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He likes to give orders as if he()a real leader.





更多“He likes to give orders as if he()a real leader.”相关的问题


Directions: Your friend Peter needs to make a decision in choosing to study history or com
puter science. He really likes history, but he is told that it will be easier for him to find a job if he studies computer technology. Make your comparison and then write a letter to him and give your suggestions. You should write at least 150 words within 30 minutes.



Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them
and a child rarely dislikes food【C1】______it is badly cooked.

The【C2】______a meal is cooked and served is most important and an【C3】______served meal will often improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child【C4】______he likes or dislikes a food and never【C5】______likes and dislikes in front of him or allow【C6】______else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother【C7】______vegetables in the child's hearing he is【C8】______to copy this procedure. Take it【C9】______granted that he likes everything and he probably【C10】______. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a【C11】______dislike. At meal times it is a good【C12】______to give a child a small portion and let him【C13】______back for a second helping rather than give him as【C14】______as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child【C15】______meal times, but let him get on with his food, and do not【C16】______him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will【C17】______learn to swallow his food【C18】______he can hurry back to his toys. Under【C19】______circumstances must a child be coaxed(哄骗)【C20】______forced to eat.








听力原文:W: Hello, Tom.M: Hello, Mother.W: I want to buy David a pet for his birthday.M: Y

听力原文:W: Hello, Tom.

M: Hello, Mother.

W: I want to buy David a pet for his birthday.

M: Yes, I know.

W: What shall I give him?

M: Why don't you buy him a dog? He likes dogs because they are friendly.

W: But he' s already got a dog.

M: Yes, that's true. What about buying a cat? Cats eat mice.

W: But he's got a pet mouse. Prod lie can't take a eat for a walk, can he? Anyway, I want to buy him something unusual.

M: You could buy him a rabbit.

W: A rabbit? What can he do with a rabbit?

M: Well, rabbits are very pretty. He can feed it, and play with it. He can build a house for it. He likes building things.

W: I don't think that's a very good idea. Rabbits aren't interesting. What about a snake?

M: A snake?

W: Lots of people have snakes. They me very clean and easy to look after. And they're very unusual pets. David likes snakes.

M: I don' t. No, don' t buy a make. I don' t want to open my bedroom door and find a snake.

W: What do you suggest then?

M: Why don' t you buy a bird? They've got some parrots at the market. They've very pretty and they can talk, too. Parrots are unusual.

W: I don't like birds. They everywhere, and they make a lot of noise and a lot of mess.

M: Oh, I really don' t know what else I can suggest.

W: I want to buy something unusual.


A.Because David liked animal.

B.Because it was David's birthday.

C.Because she liked pets.

D.Because David had asked her for one.



More and more students want to study in "hot" majors. Being a【M1】______result, many studen

More and more students want to study in "hot" majors. Being a 【M1】______

result, many students want to give up their interests and study in

these spaces such as foreign languages, international business and 【M2】______

law, etc.

Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, such as

maths, physics and biology, and art majors, or history, Chinese and 【M3】______


Quiet a few students can study in these "hot" majors, because 【M4】______

the number of these "hot" majors is limited.

If one had no interest in his work or study, how can he do 【M5】______

well? I learned this from one of my classmates. He is from the

countryside. His parents are farmers. 5hough he likes biology', he chose

"international business". He wants to live a life which is different

from which of his parents. 【M6】______

In the end, he found he was interested in doing business. He 【M7】______

Found all the subjects to be rare. Maybe this would' t have happened 【M8】______

if he had chosen his major according to his own interests. 【M9】______

Choosing a major in university do not decide one's whole life. 【M10】______

Majors which are not "hot" today may become the "hot" major of tomorrow.




When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinese stude
nts or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted the professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive as American students. I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar(讨论会). The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseac her looking for answers to questions together with the students. One lingui stic(语言的) feature of his interacting with his students was that he used many modal(情态的) verbs—far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, “This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong.” or “You could be right, but you might find this point of view also interesting.” In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisions and correct di rections. Therefore, students always expect the professor to give an answer to th e question. I still remember how frustrated they were when foreign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are much higher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they w ere sure about it. Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students u niformly expressed the same idea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student’s ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not on ly as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancing critical thinking. In the USA, when the students are in class, ____.

A.a Chinese student tends to be very active

B.an American student likes to make trouble

C.a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacher

D.an American student tends to be vigorous



听力原文:M: Hey,neighbor,can you do me a favor?My wife and I are going out of town this we
ekend,and I was wondering if you could take care of some of our animals while we're gone. You know our dog,Jaws,don't you?

W: Yeah. My leg still hurts from the 1ast incident.

M: Hey,he's just a playful little beast. He likes to bark a little,and his bark is worse than his bite. Just feed him a can of dog food a day,and make sure he has plenty of water in his dish.

[Oh]And then,take him for a walk around the block.

W: Well,how about if I just throw a Frisbee over the fence to give him some exercise?Wouldn't that work?

M: Ah,and then,he likes to watch the 3:00 soap opera on Channel 4[What?]…and brush his teeth after you give him some doggie treats around 4:00. And,then brush his fur for about twenty minutes. He tends to shed this time of year.

[Ah,what?]And then scratch him around the ears. Otherwise,he feels neglected.

W: Man,you really pamper your dog. Is that it?

M: Well,and then there's Claws.

W: Claws?Who's Claws?

M: Oh,he's the cat we adopted from the animal shelter,but he's a little temperamental.

W: What do you mean“temperamental”?

M: Well,he has mood swings[Mood swings?],but he's been doing better since he's been going to the animal therapist. So,be sure to feed him a half cup of cat food two times a day[What?A therapist…],and don't forget to put on some soft classical music during his nap time at 2:40 P. m. But don't let him out of the house because he might run away and chase the neighbor's dog.

W: You have some high-maintenance animals.

M: Not really. And,don't forget to change the cat 1itter daily,or he might have an accident on the carpet.

[Oh,great. ]And finally,there's Buttercup.

W: Buttercup?Who's Buttercup…?I'm afraid to ask.

M: Ah,she's a sweetie[What?]…if you know how to handle her right.

[Oh,great. ]Wait. Let me get her for you. Here you are.

W: That's…That's a snake…[Hold her. ]That's a big snake with big fangs. Does the snake go to a therapist,too?

M: Of course not…just an anger-management class.

W: Oh!What?

M: I'm joking. Buttercup is a very docile creature,and she never bites anyone she likes. If she doesn't. you'll know because she starts hissing and staring at you…. kind like what she's doing now.

W: Well,I'm leaving. You must be going out of your mind to think I'm going to watch a zoo full of misunderstood animals. You'd better hire some professional help'cause I wouldn't watch them even if you paid me a million dollars.


A.It can be somewhat aggressive.

B.It eats too much food at one time.

C.The dog might mess on his carpet.

D.It barks too loudly.



听力原文:M: Hello !W: Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?M:

听力原文:M: Hello !

W: Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?

M: Hi, Susan, it's Greg. What can I do for you?

W: Well, I'm calling about the theater group I belong to, the Princeton Players. We are looking for more people to join ns, especially men and I thought you might be interested.

M: Oh, gosh, you know how much I love acting, but I'm taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn my part, but ! would hardly have time to come to practice.

W: Well, actually we practice only one night a week, Thursdays from seven to ten, though we would have to put in extra time before performance.

M: Only once a week you say. Well, could you give me time to think it over?

W: Sure, but look, why don't you come and watch our practice next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work, when you see how much fun it is. You will join right away.

M: Okay, VII come, but I can't promise more than that.

W: Great. I'll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then, bye now.

M: Bye Susan.


A.He has a lot of free time.

B.Many of his friends are actors.

C.She knows he likes acting.

D.He's looking for an acting job.



听力原文:M: I have too many courses this semester. I'm going to drop one of them.W: In ord

听力原文:M: I have too many courses this semester. I'm going to drop one of them.

W: In order to do that, you'll have to go through the proper channels.

Q: What advice does the woman give the man?


A.Go for a swim.

B.Make better use of time.

C.Follow the official procedure.

D.Watch television.



Bob likes eating. He eats _____ at every meal.

A、as many as he can

B、as much as he likes

C、as many as he likes

D、as much as he can



He, _____his father, _____ball games.

A.like; likes to watch

B.likes; likes to watch

C.likes; like looking at

D.like; likes to look at



______(就业余爱好而言), he likes playing football.

______(就业余爱好而言), he likes playing football.

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