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Soldiers act in ________ to the orders of their officers. A) obligation B) object

Soldiers act in ________ to the orders of their officers.

A) obligation

B) objection

C) obedience

D) offence

更多“Soldiers act in ________ to the orders of their officers. A) obligation B) object”相关的问题


Where Do Dreams Come from?Do you often dream at night? Most people do. When they wake in t

Where Do Dreams Come from?

Do you often dream at night? Most people do. When they wake in the morning they say to them selves, "What a strange dream I had! I wonder what made me dream that."

Sometimes dreams are frightening. Terrible creatures threaten and pursue us. Sometimes, in dreams, wishes come tree. We can fly through the air or float from mountain-tops. At other times we are troubled by dreams in which everything is confused. We are lost and can't find our way home. The world seems to have been turned upside-down and nothing makes sense.

In dreams we act very strangely. We do, things which we would never do when we're awake. We think and say things we would never think and say. Why are dreams so strange? Where do dreams come from?

People have been trying to answer this since the beginning of time. But no one has produced a more satisfying answer than a man called Sigmund Freud. One's dream-world seems strange and unfamiliar, he said, because dreams come from a part of one's mind which one can neither recognise nor control. He named this the "unconscious mind".

Sigmund Freud was born about a hundred years ago. He lived most of his life in Vienna, Austria, but ended his days in London, soon after the beginning of the Second World War.

Freud was one of the great explorers of our time. But the new worlds he explored were inside man himself. For the unconscious mind is like a deep well, full of memories and feelings. These memories and feelings have been stored there from the moment of our birth—perhaps even before birth. Our conscious mind has forgotten them. We do not suspect that they are there until some unhappy or unusual experlence causes us to remember, or to dream dreams. Then suddenly we see a face we had forgotten long ago. We feel the same jealous fear and bitter disappointments we felt when we were little children.

This discovery of Freud's is very important ff we wish to understand why people act as they do. For the unconscious forces inside us are at least as powerful as the conscious forces we know about. Why do we choose one friend rather than another? Why does one story make us cry or laugh while another story doesn't affect us at all? Perhaps we know why. If we don't, the reasons may lie deep in our unconscious minds.

When Freud was a child he wanted to become a great soldier and win honour for his country. At that time Austria and Germany were at war with each other. His father used to take Sigmund down to the rail way station to watch the trains come in from the battle-fields. The trains were full of wounded soldiers. There were men who had lost all eye, an arm or a leg fighting in tile war. Many of the soldiers were suffering great pain.

Young Sigmund watched the wounded men as they were moved from the trains into the hay-carts that carried them to the hospital. He was very sorry for them. He pitied them so much that he said to the teacher at his school, "Let us boys make bandages for the poor soldiers as our sisters in the girls' school do."

Even then, Freud cared about the sufferings of others, so it isn't surprising that he became a doctor when he grew up. Like other doctors he learned all about the way in which the human body works. But he became more and more curious about the human mind. He went to Pads to study with a famous French doctor, Charcot. Charcot's special study was diseases of the mind and nerves.

At that time it seemed that no one knew very much about tile mind. If a person went mad, or "out of his mind" ,there was not much that could be done about it. There was little help or comfort for the madman or his family. People didn't understand at all what was happening to him. Had be been possessed by a devil or evil spirit? Was God punishing him for wrongdoing? Often such people were shut away from the company of ordinary civi






"Unsolved History"If NASA engineers invented a time machine tomorrow, you can be sure hist

"Unsolved History"

If NASA engineers invented a time machine tomorrow, you can be sure historians would be shelling out top dollar for just a few minutes at the wheel. History books are filled with mysteries, hotly debated issues and question able stories, and if you could just get a look at the real scene of the event, you could finally answer a lot of these big questions. Imagine witnessing the beginnings of the American Revolution, the historic battles of the Civil War or any of the major events that have defined the past 100 years.

Discovery Channel's hit weekly series "Unsolved History" has set out to do the next best thing. Using the most advanced investigation tools modem technology has to offer, the "Unsolved History" researchers attempt to reconstruct a famous event by piecing together any hard evidence that remains. Instead of relying on what the history books say alone, the investigators take a fresh look at the available facts.

The basic idea is to approach these historical mysteries in the same way criminal investigators approach modern ones. By looking at each historical event as a crime scene, the show's researchers can scientifically devise the most likely scenario for the historical event in question. So far, their conclusions have been both surprising and enlightening.

What does it take to do all this? It turns out you need a large staff of historians, scientists and investigators, and a lot of sophisticated equipments. Just as in a real criminal case, investigators bring hard evidence and human intuition together to come up with the most likely explanation of what actual happened.

The result is an interesting, highly unique show. It's part history, part detective story and part technological showcase.

The Premise

"Unsolved History" revolves around interesting stories from history that have an element of mystery about them. The producers' first challenge for every episode is to come up with a suitable subject. They are generally drawn to three types of episode subjects: topics with a certain amount of controversy surrounding them, topics that are misunderstood by the general public, and topics with big lingering questions.

In the first episode, for example, the producers investigate "Pickett's Charge," a fairly controversial event, at least among Civil War buffs. Was Confederate Major General George E. Pickett's infamous attack in the Battle of Gettysburg a desperate, last-gasp failure from the out-manned Confederates, or was it a valiant(英勇的), heroic last stand,as the Southern army claimed? The "Unsolved History" crew concludes that neither version is accurate. In another controversy-driven episode, the researchers attempt to separate folk mythology from fact in reconstructing what actually happened in the battle of the Alamo.

In a later episode, the research crew gets to the bottom of a widely misunderstood subject, the Boston Massacre. The common view among most Americans is that British soldiers fired upon a crowd of innocent civilian colonists, in an act of inexcusable oppression. The evidence, according to the" Unsolved History" crew, paints a very different picture—they assert that the British soldiers, backed into a corner by an angry mob, fired in self defense.

In another episode, the crew investigates a different kind of "police incident", the famous shoot-out at the O.K. Corral. In the popular old west mythology, four lawmen, led by Wyatt Earl? And gunslinger Doc Holliday, valiantly protected the town of Tombstone from a gang of villainous outlaws. The Unsolved History crew approaches the event just as they would a police shooting today, using modern forensic(法医的) tools to determine if it was "clean" police work or an abuse of power. Just as with the Boston Massacre, the investigators conclude that this was not a prudent use of police power.

The “l






The soldiers were ______(装备了最新武器).

The soldiers were ______(装备了最新武器).



The annual parade ______ the soldiers who died in the two World Wars.A.commendsB.memorizes

The annual parade ______ the soldiers who died in the two World Wars.







A.He sent surgeons to serve in the army.B.Re provided soldiers with medical supplies.C

A.He sent surgeons to serve in the army.

B.Re provided soldiers with medical supplies.

C.He recruited volunteers to care for the wounded.

D.He helped to flee the prisoners of war.



While we were visiting our navy , the soldiers took us twice ______ in the open sea.A.glid

While we were visiting our navy , the soldiers took us twice ______ in the open sea.







The soldiers ______ (非常疲惫由于没有休息一直向前走) in a blizzard.

The soldiers ______ (非常疲惫由于没有休息一直向前走) in a blizzard.



The duty of soldiers is to safeguard the nation, to ensure the safty of people and to
take care of a little puppy. ___________________



Of all the soldiers they had the ______ of being the fiercest, the most patriotic and the





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