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all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the Unit

更多“all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the Unit”相关的问题


According to the passage, all the factors including our blood relationship, genes and peer
s decide what shapes US.






Questions 下列各are based on the following passage. Cell phones provide instant access t
o people. They are creating a major 36______ in the socialexperiences of both children and adolescents. In one recent U.S. survey, about haft the teens polled saidthat their cell phone had 37______ their commtmication with friends. Almost all said that their cell phone was the way they stayed in touch with peers, one-third had used the cell phone to help a peer in need, andabout 80% said the phone made them feel safer. Teenagers in Australia,38______, said that their mobilephones provided numerous benefits and were an 39______part of their lives; some were so 40______to theirphones that the researchers considered it an addiction. In Japan, too, researchers are concerned aboutcell phone addiction. Researchers in one study in Tokyo found that more than half of junior high schoolstudents used their phones to exchange e-mails with schoolmates more than 10 times a day. Cell phones 41______social connections with peers across time and space. They allow young people toexchange moment-by-moment experiences in their daily lives with special partners and thus to have a more42______sense of connection with friends. Cell phones also can 43______social tolerance because they reducechildrens interactions with others who are different from them. In addition to connecting peers, cellphones connect children and parents. Researchers studying teenagers in Israel concluded that, in that44______environment, mobile phones were regarded as "security objects" in parent-teen relationships--important because they provided the possibility of 45______and communication at all times. A.affiliated B.attached C.contact D.contend E.continuous F.diminish G.endurance H.foster I.hazardous J.improved K.instantaneous L.intrinsic M.relatively N.shift O.similarly 第(36)题 __________



听力原文:The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once.

听力原文: The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once. (29) Why is it getting so popular? The technology is simple to master and podcasting software is inexpensive, sometimes even free. Two Chinese students are receiving international fame as millions of people around the world watch them podcast from their dormitory. They are called the Back Dormitory Boys, and they specialize in mouthing Backstreet Boys' songs. Although most people in China don't have iPods, podcasting is sweeping the country. (30) The Back Dormitory Boys are among the thousands of Chinese who are putting their own homemade audio and video up on the Internet for all to enjoy. "You just gotta love two guys making a fool of themselves, and gaining international attention," said "Good Morning America" technology expert Becky Worley. The Internet is becoming more and more popular with China's youth; (31) about 60 percent of the 100 million Chinese who use the Internet are under the age of 24. "This generation grew up with values that are very, very similar to their peers in the United States," said Huang Hung, publisher of Time Out Beijing. "You're going to see a complete change in the cultural landscape of China." Already, podcasting has taken off in the United States. Earlier this year, 19-year-old Gary Brolsma skyrocketed to Internet fame with what he calls his "Numa Numa" dance—a lip sync to a Romanian pop song.

29. Why is podcasting sweeping the world?

30.What does podcasting mean according to the speaker?

31.Why does the speaker hold that the Internet is very popular among young people in China?


A.Because it is related with pop songs.

B.Because it is both simple and inexpensive.

C.Because you don't need a master to teach you.

D.Because it is initiated by two Chinese students.



听力原文: I will let you know that there's a big difference between undergraduate and grad
uate school. Undergraduate school is very course-intensive. That's all you do: go to classes and go to labs. In graduate school, you have a lot of free time. Much of your learning is self-initiated, and you're typically taking a much lighter class load. This gives you more time for independent study and research. While you're in graduate school, you're going to have to develop yourself as a scientist. You do this by performing creative and thorough research and developing a reputation for being a good scientist. You'll also be developing your speaking skills. You have to be comfortable in presenting your results and your research to very critical audiences. That's very important. You also want to attend conferences where you can mingle with your peers and groups from other universities, because these will eventually be your colleagues at some point. Also, it's important to attend seminars and colloquy that your university has. Not only does this keep you informed of what is the latest and greatest in your areas, but also lets you hear about other unrelated areas as well. You can't be so focused; you have to have a broad base of knowledge.


A.A pupil

B.A graduate.

C.A senior.

D.An undergraduate.










Being fit is more important than being thin. Research shows that overweight or even obese(

Being fit is more important than being thin. Research shows that overweight or even obese(肥胖 )men who【C1】______have a lower death rate than "normal" weight men who do not exercise. Fat【C2】______begins in childhood. One study showed that as early as nursery school children【C3】______images of disfigured or disabled peers to images of fat kids. A【C4】______of college students said they'd【C5】______marry a cocaine user, a shoplifter or a blind person than someone who was fat. The prejudice creates【C6】______that affects fat people in every part of their lives including finances. Fat white women usually earn less than slim white women--24 percent less,【C7】______to one study.

People often【C8】______their judgements about fat people by saying they【C9】______to be fat. Choose? Who would choose life as a fat person in this weight-obsessed culture? There are many【C10】______about fat people. That all fat people have eating disorders or unresolved emotional or mental issues. That【C11】______they really wanted to lose weight they could(implying laziness). This is completely illogical【C12】______body weight is determined by many factors such as genetics, metabolism and dieting history.

Some people are【C13】______fat. Genetics are simply science, not character【C14】______. The Center for Disease Control reports that 78 percent of American women are actively trying to【C15】______weight, and at an amazing failure rat9---95 percent of dieters【C16】______what they lost within two to five years. Alter dieting, the body often gains【C17】______the lost weight and more. Determined to survive, the body【C18】______for the next starvation period.

The diet industry is extremely【C19】______, earning $ 33 billion each year. But if diets【C20】______wouldn't we all be thin by now? Recent estimates say 55 percent of Americans are overweight.








听力原文:An allowance is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make

听力原文: An allowance is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions. Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly. How large an allowance is appropriate? Experts say there is no right amount. Actual amounts differ from region to region, and from family to family. To set an appropriate allowance for your child, work up a weekly budget. Allow for entertainment expenditures such as movies and snacks. Next, include everyday expenses such as lunch money, bus fare, and school supplies. "If you make the child responsible for these bills," says Josephine Swanson, a consumer specialist, "he or she will learn to budget for necessary expenditures."

Finally, add some money to make saving possible. If you can, keep your child's allowance in line with that of his friends. A child whose purchasing power falls away below his peers' can feel left out. It can be tough, but avoid excusing your children when they made a mistake with their allowance. When Brooke Stephens was ten, her mother gave her $5 a week, $1.75 of which was for bus fare and lunch. One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store; then she called home for a ride. "Mom made me walk home," recalls Stephens, now a financial planner in Brooklyn. "At first I was angry. But I realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson."

Experts advise that an allowance should not be tied directly to a child's daily housework. Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they share responsibilities as members of a family. You might, however, pay a child for doing extra jobs at home, which can develop his or her initiative.


A.The child may spend all the money very soon if he is given an alloance.

B.The child may be spoiled and finally ruined if he is given an allowance.

C.The child may feel responsible and careful about money if he is given an allowance.

D.The child may lose the money and can not return home if he is given an allowance.



General Psychology: the Study of BehaviorIntroductionGeneral psychology is concerned with

General Psychology: the Study of Behavior


General psychology is concerned with the study of human behavior. How man acts in public and in private, how he responds in certain situations, and even how he feels may be considered behavior. Part of man' s behavior. comes from heredity, and is therefore common to all men: when faced with what considered to be a fearful situation, all men will tremble. Most of our behavior, however, is learned. If two people are shown the snake, for example, their reactions might be very different. One person might curiously watch the snake twist and turn. The other person might run away as quickly as possible. The distinction between the types of behavior, hereditary and learned, is not always clear, for the effect of environment begins immediately after birth. One can also speak of a mixture of learned and learned, is not al ways clear, for the effect of environment begins immediately after birth. One can also speak of a mixture of learned and hereditary behavior. In fact none of our behavior. is completely free of society' s influence.

Most animals are born with the capacity to live independently in the world soon after birth. Fish are born able to swim, and, within moments of birth, are behaving as miniature adult fish. Chicks start pecking at the ground for food shortly after leaving the egg. Although its legs are shaky at first, a pony can stand and walk soon after birth. While a kitten is born blind and helpless, within a month it fearlessly at tacks everything in its path. In comparison with other animals, man is born helpless and remains that way for an extended period of time. A human child must be protected from cold, cared about, and cannot even suckle without his mother' s help. One could hardly imagine a child of three totally independent, having to feed and care for himself. Yet, after living three years most other animals are mature. Why is man's maturation so much slower than that of most other animals?

Limitations of Animal Behavior

The behavior. of animals is largely what we call "automatic" or "instinctive". Given certain environ mental conditions a female bird will start building a nest. Other female birds of the same species will carry out the identical activity at the same time. This behavior. happens when there is a proper stimulus, that is, something in the environment automatically stimulates the bird to act in a certain way. A great deal of a bird' s life is controlled by patterns of behavior. which are built into its biological system much as information is programmed into a computer. If the stimulus the present, the behavior. will automatically follow. For example, a female bird knows she must sit on her eggs until they hatch. If china eggs are substituted for her own eggs, she will continue to sit on them, waiting for the artifical eggs to hatch. She cannot be have in any other way.

Adaptability of Man

Instinct allows little freedom of behavior. A bird cannot "decide" to build an innovative nest, but must build according to the fixed plan. The fixed plan is suitable for the environment in which the animal lives, but does not permit the animal to choose a new environment nor to change its environment. Man, however, is found in a wide variety of environments ranging from the very hot to the very cold, from the very humid to the extremely dry. He is found where caves provide natural shelter, where wood can be used to build houses, and where he must shape and bake the earth into bricks before he can use it to build a shelter. This is possible because most of man' s behavior. is not based on instinct and is therefore more adaptable. Instead of having the solutions to life' s problems programmed into his biological system, man has the intelligence to solve these problems and the motivation to seek the solutions. While other animals have strength or swiftness, man has his mind. This intelligence a






While Sutter is a______, he says his peers may be put off by the price tag.



Helen Christensen concludes in the sixth paragraph that ______.A.mothers are respected by

Helen Christensen concludes in the sixth paragraph that ______.

A.mothers are respected by their peers

B.mothers are as intellectual as their peers

C.mothers are able to keep up with their peers

D.mothers are despised by their intellectual peers



____________ was a term created by the French novelist, Emile Zola, who claimed that h
umans are subjected to hunger, sexual obsession, and hereditary defects. At the end of the nineteenth century, a group of American writers, among which ____________ with his Sister Carrie was the most significant figure, attempted to involve a view of human beings as passive victims of natural forces and social environment.

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