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听力原文:The slow stretches and meditations of yoga don't bum calories like a nm on the fi

听力原文: The slow stretches and meditations of yoga don't bum calories like a nm on the field. But a new study suggests it might help people keep weight off in middle age.

Researchers found that overweight people in their 50s who regularly practiced yoga lost about five pounds over 10 years, while a group in the same age range gained about 13.5 pounds over the same period.

The link between yoga and weight loss has nothing to do with burning calories. Except for very vigorous yoga practices, you don't really burn enough energy to make any difference in terms of weight. Instead, yoga helps keep people more in tune with their bodies and eating habits and aware of bad habits, such as eating because of stress, boredom or depression.

The researchers collected data from 15,500 people between the ages of 53 and 57 who were asked about exercise, weight, health and diet histories. The findings showed that those who practiced yoga tended to avoid junk food and overeating because they wanted to respect their bodies.

Some yoga trainers said it's difficult to eat heavily and do yoga. Doing certain movements does not work with a slice of pizza.

Scientists called the research encouraging, but said it's difficult to prove a direct influence from a single study.

Most yoga fans say weight loss is just an added bonus from the disciplined form. of meditation,controlled breathing and prescribed postures.


A.It can help people to adjust their breathing.

B.It may help middle-aged people to lose weight.

C.It can burn calories like running on the field.

D.It may replace the role of doctors.

更多“听力原文:The slow stretches and meditations of yoga don't bum calories like a nm on the fi”相关的问题


听力原文:W:The service is really slow here.I've been trying to get the waiter's attention
for the last ten minutes.

M:I hope he waits on us soon.I have a class at 2:00 P.m..

Q:Which meal of the day are the two speakers going have?



B.Afternoon tea.





听力原文:M: Why not ask Tim to go skating with us in the mountain?W: He'd be the last pers

听力原文:M: Why not ask Tim to go skating with us in the mountain?

W: He'd be the last person to do such a thing.

Q: What can we know about Tim?


A.He was very slow in doing things.

B.He was the right person to do such a thing.

C.He is expected to do such a thing.

D.He would never do such a thing.



听力原文:W: Rob, how is your driving class? You are learning to drive well, aren't you?M:

听力原文:W: Rob, how is your driving class? You are learning to drive well, aren't you?

M: Slowly but surely.

Q: What does Rob mean?


A.He can drive slowly now.

B.He is sure that he is a good driver.

C.He thinks the class too slow for him.

D.He is making steady progress.



听力原文:M: This is a one-way street. Didn't you see the sign?W: Sorry. I didn't.Q: What d

听力原文:M: This is a one-way street. Didn't you see the sign?

W: Sorry. I didn't.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman is driving too fast.

B.The woman is driving at a slow speed.

C.The woman has broken a traffic rule.

D.The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.



听力原文:W: Listen.I need your advice.I have to work with Mr.Addison for a few weeks.He ha
s a bad reputation,hasn't he?Can you please tell me how you feel like about him?

M: He seems unfriendly at first but honestly his heart's in the right place.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Mr. Addison is a good person.

B.Mr. Addison is a workaholic.

C.Mr. Addison is a hypocrite.

D.Mr. Addison is a slow coach.



听力原文:W: I heard your new car came in to the dealer today. When will you get to drive i

M: Oh, it came in two days ago, but I'm beginning to wonder when I'll get to ride in it myself. The dealer is taking his time getting it ready.

Q: How does the man feel about the dealer?


A.He feels hurried to deliver the car.

B.He's too slow in getting the car ready.

C.He should have delivered the car two days ago.

D.He is having a trial driving himself.



听力原文:Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few

听力原文: Yoga becomes very popular nowadays, but it is important that we understand a few facts about it. First of all, it is not a religion. Yoga is a way of life and can serve only to improve your present way of life. Yoga is an exact science and a delicate art. Secondly, be as mechanical as possible. Never strain or pull too much. Forcing will cause your Body to resist and will actually slow down or even prevent your progress. Go gently. Stretch up to the point where it would start to hurt, then stop immediately. The key is the proper breathing through the nostrils with the mouth shut. Usually it is best to practise alone in a room with fresh air, wearing little or no clothing. Never practise on a full stomach because an empty stomach permits greater flexibility. Exercise will benefit your general health. Yoga cannot add or reduce pounds from your figure; only eating less or more food can do that. Always remember that diet affects weight, while exercise affects shape. Neither can do the job of the other.


A.A delicate art.

B.A religion.

C.An exact science.

D.A way of life



听力原文:The crowd cheered and cheered. The man with the horn waved and smiled his great,

听力原文: The crowd cheered and cheered. The man with the horn waved and smiled his great, happy smile. "More! More!" cried the crowd. And Louis Satchmo Armstrong took his horn and began to play again. Here he was in England. Now as a famous man, he was rich. He knew many important people. Wherever he went, people knew his name. They wanted to hear his music. As Louis played the sad, slow songs, he thought of his home in New Orleans. He lived there as a boy. How many years ago was it? It was a busy, exciting city. But Louis' family was very poor. He went to work to help his mother. He also went to school. One of Louis' teachers asked him to be in the school band. "This horn is yours until you leave our school," his teacher said. Louis' music was jazz and he loved it. He remembered all the music he heard. He didn't learn to read music until he was a man. When he left school, he played in many bands. He loved his work and people loved him. They knew that he had a wonderful talent. Louis played in little towns and in big cities. Satchmo's horn had as many sounds as ten horns--sometimes slow and sweet; sometimes fast and hot, high and low. His music was always strong and exciting.


A.A famous family.

B.A rich family.

C.A poor family.

D.A common family.



听力原文:Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons

听力原文: Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world's greatest thinkers and scientists named Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Dr Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most of us do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. Other famous people who suffered from dyslexia include Leonardo Da Vinci, a celebrated Roman artist, Thomas Edison, a well-Known American inventor and a former American Vice president, Nelson Rockfeller.

Dyslexia was first recognized in Europe and then in the United States over 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that people with this disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of dyslexia persons are rather different. In brains of most people, the left side, the part that controls language, is larger than the fight side. In the people with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is much bigger. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in men than in women, and it is also found more often in people who are left-handed.


A.The left-handed women.

B.The left-handed men.

C.Excellent female scientists or artists.

D.Some celebrated female presidents.



听力原文:Recently a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to beat the world basketball t

听力原文: Recently a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to beat the world basketball time record. They are to play for 90 hours and add 6 hours to the record. Now could 18 boys play for almost 4 days without stopping? The boys decided that each person would play for two and a half hours and then rest for two hours. They had to be able to sleep near the basketball hall, and they needed hot food and drink, day and night. Finally they started at 6 o' clock one evening.

The first night was very hard for the players. When it was their turn to rest, they were too excited to fall asleep at once. After sleeping for a short time, they had to play again. The nights were very long, when nobody was watching. The days were better, because plenty of people cheered the players' efforts. On the second night they fell asleep as soon as they stopped. Some of them had trouble with their hands and feet, but the only serious problem was a mental one. Each boy was thinking: What am I doing hero? How can I play any longer? After the third night the players knew they could finish the 90 hours. On the fourth night the play was very slow, but in the final hours it got better. For the last few minutes the players looked as fresh as when they started, they were tired, but very happy.


A.90 hours.

B.86 hours.

C.84 hours.

D.96 hours.

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