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听力原文:W: Friday's speaker is supposed to be wonderful. Are you going to attend the semi

nar on that day?

M: Yes. But I haven't been able to get the ticket yet. Since the lecture is open to the public, I imagine that the tickets may have already been sold out.

Q: What is the man worried about?


A.There won't be enough seats for everybody.

B.The speaker won't show up.

C.The seminar won't be open to the public.

D.The tickets may have been sold out.

更多“听力原文:W: Friday's speaker is supposed to be wonderful. Are you going to attend the semi”相关的问题


听力原文:W: I just saw an advertisement in the newspaper that said some books were on sale
on our campus this Friday afternoon.

M: Great. That's just what I've been expecting!

Q: What will the man probably do?


A.Lend his book on the campus.

B.Buy a new book.

C.Read the newspaper.

D.Write an advertisement in the newspaper.



听力原文:M: See that man over there facing the window? He comes in every Friday night and
he just sits there for hours.

W: It's, odd, but there isn't much we can do as long as he orders something.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.They should wait patiently.

B.They should ask that man to leave.

C.They should serve that man immediately.

D.That man is old enough to order things he likes.



听力原文:M: Is Dr. Smith in? My friend has a terrible stomachache. He's dying of pain. Cou
ld you please squeeze him in today?

W: Well, Dr. Smith is pretty booked up. There may be an opening on Friday afternoon.

Q: Who is the woman?


A.Dr. Smith.

B.Dr. Smith's wife.

C.A patient.

D.A receptionist.



听力原文:W: Professor. I know your course has a no-absence policy But I have to have foot
surgery next Friday and can't be here.

M: Medical excuses are one of the few exceptions I make.

Q: What will the professor probably do?


A.Reconsider his position later.

B.Allow the student to miss class.

C.Lower the student's grade.

D.Suggest that the student try to reschedule the operation.



听力原文:M: How was your weekend?W: It was awful.M: Awful? Really? But I thought you plane

听力原文:M: How was your weekend?

W: It was awful.

M: Awful? Really? But I thought you planed to be going on a trip. Did you cancel it?

W: No. Unfortunately. I would have been better off if we had canceled it.

M: What do you mean?

W: Well, five of us were supposed to go to Chicago in Lisa's car...

M: Yeah?

W: And we were going to stay at Sue's parents' house, which is in Chicago...

M: Right?

W: So it's about a four-hour trip, and we were going to get there on Friday evening, and spend Saturday sight-seeing, and come back last night so we could go to classes this morning.

M: OK. That sounds like a good plan. So what went wrong?

W: What didn't go wrong? First of all, we were all crammed into Lisa's tiny car with all our bags.

M: Sounds pretty uncomfortable.

W: Hold on. I'm just getting started. Remember how hot it was this weekend?

M: Yeah, it was so bad I had to get out of the library. I ended up going to the beach both days.

W: Well, we were stuck in Lisa's car Friday afternoon and the air conditioing wasn't working.

M: Why didn't you open the windows?

W: We did, but the breezes blowing in were also hot.

M: I think you were glad to get to Chicago.

W: That's the worst part. We never made it. The car broke down and we were waiting for the car to be repaired the whole of Saturday in some small town near the Indiana border.

M: Couldn't Sue's parents come to pick you up?

W: They were out of town.


A.To see some relatives.

B.To buy some toys.

C.To sightsee.

D.To go to the seashore.



听力原文:W: Good morning, this is Dr. Allen's office.M: Good morning, I'd like to make an

听力原文:W: Good morning, this is Dr. Allen's office.

M: Good morning, I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Allen to have my teeth cleaned and checked. I'd like to have it done this week if possible.

W: I'll see whether the doctor has time to see you this week. Have you seen Dr. Allen before?

M: No, I've just moved to town and Dr. Allen was recommended by a friend of mine. My name is Edward Johnson.

W: The doctor has no free time this week, Mr. Johnson. If you are having trouble with your teeth, I'll try to work you in, otherwise I can give you an appointment on Friday, the 22nd. Will that be all right?

M: I'm sorry, I'1l be working on the 22nd. I'm not having any trouble with my teeth, but 1 hoped to have the appointment this week because I won't start work at my new job until next Monday.

W: How about Saturday, the 23rd, at 10' AM?

M: That will be fine. Thank you.

W: We'll see you on the 23rd then, Mr. Johnson, Goodbye.

M: Good bye.


A.He has a bad tooth.

B.He's leaving next week.

C.He will be busy next week.

D.He needs to find a job.



听力原文:M: Hey, Allen, how are you?W: I'm fine Bob. Aren't you glad the semester is over?

听力原文:M: Hey, Allen, how are you?

W: I'm fine Bob. Aren't you glad the semester is over?

M: Yes, are you going to go to the rock concert Friday night?

W: I haven't thought much about it, and you?

M: Sure, would you like to go with me?

W: Sounds like fun!

M: You have to buy your own ticket, though.

W: Are you broke again? Let me treat you.

M: Wow, where did you come into so rich cash?

W: You know I am a waitress at the student center. Anyway, now that annual exams are almost over, I'd like a night out.

M: Since you've been worried about buying the tickets, why don't you take us out to dinner?

W: You've got a deal. Let's buy the tickets now.


A.in the middle of the semester

B.at the beginning of exams

C.at the end of the school year

D.in the middle of summer vacation



听力原文:M: Miss Linda Brown, fight?W: Yes, that's fight.M: Please take a seat.W: Thank yo

听力原文:M: Miss Linda Brown, fight?

W: Yes, that's fight.

M: Please take a seat.

W: Thank you.

M: So you're interested in a job as a waitress.

W: That's fight. I saw your sign in the window asking for a part-time waitress.

M: Mm, have you worked as a waitress before?

W: Yes. I've worked as a waitress for three years at several different restaurants.

M: I see. Are you working now?

W: Yes, at the King Hotel dining room on Park Avenue.

M: They have a very nice dining room there. Why do you want to leave?

w: Because I can't work full time at the moment, I'M Taking some courses at university and need more time to study.

M: I see. What days are you available?

W: I'm free all day Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

M: That suits us very well actually. We're looking for someone who can help us late in the week when we get very busy.

W: That's fine with me.

M: When can

W: Is the first of next month ail fight with you?

M: That's fine. The first of May. Yes, that's good. By the way, you'll get $1.80 an hour ,with tips, of

W: Good. Thank you very much.


A.Because she wanted a job as a waitress.

B.Because King Hotel dining room was closing down.

C.Because she wanted more time m study.

D.Because her pay was too low.

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