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It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding enviro

It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental.



更多“It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding enviro”相关的问题


Women's social position in Japan today is ______.A.very lowB.comparatively highC.high enou

Women's social position in Japan today is ______.

A.very low

B.comparatively high

C.high enough

D.as high as that of Japanese men



A.The classrooms are too small.B.The size of the class is too big.C.There are not enou

A.The classrooms are too small.

B.The size of the class is too big.

C.There are not enough teachers.

D.The facilities are too old.



听力原文:Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditio

听力原文: Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lost touch with the land and rhythm of nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park(if you have the time to visit it) may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium. Tall buildings blot out the sun. The traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.

Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.


A.The people are not in regular communication with the rhythm of nature.

B.The people can't enjoy sunshine and fresh air.

C.Modern cities offer better schools, more chances of employment.

D.Traffic fumes pollute the air.



When she was over fifty, the late nineteenth century mother ______.A.would be healthy enou

When she was over fifty, the late nineteenth century mother ______.

A.would be healthy enough to take up paid employment

B.was usually expected to die fairly soon

C.would expect to work until she died

D.was unlikely to find a job even if she wanted one



Humanity's primal (原始的) efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number

Humanity's primal (原始的) efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually regarded as the earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process developed so long【C1】______ the time of recorded history (there is archaeological【C2】______ that counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the【C3】______ of this development is largely conjectural (好推测的). Imaging how it probably came【C4】______ is not difficult. The argument that humans, 【C5】______ in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least【C6】______ the extent of recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were【C7】______ to or taken away from a small group, seems fair, for studies have shown that some animal possesses such a【C8】______ .

With the【C9】______ evolution of society, simple counting became necessary. A tribe had to know how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know【C10】______ the flock of sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally (计算, 记录) method,【C11】______ the principle of one-to-one corre-spondence. In【C12】______ a count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be【C13】______ . Counts could also be【C14】______ by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying knots in a string.【C15】______ , perhaps later, an assortment of vocal【C16】______ was developed as a word tally against the number of objects in, a small group. And【C17】______ later, with the development of writing, a set of【C18】______ was invented to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is【C19】______ by reports of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are【C20】______ to be similar to those of early humans.








听录音,回答以下问题: Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtim
e story to their children. And they must have__26__ how difficult it is to find a good childrens book. Either the author has aimed too high, so that the children cant__27__ what is in his or more often, her story, or the story seems to be talking to the readers. The best, childrens books are neither very diffictflt nor very simple, and__28__both the child who hears the story and the adult who reads it.__29__, there are in fact few books like this, so the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not easy to __30__ This may be why many of books regarded as__31__of childrens literature were in fact written for the grown. Alices Ad Venture in Wonderland is perhaps the most obvious of this. Children, left for themselves, often show the worst possible__32__ literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a library and he will more willingly choose the books written in an__33__way, or have a look at most childrens comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the objections of teachers and right- thinking parents. Perhaps we parents should stop trying to__34__accepting our taste in literature. After all children and adults are so different that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose well just have to__35__that bedtime story. 26.________



A.He wonders if he'll have enough time to do the job.B.He is afraid he won't know enou

A.He wonders if he'll have enough time to do the job.

B.He is afraid he won't know enough to do the job well.

C.He fears that the job may be too boring.

D.He thinks Professor Jamison has someone else in mind.



听力原文:W: Now Mr. Gates, lets continue our talk about your proposal about the waste recy
cling project.

M: Well, (23) it's a rather simple project at the beginning. It would consist of only one production line, but we could expand it afterwards.

W: How much is the financial investment?

M: Including loans? I would say in the area of two million US dollars.

W: I see.

M: How much would you like to invest in this project?

W: (24) As a general practice we lay out 51 percent of the overall investment. This includes, of course, capital, factory, buildings and equipments, things like that.

M: That seems reasonable. Now let's come to the time frame. How long does the venture run?

W: How long would you want?

M: As it's a small venture, I would suggest 5 years to start with.

W: The contract is renewable and can be extended if both sides agreed.

M: How long do the board members serve?

W: I would say Five years.

M: (25) The chairman would be the legal representative.

W: Yes. A management office would be brought forth and would be responsible for the day to day running of the joint venture. So far as the management is concerned, you might appoint the manager and the chief engineer of the project. And we might appoint their deputies.

M: Ok, sounds good.


A.The production cost.

B.The financial outlay.

C.The bank loans.

D.The production line.



Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Conventional wisdom about conflict
seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict breeds apathy (冷漠) and stagnation (呆滞). Too much conflict leads to divisiveness (分裂) and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way.

Recent research by Professor Charles R. Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple generalizations. He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives. Some of the executives worked for profit-seeking organizations and others for not-for-profit organizations.

Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the type of organization. Specifically, managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.

Managers of for-profit organizations saw a different picture. They believed that conflict generally was damaging and usually led to poor-quality decision making in their organizations. Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives. In the profit-seeking organizations, decision-making effectiveness was most often assessed in financial terms. The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.

In the not-for-profit organizations, decision-making effectiveness was defined from the perspective of satisfying constituents. Given the complexities and ambiguities associated with satisfying many diverse constituents executives perceived that conflict led to more considered and acceptable decisions.

第31题:In the eyes of the author, conventional opinion on conflict is ________.

A) wrong

B) oversimplified

C) misleading

D) unclear



Rugby has the reputation of being the roughest sports in the world. Outside the British Is
les, rugby is little known and, in fact, is often confused with soccer. But in England, as old sports saying serves to point out the differences between the two games: soccer is supposedly a gentlemen's game played by ruffians, whereas rugby is a ruffian's game played by gentlemen.

The game begins with a kick-off from one end of a 100-yard field. The receiving ruggers, as a rugby team is called, attempt to move the ball down the field, the opposing team attempts to stop the man with the ball.

The rules are quite simple. You cannot tackle anyone but the man who is carrying the ball, and once the ball carrier is tackled, he must give up the ball. Obviously, a good strategy for moving the ball. downfield is to carry it as far as possible, then pass the ball before being tackled.

If the ball carder can travel the length of the field, his team is awarded four points, and another two points are won by kicking the ball over the goalpost after the score. Penalties are equally simple, tackling a player who is not carrying the ball carries a ten-yard penalty. Much of rugby's reputation for roughness stems from the fact that the players wear no pads. To Americans accustomed to seeing professional foot-ball players in suits and helmets like armor, a rugby player's uniform. seems suicidally simple. Most ruggers wear a very thick jersey, heavy gymnasium shorts, heavy socks, rugby shoes, and a mouthpiece. Ruggers use other equipment or pads only when an injury requires protection. But even with this minimal equipment, the game is apparently not as brutal as it might seem. The players are quite satisfied with the lack of padding and helmets and actually think the game might be too rough if players used more equipment. "Human nature is not to hit as hard if no one is wearing pads," one rugger explains. Rugby games are played in two halves, each lasting forty minutes. Teams always meet to play two games consecutively, back-to-back. Again, playing a demanding physical sport like rugby for more than 160 minutes seems like an impossible task, but the ruggers love this idea. "It gives everyone on the team a chance to get into the game," they say. Rugby is slowly catching on in America. The sport is gaining an enthusiastic following among college teams and in independent ruggy "unions" organized on the British model. It has all the appeal of football, but it is simpler and requires much less costly equipment. Rugby is ready to be rediscovered.

The main purpose of this passage is to ______.

A.compare English and American sports

B.compare rugby to football

C.discuss the brutality of rugby

D.provide a brief introduction to rugby



听力原文:W: I know your company was one of the biggest American corporations to take the i
dea of customer services seriously...

M: Yes, urn, I think you can say we were among the pioneers.

W: So, with the experience of many years of trying to get it right, what would you define as the most important elements in providing successful customer services?

M: Mm... well, that's quite a difficult question, because so many factors are absolutely vital if you want to succeed, and success with the customer services, I might add, means doing everything you possibly can to please and keep customers.

W: Does that include the old idea that, for a company, the customer is always right?

M: Not exactly. The slogan that the customer is always right is rather simple, and unrealistic. I would say that, instead, the most important aim of a customer services unit is to encourage communication with customers, to actively seek feedback, including complaints, and to acknowledge all comments, good and bad, from customers because people like to be treated with respect.

W: Then what do you think are the most important factors for a company's success?

M: It seems to me that a company's success, in terms of good reputation and high profits, depends more on the relationship the company establishes with the customers. That relationship involves the company in consistently providing high-quality products and top-quality services.

W: So what you're saying is, in fact, very simply--basically, keeping customers happy depends on providing quality and encouraging communication.

M: Yes, but the essential factor is communication. A successful customer dervices unit is one that acts as a link between the company and the customer to ensure that the company can respond to the needs of the customer. After all, a company's success can only come from a satisfied customer.


A.Providing high-quality products for customers.

B.Providing good services for customers.

C.Doing everything you can to please and keep customers.

D.Establishing dialogues with the customers.

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