not adults.


A.A study of the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation.

B.One of the essentials for life.

C.Latest figures of people who don't eat breakfast.

D.Breakfast and human health.



A Perfect MarketWhen the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online

A Perfect Market

When the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded. The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of Internet users. Now valuations are rising again and some of the dot-coms are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the Internet's potential. The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true.

The raw numbers tell only part of the story. According to America's Department of Commerce, online retail sales in the world's biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion. That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1.6% of total retail sales. The vast majority of people still buy most things in the traditional markets.

Tip of the iceberg

But the commerce department's figures deal with only part of the retail industry. For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce. Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies. And there is more. The commerce department's figures include the fees earned by Internet auction sites, but not the value of goods that are sold: an astonishing $24 billion-worth of trade was done last year on eBay, the biggest online auctioneer. Nor, by definition, do they include the billions of dollars-worth of goods bought and sold by businesses connecting to each other over the Internet. Some of these B2B (Business-to-Business) services are proprietary (专利的,专营的); for example, Wal-Mart tells its suppliers that they must use its own system if they want to be part of its annual turnover (营业额) of $$250 billion.

So e-commerce is already very big, and it is going to get much bigger. But the actual value of transactions currently concluded online is dwarfed by the extraordinary influence the Internet is exerting over purchases carried out in the offline world. That influence is becoming an integral part of e-commerce.

To start with, the Internet is profoundly changing consumer behavior. One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay. More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers. The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals. Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer's stock that they want to buy.

People seem to enjoy shopping on the Internet, if high customer-satisfaction scores are any guide. Websites are doing even more and cleverer things to serve and entertain their customers, and seem set to take a much bigger share of people's overall spending in the future.

Why websites matter

This has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a company's brand, products and services—even if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in Internet search results.

For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the Internet. The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon (辞典): People say they have "Googled" a company, a product or their plumber. The search business has a






听力原文:W: Hello, Gary. How' re you?M: Fine! And yourself?W: Can't complain. Did you have

听力原文:W: Hello, Gary. How' re you?

M: Fine! And yourself?

W: Can't complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?

M: No, not really. Can we go over it now?

W: Sure. I' ve been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive , we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should ' ye will that cost?

W: Sure. I' ye been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should' ye been installed long ago.

M: How much will that cost?

W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.

M: OK. We'll have to discuss these costs with finance.

W: We should also consider human resources. I've been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.

M: And what's the picture?

W: We'll probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.

M: What about advertising?

W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.

M: TV? Isn't that a bit too expensive for us? What's wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?

W: Quite frankly, it' s just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.

M: Will we be able to afford all this?

W: I'll look into it , but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.

M: We'll have to look at the figures more closely: Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.

W: All right. I'll see to it.


A.The benefits of strong business competition.

B.A proposal to lower the cost of production.

C.Complaints about the expense of modernization.

D.Suggestions concerning new business strategies.



听力原文:W: Hello, Gary. How're you?M: Fine! And yourself?W: Can't complain. Did you have

听力原文:W: Hello, Gary. How're you?

M: Fine! And yourself?

W: Can't complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?

M; No, not really, Can we go over it now?

W: Sure. I've been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should've been in- stalled long ago.

M: How much will that cost?

W: We have several options ranging from the hundred dollars all the way up to half-mil lion.

M: Ok. We'll have to discuss these costs with finance.

W: We should also consider human resources. I've been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.

M: And what's the picture?

W: We'll probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.

M: What about advertising?

W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.

M: TV? Isn't that a bit too expensive for us? What's wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?

W: Quite frankly, it's just not enough any more. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.

M: We'll be able to afford all this?

W: I'll look into it, but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.

M: We'll have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.

W: All right. I'll see to it,


A.The benefits of strong business competition.

B.A proposal to lower the cost of production.

C.Complaints about the expense of modernization.

D.Suggestions concerning new business strategies.



The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people invo
lved in prominent cases【C1】______the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant【C2】______of legal controls over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a【C3】______bill that will propose making payments to witnesses【C4】______and will strictly control the a mount of【C5】______that can be given to a case【C6】______a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he

【C7】______with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not【C8】______sufficient control.【C9】______of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a【C10】______of media protest when he said the【C11】______of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges【C12】______to Parliament.

The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which【C13】______the European Convention on Human Rights legally【C14】______in Britain, laid down that everybody was【C15】______to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.

“Press freedoms will be in safe hands【C16】______our British judges,” he said. Witness payments became an【C17】______after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995.Up to 19 witnesses were【C18】______to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised【C19】______witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to【C20】______guilty verdicts.


A.as to

B.for instance

C.in particular

D.such as



According to the author, words __________A.add shades of color to our social life

According to the author, words __________

A.add shades of color to our social life

B.are also a kind of assets to people

C.cannot be owned by speakers if not used

D.also compete with each other for survival



A.Add extra oil to their bicycle parts.B.Wear special cycling glasses.C

A.Add extra oil to their bicycle parts.

B.Wear special cycling glasses.

C.Take public transportation.

D.Drive a car to their destinations.

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