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To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.Bu

t actually the umbrella was not invented as protection.against the rain,It was first used as a shade against the sun!

(42)Nobody knows who first invented it but the umbrella was used in very ancient times.Probably the first to use it were the Chinese,way back in the eleventh century B C.We know that the umbrella was also used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade.

(43) And there was a strange thing connected with its use--it became a symbol of honor and authority.In the Far East in ancient times,the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royal people or by those in high office.n Europe,the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.And the umbrella was in commonly use in ancient Greece.

(44) But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrellas as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.Duringthe Middle Ages,the use of the umbrella practically disappeared.Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century.And again it became a symbol of power and authority. Umbrellas have hot changed much in style. during all this time,though they have become much lighter in weight.

(45) It wasn’t until the twentieth century that women ’s umbrellas began to made in a variety of colors.







更多“To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.Bu”相关的问题


Why do we laugh?For years scientist have asked 21 this question. No other animals laugh
Why do we laugh?For years scientist have asked 21 this question. No other animals laugh and smile --- only human beings. So does laughter help us to survive in any way?The answer seems to be that smiling and laughter help us to 22 ,reducing tension and preventing illnesses which are caused by stress. Laughter really is the best medicine?Scientists in California asked a group of actors to act out five different feelings:happiness,sadness,anger,surprise and 23 --- just using their faces. Changes in their heart rate,blood pressure and temperature were written down. Most of the feelings they acted out didn’t cause changes,but when the actors smiles,their heart rate and their blood pressure 24 . This happened even though they were only acting!So even if we feel sad inside,smiling seems to make us feel better.So if you find yourself in a stressful situation,try to imagine how it must seemto an outsider 25 a sense of humor and let yourself laugh. (171 words)

21. A.relax

B.went down



E. with

22. A.relax

B.went down



E. with

23. A. relax

B. went down

C. fear

D. themselves

E. with

24. A.relax

B. went down

C. fear

D. themselves

E. with

25.A. relax

B. went down

C. fear

D. themselves

E. with



Time and how we experience it have puzzled physicists who have created fascinating theorie
s. But their time is measured by a pendulum (钟摆) and is not psychological time, which leaps with little regard to the clock or calendar. As someone who understood the distinction observed, "When you sit with a girl for two hours, it seems like a minute, but when you sit on hot stove, a minute seems like two hours."

Psychologists have noticed that larger units of time. such as months and years, fly on swifter wings as we age.

They also note that the more time is structured with schedule and appointments, the more rapidly it seems to pass. For example, a day at the beach. Since most of us spend fewer days at the beach and more at the office, an increase in structured time could well be to blame why time seems to speed up as we grow older.

Expectation and familiarity also make time seem to flow more rapidly. Almost all of us have had the experience of driving somewhere we've never been before. Surrounded by unfamiliar scenery, with no real notion of when we'll arrive, we experience the trip as lasting a long time. But the return trip, although exactly as long, seems to take far less time. The novelty of the outward journey has become routine. Thus taking a different route on occasions can often help slow the clock.

When days become as identical as beads(珠子) on a string, they blend together, and even months become a single day. To counter this, try to find ways to interrupt the structure of your day--to stop time, so to speak.

Learning something new is another way to slow the passage of time. One of the reasons the days of our youth seem so full and long is that these are the days of learning and discovery.

The purpose of this passage is to ______.

A.show the different ideas of physicists and psychologists on time

B.state the principles of time

C.describe various notions about time

D.explain why time flies and how to slow it down



听力原文:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.W: I think so to

听力原文:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.

W: I think so too. Isn't it strange how you can sense it?

M: I know what you mean.

W: Look at the clouds in the sky. Whenever they seem dark and low like this, you know it's going to rain, or look at the object that's far away, if it seems clear to you, it's probably going to pour.

M: Yes, and everything seems to have a strange smell to me then.

W: I know, and people often say it's going to rain when they have aches or pains in certain parts of their body. My mother always complains that her knee hurts just before a storm.

M: And have you noticed how the animals act before a storm?

W: Sure, horses and cows will seem to go to a protected area and huddle together.

M: Yeah, but with all these sensible signs, how come we aren't carrying our umbrella with us now?


A.How to select a good umbrella.

B.How to sharpen the senses.

C.How to treat minor aches and pains.

D.How to predict the weather.



(英语类学生必做)Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in ou


Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?

For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are many people who get 【61】 perfectly with less sleep, and some who may need 【62】 A great deal depends on the 【63】 we live. But a good general rule 【64】 is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work 【65】 our best when we awaken.

There are actually different 【66】 of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a 【67】 sleep, 【68】 after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep sleep can be very 【69】 Alexander—the Great Emperor was able to get a deep sleep 【70】 he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained 【71】 longer than anyone else. 【72】 he wrapped himself in a cloak and 【73】 down on the earth. He slept so 【74】 that his generals had to wake him three times for him to give the 【75】 to attack!

Normally when we go to sleep, our " sleep center" blocks off nerves so that 【76】 our brain and body go to sleep. 【77】 prevents us from wanting to do anything, and the other 【78】 our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. 【79】 sometimes only one goes to sleep and the other does not. A very tired soldier can sometimes 【80】 asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep.








听力原文:M: Do you want to go to the cinema with us on Saturday?W: Thanks, but I have to s

听力原文:M: Do you want to go to the cinema with us on Saturday?

W: Thanks, but I have to study for my research project. I'm taking that same anthropology course you took with Professor Gray.

M: The one on ethnographic interviewing? Oh, good! I'm sure you'll get a lot out of it.

W: I have to admit the word "ethnography" scared me a little at first. It seems so technical. But then when she explained that it's what anthropologists do, you know, how they investigate and record aspects of a culture, it didn't seem so intimidating!

M: Yeah, it's a part of the field work anthropologists conduct and it's good to start doing that now before you become a graduate student and have to conduct large projects yourself. Who are you going to interview?

W: You know the publishing office where I used to work? Vivian, the woman I worked for, has been a manager there for over 30 years and seen a lot of changes in the industry. I thought I'd start out by interviewing her about how the people in the office interact with each other and with outside clients.

M: The best part of that course is that it shows you that ethnographic research can also be done on a familiar ground.

W: Yeah. I got the idea for my project from reading Robert Marshal's study of office life and I realized I already had some background in that. So far, I'm really enjoying this course.


A.Which major the woman will be choosing.

B.An anthropology course the woman is taking.

C.How to find a job in publishing.

D.Which anthropology professors the man recommends.



Studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors. For example, one function fr
iend-ship seems to fulfill is 【C1】______ it supports the image we have【C2】______ ourselves, and【C3】______ the value of the attitudes we hold. Certainly we appear to【C4】______ ourselves onto our friends; several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than【C5】______. This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar to us【C6】______ than those who would be【C7】______ ("opposites attract"), a prediction which is supported by【C8】______ evidence, at least so【C9】______ as attitudes and beliefs are【C10】______. In one experiment, some developing friendships were【C11】______ amongst first-year students living in the same hostel. It was found that similarity of【C12】______(towards politics, religion and aesthetics) was a good predictor of【C13】______ friendship would be established by the end of four months, though it had less to do with initial【C14】______—not surprisingly, since attitudes may not be obvious on first inspection.

The difficulty of linking friendship【C15】______ similarity of personality probably【C16】______ the complexity of our personalities; we have many【C17】______ and therefore require a disparate group of friends to support us. This of course can explain why we may have two close friends who have little in【C18】______, and indeed dislike each other. By【C19】______ large, though, it looks as though we would do well to choose friends who【C20】______ us.








听力原文:W: With us now, is Malcolm Bricklin, CEO of Visionary Vehicles.M: Hello, everyone

听力原文:W: With us now, is Malcolm Bricklin, CEO of Visionary Vehicles.

M: Hello, everyone.

W: We have been hearing a couple of things about this news that Ford Motor Company is slashing up to 30,000 jobs, shutting down 14 plants nationwide. Is it a big deal if we are no longer manufacturing these cars, Malcolm?

M: I think it's a huge deal. I mean the companies are massive employers both directly and indirectly, If you look at Ford after their restructuring, they've actually got 87,000 employees which is twice as many as Microsoft have worldwide. Moreover, if you look at those jobs, they are very high-paying jobs. These are people who can afford to buy their own products.

W: Er, it seems to indicate a big hit for our economy if these jobs go bye-bye.

M: Yeah, it's a really sad day for America.

W: But it is not as if cars are stopped being made, right?

M: Correct. Still a large number of cars are being made by American manufacturers. More than haft of the American cars sold in America are American. So what has happened over time is that as the market share has fallen, foreign car companies have come in taken over plants and set up new plants, and they have taken over that capacity. So, it is not like there are fewer cars being produced in America than there were 30 years ago.

W: Let me ask you about the Chinese coming in. What would it mean to American jobs, if and when that happens?

M: The Chinese cars we have seen so far aren't that great and they don't have the branding necessary to make a huge impact in the world stage.


A.It is closing down some factories in the US.

B.It no longer offers high-paying jobs.

C.The number of its employees is doubled after the restructuring.

D.It is manufacturing as many cars as before.



听力原文:W: Johnny, what's your impression on English people?M: Well, they are the most re

听力原文:W: Johnny, what's your impression on English people?

M: Well, they are the most reserved, the most suspicious, the most unreceptive, the most unfriendly, the coldest-hearted, and the most domineering of all western peoples.

W: Why? It seems that you have great prejudice against the English people.

M: Not necessarily. This is the judgment by all other European people. Ask a Frenchman, an Italian, a German like me, or even an American, what he thinks about Englishmen, and every one will tell you the very same thing.

W: Don't you have any compliment for the English people?

M: Oh, yes. You would find that nearly all nations would speak highly of certain other English qualities—energy, courage, honor and justice. Although no man is so difficult to make friends with, the friendship of an Englishman once gained is more strong and true than any other. What do you think of them anyway?

W: I don't know much about English people. But last semester, we had a teacher, Mr. McCourt, teaching us writing, he is from Liverpool, he is rather silent, reserved, and not amiable. Some of us were really afraid of him. But he was a great teacher, and he taught us many writing techniques. I have made much progress.

M: Then he is a typical English man.

W: That's right. He often told us that kindness is an emotional impulse, and we should on our guard against every kind of emotional impulse.

M: But with all this, the character is a grand one, and its success has been the best proof of its value.








听力原文:Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to pene

听力原文: Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to penetrate everything and everybody. It's hard to get through a day without hearing or reading something about stress. Some doctors refer to stress as some kind of new plague. However, numerous surveys confirm that the problem has progressively risen since the 1980s. Why all the disorder? After all, stress, has been around since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life. However, just as distress can cause disease, there are good stresses that balance this, and promote wellness. Increased stress results in increased productivity--up to a point. However, this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violin string. Not enough produces a dull, harsh sound. Too much makes sharp, annoying noise, or causes the string to snap. However, just the right degree can create magnificent tones. Similarly, We all need to find the proper level of stress that promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music. Good health is more than just the absence of illness. Rather, it is a very robust state of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance and inseparability of mind/body relation ships. In the next program, I hope you will join me in the pursuit of learning how to exploit stress, so that it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.


A.The consequence of stress.

B.The negative effect of stress.

C.The realities of stress.

D.The positive effect of stress.



听力原文:W: Frank, what's your impression of English people?M: Well, they are the most res

听力原文:W: Frank, what's your impression of English people?

M: Well, they are the most reserved, the most suspicious, the most unreceptive, the most unfriendly, the coldest-h, and the most domineering of all western people.

W: Why? It seems you're you are really prejudiced against the English people.

M: Not necessarily. This is the judgment by all other European people. Ask a Frenchman, an Italian, a Germen like me, or even an American, what he thinks about Englishman; and every one will tell you the very same thing.

W: Don't you have any compliments for the English people?

M: Oh, yes. You would find on the other hand that nearly all nations would speak highly of certain other English qualifies energy, courage, honor, and justice. Although no man is so difficult to make friends with, the friendship of an Englishman once gained is more strong and true than any other. What do you think of them anyway?

W: I don't know much about English people. But last semester, we had a teacher named Mr. McCourt teaching us writing, he is from Liverpool. He is rather silent, reserved, and not amiable. Some of us were really afraid of him. But he was a great teacher, and has taught us many writing techniques. I have made much progress.

M: Then he is a typical English man, for the Englishman of the best type is much more inclined to be just than be is to he kind.

W: That's fight. Mr. McCourt often told us that kindness is an emotional impulse, and we should be on our guard against every kind of emotional impulse.

M: But with all this, the character is a good one, and its success has been the very proof of its value.


A.The Englishmen's habits.

B.The Englishmen's accent.

C.The Englishmen's character.

D.The Englishmen's teaching styles.

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