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听力原文:W:Please don't turn to me for help every time you are short of money. Did you rem

ember a refund check from the online store?

M:Oh, thanks for reminding me. I nearly misplaced that in my office somewhere,but my funds are running low, so I'd better find it soon.

Q:What will the man probably do first?


A.Go to the online store to work for money.

B.Go to the bank to cash the check.

C.Go to his office to find the check.

D.Try to find some cash he has misplaced.

更多“听力原文:W:Please don't turn to me for help every time you are short of money. Did you rem”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Please hold the line, Mrs. Smith. The doctor will talk to you in a minute.W: I

听力原文:M: Please hold the line, Mrs. Smith. The doctor will talk to you in a minute.

W: I'm afraid I may have to hang up. I don't have any more coins and the line will be cut soon. 1 think 1 would call back as soon as I arrive home.

Q: Where is Mrs. Smith most probably?


A.At home.

B.In a telephone booth.

C.At a meeting.

D.In the hospital.



听力原文:M: Jane, could you do me a favor, please? I am in a hurry to get to the airport b
efore 4. Can I borrow your car?

W: I wish I could, but I don't even have a garage.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She will lend her car to the man.

B.Her car is in her garage.

C.She is not able to help the man.

D.Her car is under poor conditions.



听力原文:W: Please check the oil and water as well as the tires. I have a long journey and
I don't want anything to go wrong half way.

M: Of course. Would you like your windows cleaned, too?

Q: What is probably the man's occupation?


A.A professional window cleaner.

B.Automotive salesperson.

C.Service station attendant.

D.Grocery store manager.



听力原文:M: I can hardly breathe. Would you please put your cigarette out?W: I'm sorry tha

听力原文:M: I can hardly breathe. Would you please put your cigarette out?

W: I'm sorry that I'm bothering you, but this is the smoking section. Why don't you ask the stewardess to change your seat?

Q: What does the woman think the man should do?


A.He should sit in the smoking section.

B.He should ask the stewardess for help.

C.He should move to another part of the plane.

D.He should extinguish his cigarette at once.



听力原文:M: Could you please book me on the next flight out to Los Angeles?W: I am sorry,

听力原文:M: Could you please book me on the next flight out to Los Angeles?

W: I am sorry, sir. Continental doesn't fly into Los Angeles. Why don't you try Delta or Trans world?

Q: What will the man probably do?


A.He will probably come another time.

B.He will bring enough money to buy the ticket.

C.He will probably go to Los Angeles by train.

D.He will probably get a ticket on Delta or Trans World Airlines.



听力原文:W: Professor Nelson, could you please turn up the temperature here? I'm having a

M: Yeah, I understand, but I don't control the thermostat. Tell you what, I'll talk to maintenance about it after class. In the mean time, I suggest you put on a sweater if you brought one.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He can't do anything about it.

B.The temperature is just suitable for him.

C.He will ask the maintenance for help.

D.The woman should bring more clothes.



听力原文:M:Excuse me,would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?W:Sur

听力原文:M:Excuse me,would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?

W:Sure,the next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now,but if you don't mind transferring at San Francisco, you can board now.

Q:What do we learn from this conversation?


A.There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within two hours.

B.There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.

C.The man wants to go to San Francisco.

D.The man wants to go to Los Angeles.



听力原文:M: Could you help me please?W: Certainly, sir.M: I'm looking for something as a b

听力原文:M: Could you help me please?

W: Certainly, sir.

M: I'm looking for something as a birthday gift for my girlfriend.

W: Do you have anything special in mind?

M: I can't seem to think of anything.

W: OK. What about a nice scarf? We have some handsome scarves that just arrived.

M: Oh, no. I just gave her one for Christmas. She's never worn it. She doesn't like scarves. She would not speak to me again if I gave her another one.

W: I see. Perhaps, then, a nice necklace, a pair of bracelets, or a set of pins will do?

M: I don't know. I've never seen her wearing that kind of thing. She might not care for that either. Can you think of anything else?

W: I believe I have just the thing: a nice matched set of women's cosmetics: lotion, cologne, and lipsticks.

M: That does sound good. Just wrap it up and put this card in with it, please?

W: Sure, sir. It'll just take a few minutes.

M: All right, I'll wait.


A.To do some window-shopping.

B.To do some shopping with his girlfriend.

C.To buy a birthday present for his girlfriend.

D.To look for some gifts for his friends.



听力原文:M: Could I have my bill, please?W: Certainly, sir. Here you are.M: Could you kind

听力原文:M: Could I have my bill, please?

W: Certainly, sir. Here you are.

M: Could you kindly explain this to me? What is item 7?

W: Yes, sir. That's the service fee, 15 per cent.

M. Oh, I see... I think there has been a mistake here.

W: I'm sorry, sir. But what seems to be the trouble?

M: I think you've charged me twice for the beer. Look, item 2 and item 6 are both about beer.

W: I'll just check it for you, sir. Please wait here for a moment.

M: OK, no problem.

W: You're quite right, sir. The cashier made a terrible mistake. I think you will find it correct now.

M: Good, thank you. Now, can you take my credit card?

W: I'm afraid we don't accept credit cards.

M: Oh, dear. Can I pay by traveler's checks?

W: Certainly, sir. We'll give you the change in local currency if that is all right.

M: You needn't worry about that. There won't be much change.

W: Thank you, sir.

M: You're welcome.


A.Checking his bill.

B.Reading the menu.

C.Waiting for the waitress to serve dishes.

D.Waiting for the waitress to order dishes.



听力原文:W: I'm crazy about the blue cashmere sweater in the window. Could I see it, pleas

M: We're about to mark down all of our winter merchandise, including our jackets, suits, and cashmere sweaters in several colors. Why don't you wait until Friday?

What docs the man suggest that the woman should do?


A.He suggests that she buy the sweater in another color.

B.He suggests that she buy a jacket instead of the sweater.

C.He suggests that she buy the sweater at its original price.

D.He suggests that she buy the sweater on sale.

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