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听力原文:Ever since Philo T. Farnsworth assembled the first television set in his Indiana

听力原文: Ever since Philo T. Farnsworth assembled the first television set in his Indiana garage in 1927, the basic technological principles for bringing electronic pictures into the home have remained the same. There have been only two major changes in the way TV sets work: the introduction of color in 1954, and the shift from tubes to transistors in the 1970s.

Now a radical change is about to take place. Digital television—which uses a different method of signal transmission will significantly alter the way future television sets will look and perform.

The digital set, already on sale in Europe and scheduled to be introduced in the United States this fall, is a cross between a computer terminal and a TV set. Although the differences it will bring may not be dramatic, its improved quality will be increasingly appreciated, as zoom effects, stereo sound, and freeze-frame. views of live shows become commonplace. Digital TV promises to give viewers a clearer, more consistent picture than has been available so far.


A.In the later 1920s.

B.In the mid-1950s.

C.In the 1970s.

D.In the mid-1980s.

更多“听力原文:Ever since Philo T. Farnsworth assembled the first television set in his Indiana”相关的问题


听力原文:W: This is the worst drought ever since the sixties.M: Yes. But it's just the opp

听力原文:W: This is the worst drought ever since the sixties.

M: Yes. But it's just the opposite in the south. They have the severest flood for the past 30 years.

Q: What do you know about the weather in the south?


A.There is a flood every two years.

B.The flood is the worst ever since fifties.

C.There is a serious drought.

D.There is a severe flood.



听力原文:W: I'm learning a lot in my philosophy class.Have you ever taken any courses in t

听力原文:W: I'm learning a lot in my philosophy class. Have you ever taken any courses in that department?

M: Only the one last year, none since then.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He couldn't make any sense out of his course.

B.He hasn' t taken more than one philosophy course.

C.He is a philosophy major.

D.He hasn't taken any philosophy course in that department.



听力原文:M:My car ran into the university gate at night.How could I have ever seen it? App
arently,I'm not the first to do it.

W:I would have thought they'd at least have some lights there,

Q:What does the woman imply?


A.The fault was the University.

B.The man should have seen the light.

C.The lights were net working that night.

D.There were lights there since she has seen them.



听力原文:W: Your mom is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?M: It was when

听力原文:W: Your mom is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She has been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He's been too busy to clean his room.

B.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

C.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

D.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.



听力原文:Can you imagine ice that does not melt and is not wet? Have your ever heard of dr

听力原文: Can you imagine ice that does not melt and is not wet? Have your ever heard of dry ice? Dry ice is made by freezing a gas. It is quite different from ordinary ice which is simply frozen water. Dry ice was first manufactured in 1925. It has since fulfilled the hope of its invent or. It can be used for making artificial fog in the movies. When steam is passed over dry ice, a very dense vapor rises. It can also be used for destroying insects in grain supplies. It is more practical than ordinary ice because it takes up less space and it is 142 degrees colder. Since it turns into steam, instead of melting into water, it is cleaner to use. For these reasons, it is extremely popular and many people prefer it to ordinary ice. Dry ice is so cold that if you touch it with your bare fingers, it will burn you.








听力原文:W: I'm learning a lot in my philosophy class. Have you ever taken any courses in
that department?

M: Only the one last year, none since then.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He couldn't make any sense out of his course.

B.He hasn't taken more than one philosophy course.

C.He is a philosophy major.

D.He hasp't taken any philosophy course in that department.



听力原文:Can you image ice that does not melt and is not wet? Have you ever heard of dry i

听力原文: Can you image ice that does not melt and is not wet? Have you ever heard of dry ice? Dry ice is made by freezing a gas. It is quite different from ordinary ice which is simply frozen water. Dry ice was first manufactured in 1925. It has since fulfilled the hopes of its adventure. It can be used for making artificial fog in the movies. When steam is passed over dry ice, a very dense vapor rise. It can also be used for destroying insects in grain supplies. It is more practical than ordinary ice because it takes up less space and it's 142c colder. Since it turns into steam instead of melting into water, it is cleaner to use. For these masons, it is extremely popular, and many people prefer it to ordinary ice. Dry ice is so cold that ff you touch it with you bare fingers, it will burn you.








听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?M: It was when

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She is been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

B.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

C.He's been too busy to clean his room.

D.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.



听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you cleaned your room?M: It was whe

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you cleaned your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She has been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

B.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

C.He's been too busy to clean his room.

D.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

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