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听力原文:The existence of black hole had long been predicted by theory but never confirmed

听力原文: The existence of black hole had long been predicted by theory but never confirmed.

A black hole is an extremely mysterious object. It has a gravity which is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. It can change space and time in basic ways.

A powerful X-ray stream drew the attention of scientists to the event. It is located near the center of a galaxy which is about 700 million light-years from Earth. According to the international team of scientists, gases from the star have been heated to a temperature of multimillion-degree when they were drawn toward the black hole. Thus a strong wind is produced.

Scientists said a star about the size of our sun was coming close to the black hole. The big gravity of the black hole pulled the star to the point of breaking. It is estimated to have a gravity 100 million times that of our sun.

The effect is similar to the dragging force the moon has on the Earth's oceans, but is much more violent. The black hole has observed to have eaten up about 1 percent of the star. It seems that this unlucky star has just entered the wrong neighborhood.

Scientists have seen other similar X-ray streams before, but never were able to locate them at the center of a galaxy, where black holes may exist. The new observations also found that a black hole is always surrounded by X-rays.


A.It has an intense gravity.

B.It can change space and time in basic ways.

C.Nothing can escape from it.

D.It has been predicted by theory but never confirmed.

更多“听力原文:The existence of black hole had long been predicted by theory but never confirmed”相关的问题


听力原文:Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditio

听力原文: Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lost touch with the land and rhythm of nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park(if you have the time to visit it) may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium. Tall buildings blot out the sun. The traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.

Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.


A.The people are not in regular communication with the rhythm of nature.

B.The people can't enjoy sunshine and fresh air.

C.Modern cities offer better schools, more chances of employment.

D.Traffic fumes pollute the air.



听力原文:W: It's almost 11 o'clock; why not leave that math work till tomorrow ?M: Good id

听力原文:W: It's almost 11 o'clock; why not leave that math work till tomorrow ?

M: Good idea, I am beat.

Q: What is the man's attitude towards this work?








听力原文:M: Does your work begin at 8 o' clock every morning?W: No, I start at 8: 30 today

听力原文:M: Does your work begin at 8 o' clock every morning?

W: No, I start at 8: 30 today and 9 o' clock tomorrow.

Q: What time does the woman start work today?


A.9 o'clock.


C.8 o'clock.

D.10 o'clock.



听力原文:W: What's this I hear about your appearing on the six o'clock news?M: Oh that. So

听力原文:W: What's this I hear about your appearing on the six o'clock news?

M: Oh that. Some people were filming something on campus and I just happened to pass in front of the camera.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He was taking pictures of the campus.

B.His photographs were on the evening news.

C.He went to see a film on campus.

D.His television appearance was unintentional.



听力原文:M: Lucy, could you describe what you were doing at the moment?W: Well, I was stil

听力原文:M: Lucy, could you describe what you were doing at the moment?

W: Well, I was still sleeping at 6 o'clock. Then there was this horrible sound and the floor was just bouncing and rolling like waves, all at the same time.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.A snowstorm.

B.An earthquake.

C.A traffic accident.

D.A hurricane.



听力原文:W: I hate the way the trains run in this city. I've been waiting here for almost
half an hour.

M: It's almost eight o'clock, so we should be on our way soon.

Q: When did the woman begin waiting for the train?


A.Seven o' clock.

B.Seven thirty.

C.Eight o' clock.

D.Eight thirty.



听力原文:W: Can you have my car ready at five o'clock, please?M: Sure. The damage is minor

听力原文:W: Can you have my car ready at five o'clock, please?

M: Sure. The damage is minor.

Q: Where did this conversation probably take place?


A.At a mine.

B.In a new car showroom.

C.In a parking lot.

D.At a car repair shop.



听力原文:Movies are the most popular form. of entertainment for millions of Americans. The

听力原文: Movies are the most popular form. of entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own. They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they've heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape. Sitting in a dark theatre, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that is very real to them. They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours, they forget all about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to he more romantic and beautiful than in real life. The biggest "dream factories" are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood studios make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world.

American movies are popular because they tell interesting stories and they are well-made. They provide the public with heroes who do things the average person would like to do but often can't. People have to cope with many problems and frustrations in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the "good guys" win in the movies.


A.To enjoy a good story.

B.To see the actors and actresses.

C.To experience an exciting life.

D.To escape their everyday life.



听力原文:M: The guests are leaving for New York today on the ten o'clock flight. We need s
omeone to get them to the airport on time.

W: Ordinarily, I'd be happy to, but my car is in the garage.

Q: How are the guests leaving?


A.By bus.

B.By plane.

C.By ear.

D.By train.

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