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A.Many people in New York suffered from typhoid in the 1910s.B.Mary Mallon changed her

A.Many people in New York suffered from typhoid in the 1910s.

B.Mary Mallon changed her name to avoid spreading typhoid.

C.Mary carried the disease but she herself was in good health.

D.Mary was afraid of being jobless.

更多“A.Many people in New York suffered from typhoid in the 1910s.B.Mary Mallon changed her”相关的问题


A.Many people have quit their old houses to build new ones.B.Many older people sell th

A.Many people have quit their old houses to build new ones.

B.Many older people sell their houses after their children leave.

C.Many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited.

D.Many young people have moved into comfortable apartments.



A.Many of them work full-time.B.They usually arrive on file weekend.C.They have volunt

A.Many of them work full-time.

B.They usually arrive on file weekend.

C.They have volunteered for the orientation.

D.They will need new textbooks.



Change blindness refers to the phenomenon that ______.A.many people fail to notice the big

Change blindness refers to the phenomenon that ______.

A.many people fail to notice the big change around them

B.people tend to ignore the small changes in the surroundings

C.people's choices can be easily interrupted by a big change

D.quite a few people do not have a good sense of directions



A.Many species have developed a habit of migration.B.Many species have become less sen

A.Many species have developed a habit of migration.

B.Many species have become less sensitive to climate.

C.Many new species have come into existence.

D.Many species have moved further north.



Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that_________ A.many drivers were not of

Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that_________

A.many drivers were not of legal age

B.young drivers were often bad drivers

C.the legal drinking age should be raised

D.the level of drinking increased in the 1960s



A.Many post office staff will lose their jobs.B.Many people will begin to complain.C.Tax

A.Many post office staff will lose their jobs.

B.Many people will begin to complain.

C.Taxpayers will be very pleased.

D.A lot of controversy will arise.



Mark May's words seem to suggest that ______.A.many executives were arrested in the late 9

Mark May's words seem to suggest that ______.

A.many executives were arrested in the late 90s

B.many executives are not visionary enough for their companies

C.many executives' strategies are ahead of their company's needs

D.companies need to hire people who are more visionary



Which factor pushed up house prices?A.Many young men, who live alone, have increased deman

Which factor pushed up house prices?

A.Many young men, who live alone, have increased demand for houses.

B.Many young men need to rent more houses.

C.It is easy to apply for a mortgage for young generation.

D.The number of older people, many of whom live alone, becomes bigger and bigger.



听力原文: Sex education is a serious scientific subject, which is as important as the o
ther sciences and arts subjects, even if it is not included in the exams, especially the college entrance examination. It shouldnt be overlooked or banned in school curriculums. Instead of being regarded as a sinful subject, it should be treated with the right attitude. In China, for thousands of years, people have felt shy and embarrassed when talking about sex, which becomes a mysterious thing in peoples view. Affected by this cultural tradition and social customs, people hold a negative attitude towards it. That is why sex education is never allowed to enter schools in an open and broad manner. As a result, few people have a correct and scientific knowledge about sex. Many teenagers know very little about sex. Driven by the forces of instinct or curiosity, they commit many crimes because of ignorance, e.g. illegal teen pregnancy, taking drugs, contracting sexual diseases. They become the innocent victims due to lack of sex education. Cant this be said to be the tragedy of our education and nation? Sex education is not new in the schools of Western countries, beginning as early as kindergarten and continuing into high school. Comprehensive sex education programmes generally cover the biology of reproduction, the psychology of relationships, and the sociology of the family. These courses leading to straight talk about a variety of subject have neither produced many negative impacts on the mental, physical and psychological development of the teenagers, nor resulted in many social troubles. It is clear that the teachers and parents cant perpetuate myths that could prevent childrens healthy sexual development. Under the proper guidance of the teachers and experts, students will grow into healthy-minded citisens and decrease the chances to see psychological doctors. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. Why do Chinese people hold a negative attitude towards sex education? 24. What can we infer from the passage? 25. What is the main topic of the passage?23.

A.Many people will still regard sex education as embarrassing.

B.Proper sex education is mentally helpful for teenagers" growth.

C.Teenagers" chances to see psychological doctors have increased.

D.Without the proper guidance of the teachers, no teenagers will grow healthily.



Change blindness refers to the phenomenon that______.A.many people fail to notice the big

Change blindness refers to the phenomenon that______.

A.many people fail to notice the big change around them

B.people tend to ignore the small changes in the surroundings

C.people's choices can be easily interrupted by a big change

D.quite a few people do not have a good sense of directions

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