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I like the working()here.




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听力原文:M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.W: Yes, I would like th

听力原文:M: Nice working with you. I hope we can do business again.

W: Yes, I would like that.

Q: What is the relationshi!0 between the two speakers?


A.Business associates,

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Teacher and student.

D.Good friends.



I like the working atmosphere here. ()






听力原文:W: I am so lucky I don't have the similar job as yours. Working all night and sle
eping in the daytime. How terrible it is to be like this all the time.

M: Oh, I stopped that when I got my promotion last month. Now I am on three days and off two.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman envies the man's job.

B.The man stopped working last month.

C.The man works three nights every two weeks.

D.The man has two free days for every three days he works.



听力原文:W:I've got the schedule for the Washington Nationals here. It looks like on Tuesd
ay they are playing the New

York Mets. on Thursday Philadelphia and Saturday the LA Dodgers.

M:I would be down for the weekend game. You never know how late it might run, and I can sleep in the second day.

Q:What are the two speakers talking about?


A.Their working agenda.

B.TV schedules for baseball matches.

C.Their favorite baseball teams.

D.Their arrangement for the weekend.



听力原文:M: After high school, I’d like to go to college and major in business administrat
ion. I really like power and enjoying telling people what to do.

W: You are very ambitious but I'd rather spend my college days finding out what children are interested in job as a psychologist for me.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man will go in for business fight after high school.

B.The woman is not happy with the man's decision.

C.Tile man wants to be a business manager.

D.The woman is working in a kindergarten.



听力原文:M: I see you're working on something right now, Christine. As soon as you finish,
I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes.

W: Well, you can talk to me right now. Otherwise, you may have a long wait.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.He can talk to her a few minutes later.

B.He must wait for a long time.

C.He'd better speak to her at once.

D.He can have a long talk with her.



听力原文:W: I haven't seen you here for a couple weeks. Have you stopped eating or somethi

M: No. Does it look like I've stopped eating? I've been spending a lot of time in the library.

W: Working on a paper?

M: I wish I was working on a paper! I'm working on three different papers: anthropology, English literature, and history.

W: Wow, that is a lot of work.

M: Yeah, and what's frustrating is that I'm studying the nineteenth century British Empire in all three classes, but I can't just write a single paper for all three.

W: Why not?

M: The professors won't let me even if I make it three times as long as the suggested length.

W: That's too bad. Could you write your papers on three aspects of one topic?

M: Hmm. What do you mean? Do you have something in mind?

W: Well, let's see. Hmm... Maybe you could do something with Romanticism, like, ohh.., write your anthropology paper on the cultural basis of Romanticism, and, uh, your history paper on the influence of the Romantic poets on British foreign policy, and, OK, and your English paper on an analysis of some Romantic poems. M: Hey, that's not a bad idea! I've already started the research for one of the papers, so I can use that. What can I do to repay you?

W: You want to write up my chemistry paper for me?

M: I'd love to, but I've never taken chemistry, so I'm not sure you'd like the results.

W: Oh well, no thanks necessary then. I'll do it myself. Have a good weekend, and try to get out of the library and get some sleep. You have big circles under your eyes.

M: OK, I'll try. See you later.


A.Writing papers for his classes.

B.Preparing for the coming exam in the library.

C.Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.

D.Working overtime at a library.



Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're
Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're

Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).

Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're working on our math homework.

Jon: I'm trying!

Rose: Well, I finished mine. I can help you.____, actually.

Jon: Maybe for you, but____

Rose: Yeah, I guess I am good at working with numbers in my head. You can use a calculator if you want.

Jon: That's a good idea. Now, I have to find it!


Jon: That would be great, Rose. I'll look in my bag. Can you look in my desk?

Rose: Sure. No problem.____

A、I'll give you a hand if you like.

B、It's really pretty simple

C、I'm not very good at things like that.

D、Let me show you.



听力原文:W: Why don't you get another job for a change?M: But I like my job.W: Look, diggi

听力原文:W: Why don't you get another job for a change?

M: But I like my job.

W: Look, digging gardens is not a job for a university graduate.

M: But the money is not bad and there's plenty of fresh air.

W: If I were yon, I'd take some kind of direction layer teaching.

M: Teaching? Anything but that. It's so boring.

W: Come on, you really must think of the future.

M: I'll tell you what. I'd like to be a doctor.

W: Well, you should think very seriously about that. It means a lot of study, and then working all sorts of hours.

M: Yes, maybe. But the idea sounds interesting.

W: Well, then, you ought to get more information about it as soon as possible.


A.The good pay.

B.The fresh air.

C.The bright future.

D.Both A and B.



听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Wilson. My name's Jane Smith and I'm the personnel manager.M: Hello

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Wilson. My name's Jane Smith and I'm the personnel manager.

M: Hello. How do you do?

W: Now, this is just a short preliminary interview. I'd like to talk about your present job and what you've done up till now.

M: Yes, of course.

W: Well, could you tell me how long you've had your present position in Evening News. It is Evening News, isn't it?

M: Yes, that's right. Um, I'm not sure. Let me see. I left university in 2003...is that right? Yes, 2003. Then I was unemployed for about two months, and then I traveled, round Britain for a few weeks, so it must be more than three years now in fact.

W: Um...yes. And have you any particular reason for wanting to change jobs? I mean, why do you want to move?

M: Well, I actually like my present job and still find it interesting. The salary's OK so it's nothing to do with money. Though you can always do with more. I suppose the thing is that I'm really very ambitious and keen to get promoted, so that's the real reason.

W: You say you like your job. Can you tell me what aspect you like most?

M: That's difficult. There are so many things. The colleagues are quite nice to go along with so there's a good cooperative atmosphere. And compared to other presses the working conditions are great. I mean, the office itself is good.

W: Urn, yes. We are looking for someone who isn't a clock-watcher and who isn't too concerned about working fairly long hours.

M: Oh, I don't mind that. I'm used to it. I often work irregular hours. I was very often made to work at weekends.

W: Good. Thank you.


A.He works for a newspaper.

B.He is a travel agent.

C.He works in a university.

D.He is an interviewer.

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