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听力原文:M: We're having a debate on advertising Thursday evening and I have to take part.

W: That's interesting. I should like to hear what people think about advertising.

M: [19] What's there to say? We must have advertising, mustn't we?

W: Why?

M: Well, [19] we wouldn't know what there was to buy if we didn't have advertisements.

W: Yes, that's true up to a point. Advertisements provide information that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally, the seller wants to tell us about it.

M: Yes. And the advertisements tell us which product is the best.

W: Do they? I don't think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best or at least tries to give the impression. [20] Only one can be the best, so the others are misleading, aren't they?

M: Well, in a way, I suppose. But we don't have to believe them, do we?

W: Are you saying that advertisements aren't effective? I don't think that intelligent businessmen will spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believes the advertisements, do you?

M: Perhaps not. But after all, it's their money that they are spending.

W: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. [21] You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising.

M: Well, I suppose we get something for our money… some information.

W: Yes, [20] but don't forget it's often misleading information, and sometimes harmful.

M: Harmful?

W: What about advertisements designed to persuade young people to smoke cigarettes? Wouldn't you say they are harmful?

M: You've given me a lot to think about. I'm quite looking forward to the debate now.






更多“听力原文:M: We're having a debate on advertising Thursday evening and I have to take part.”相关的问题


听力原文:W:It's Sara's birthday today.We're planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then
seeing a movie at 7:30.And we're throwing her a small birthday party after the movie.Come and join us.

M:Sure.Best friends always stick together.

Q:What can we learn according to the conversation?


A.It's the man's birthday today.

B.They will have dinner around 6.

C.They will go to movies after dinner.

D.They will have a party for the man.



听力原文:W: We're having a really delicious special kind of chocolate cake for dessert to

M: Terrific. I'm on tile second day of my diet. I'm trying to control my sweet tooth...

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He doesn't like chocolate cake.

B.He's planning to begin a new diet tonight.

C.It'll be hard for him to refuse the dessert.

D.He gets a toothache when he eats sweets.



听力原文:W: Jack, I'm having difficulty with all the theoretical stuff we're getting in ou
r computer course.

M: Oh, that part I understand. What I can't figure out is how to make it work on my program.

Q: What is Jack's problem?


A.He doesn't understand his staff.

B.His computer doesn't work properly.

C.He doesn't know how to apply computer theory.

D.He is trouble to add the figures.



听力原文:W: It's Sara's birthday today. We're planning on having dinner around 6:30 and th
en seeing a movie at 7:30. And we're throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come and join us.

M: Sure. Best friends always stick together.

Q: What can we learn according to the conversation?


A.It's the man's birthday today.

B.They will have dinner around 6.

C.They will have a party for the man.

D.They will go to movies after dinner.



听力原文:W: It's Sara's birthday today. We're planning on having dinner around 6: 30 and t
hen seeing a movie at 7: 30. And we're throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come and join us.

M: Sure. Best friends always stick together.

Q: What can we learn according to the conversation?


A.It's the man's birthday today.

B.They will have dinner around 6.

C.They will have a party for the man.

D.They will go to movies after dinner.



听力原文:W: I can't decide what to serve for dessert tonight. We're having roast beef; bak
ed potatoes with sour cream, and a Caesar salad. Any suggestions?

M: Well, I really like your strawberry pie, but strawberries are out of season now. Why not serve something simple like lime sherbet'?

What probably will not be served tonight?



B.Strawberry pie.

C.Potatoes and sour cream.

D.Lime sherbet.



听力原文:W: Hi, John!M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?W: Uh ... I' m usually here

听力原文:W: Hi, John!

M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?

W: Uh ... I' m usually here on weekends. It' s my dad' s shop. So you' re looking for a bike?

M: Yeah. Now that the weather' s warming up, I thought 1' d get some exercisc—instead of taking the bus all the time.

W: Well, you came to the fight place. Do you know what you' d like?

M: Well, I don' t want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I' 11 just be using it to get me back and forth from work.

W: How far is that?

M: About four miles.

W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?

M: Some, I guess, But ... uh ... maybe I should just tell you up front that I' ye only got a hundred and fifty dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?

W: Well, you' re not going to get anything top-of-the-line--but we do have a few trade-ins in the back that' re in good condition.

M: That sounds good.

W: And you' re fight, for the kind of riding you' re going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You want to make sure it' s the right height for you. Follow me and I' 11 show you what we' ve got.


A.She's waiting for her father.

B.She's having her bicycle repaired.

C.She wanted to surprise John.

D.She works there.



听力原文:I met Susan at a dance about six months ago. We get along well together since we

听力原文: I met Susan at a dance about six months ago. We get along well together since we like music, dancing, swimming, and tennis. But whenever I start to get serious about our relationship and try to discuss with her how she feels about me and whether we might consider marriage, she gets angry and refuses to talk about it. Usually, she says something like: "I'm not the marrying kind" or "We're having too much fun to be serious." Besides all these, I don' t think that my parents like her very much. They think that she's not very intelligent.

Do you think I should continue to keep the relationship? Or should I forget her? We're both 22, but I'm ready to settle down and establish a home. I have a good job as a salesman, and by the time I' m 24, I hope to have saved enough money to start my own business.


A.The relationship between the speaker and Susan.

B.The arrangement of the speaker's marriage ceremony.

C.The speaker's parents' opinion of Susan.

D.The speaker's plan for the future.



听力原文:W: We've lived here in Hoe Farm for 5 years now and I think it's time to have the
house painted.

M: You're right. Mr. Churchill, our neighbor, just had his house painted. But we cannot afford the fee unless we do it ourselves.

Q: What do we learn about the speakers?


A.Their neighbor Mr. Churchill will help them paint the house.

B.Their house is still new and needn't any paint work.

C.They will ask about the fee before having their house painted.

D.They have to paint their house on their own for lack of money.



听力原文:M: Hi, Susan. Where have you been?W: Hi, David. I was just at the library. I have

听力原文:M: Hi, Susan. Where have you been?

W: Hi, David. I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Oh, no[ I thought it wasn't due until next week.

W: Oh. Don't worry. It is due next Tuesday. But I'm going away for the weekend and won't be back till Monday night.

M: Oh, where are you going?

W: Philadelphia. We're having a family reunion. It's my grandmother's eightieth birthday.

M: Great! How many people will be there?

W: Around sixty.

M: It seems that your family are pretty close.

W: You said it. So have you started working on your biology paper?

M: Yeah. I'm doing it on bees and how they're able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.

W: How can they tell?

M: They use their sense of smell. The bees guard their nests this way. If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it's allowed to enter.

W: Sounds interesting. Can other insects do this?

M: Well, as far as I am concerned, some wasps can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and so the wasps that live there have a unique smell.

W: Urn, it sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.


A.They're roommates.

B.They're classmates.

C.They're cousins.

D.They're lab partners.



听力原文:M: We seem to be having this conversation over and over againW: You're fight.M: L

听力原文:M: We seem to be having this conversation over and over again

W: You're fight.

M: Look,I know how you feel about my smoking.You don't have to tell me every day.

W: I'm sorry.I worry about you.

M: I know.But work at school has me so stressed out.Maybe I'll be able to quit after I graduate.

W: Let's be honest.There's always going to be a reason.After you graduate.it's going to be hard to find a job,then there will be the stress from just starting a job,then...

M: Okay,I get your point.It's just so hard.You don't really understand because you never smoke.

W: You need some help.Why don't you go to a doctor?

M: You mean a psychiatrist.

W: No,I mean a general practitioner.Maybe you can get some pills,well,I don't know,something to help you with the withdrawal,because that's what it is.

M: Really,I believe I can't quit on my own.But I'll think about it.I will.

W: A11 right.I won't mention it for a week.Then I want to know your decision, because I need to rethink our plans if you don't get some help.

M: You mean you'd break our engagement over this?I can't believe it!

W: I don't know.I love you,but I'm not sure I should accept everything that goes along with the smoking.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Giving up smoking.

B.Birth control of the family.

C.Plan for seeing a doctor.

D.Arrangement for breaking engagement.

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