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一When can we discuss the problem?一()when we can,we must prepare foritright now.A.No matt

一When can we discuss the problem?

一()when we can,we must prepare foritright now.

A.No matter

B.Even though

C.As soon as

D.So that

更多“一When can we discuss the problem?一()when we can,we must prepare foritright now.A.No matt”相关的问题


Let’s leave the matter as it is ________, but we can discuss it when we are both free

A.for the moment

B.at the moment

C.in a moment

D.for a moment



听力原文:M: I'm glad to have the opportunity of visiting your company. I hope we can do bu
siness together.

W: It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mr Clive. I believe you have seen our exhibits in the show room. What is it in particular you're interested in?

M: I'm interested in your hardware. I've seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada. Here's a list of my requirements; I'd like to have your lowest quotations, C. I. E Vancouver.

W: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offers?

M: I'll do that. Meanwhile, could you give me an indication of price?

W: Here are our F. O. B. price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.

M: What about the commission? I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports.

W: We'll discuss this when you place your order with us.








We can discuss Taiwan question ____________ (在一国两制的基础上).

We can discuss Taiwan question ____________ (在一国两制的基础上).



What can E-medical (E-med) offer?We offer advices with your own private online doctor by

What can E-medical (E-med) offer?

We offer advices with your own private online doctor by e-mail or phone.If we cannot sort out your problems in that manner, we can refer you to a specialist (专家) in the field you need for further investigations or examinations.

What if you cannot make a diagnosis (诊断) by e-mail?

When we receive your e-mail and the doctor feels that he needs to speak to you to discuss your problems, he will call you immediately and we can help you that way.

But if we feel it is necessary, we may ask you to have a video consultation to make a diagnosis or to treat you, or even refer you to a specialist.

What about medical investigations?

If you need further medical investigations to work towards a diagnosis, such as blood tests or scans (扫描), your E-med doctor can usually refer you to a hospital in London.Other medical investigations can also be arranged remotely.The result will be sent to your E-med doctor, who can then advise you on what to do next.

26.We can learn from the passage that E-med service provides medical advices_____.

A.through a doctor’s visit

B.at a community hospital

C.from a medical center

D.by email or phone

27.If E-med service is unable to find out your problems, you will be _____.

A.sent to a community hospital

B.asked to wait for a solution

C.referred to a specialist

D.given further advices

28.If necessary, the E-med doctor will ask you to _____.

A.pay him a personal visit

B.have a video consultation

C.have an immediate operation

D.pay for the service in advance

29.The E-med doctors will refer the patients to a hospital in London if _____.

A.medical investigations cannot be arranged

B.they think that further diagnosis is needed

C.patients insist on being sent to the hospital

D.patients are not satisfied with the diagnosis

30.Which of the following can be used as a title of the passage?()

A.E-medical Service

B.Video Medical Consultation

C.Traditional Medical Diagnosis

D.Remote Medical Investigation



The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An est
imated 90 percent of all illness may be【C1】______ if individuals would make sound personal health choices【C2】______ upon current medical knowledge. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it【C3】______ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our personal decisions that may【C4】______ our health. If we【C5】______ desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat【C6】______ foods we want, and live a【C7】______ sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle. without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is the fundamental【C8】______ of our society,【C9】______ the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to【C10】______ often cause a difficulty. As one exampie, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be【C11】______ by friends into believing it is a socially 【C12】______ thing to do.

A 【C13】______ of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of healthrelated behaviors, and it is【C14】______ the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any 【C15】______ individual. However, the decision to adopt a particular health-related behavior. is【C16】______ one of personal choices. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. Experts suggest that to knowingly give【C17】______ over to a behavior. that has a statistical probability of【C18】______ life is similar to attempting suicide.【C19】______ , personal health choices should【C20】______ those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.








Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection?


B.The inspection of goods is particularly important.

C.We would prefer to re-inspect goods at the unloading port.

D.But there might be some dispute over the results of inspection.



听力原文:M: Whew. The disco wasn't bad but I'm glad to escape from the noise. Aren't you?W

听力原文:M: Whew. The disco wasn't bad but I'm glad to escape from the noise. Aren't you?

W: Ummmmm.

M: Mary, I'd forgotten. You've got a letter. Now where did I put it? There it is. Under the gas bill.

W: Oh, from my brother.

M: Good. How many brothers have you got?

W: Only one.

M: Name?

W: Mark.

M: Older or younger?

W: Much older.

M: How much?

W: Five years.

M: Get on all right?

W: Yes, all right.

M: Tell me about Mark. You must have a lot in common. Such as problems.

W: Well, when I have a real problem I usually discuss it with Mark.

M: And what is a real problem?

W: Money is one. But Mark never minds helping me out.

M: You say money is one problem. I suppose you mean there are others.

W. Well, yes. Of course there are. Friends and possessions. He knows who my friends are and I know who his friends are. But when we meet we hardly ever speak. His friends aren't interested in talking to my friends. And my friends think his friends are boring and patronising.

M: Go on, Mary. You mentioned possessions. What about possessions?

W: I can never find my favorite cassettes. Mark and his friends keep borrowing them. I suppose Mark has a point when he says be can't find his calculator. I use it whenever I can find it.

M: So...if you were in real trouble, who would you con- tact first?

W: Mark, of course.


A.A lecture.

B.His office.

C.A party.

D.A meeting.



听力原文:M: Doctor Cole, thank you for agreeing to this interview for the Daily Campus New
s. Can you tell us about what you and your colleagues discuss at the annual astronomy society meeting last month?

W: Yes. For the first time ever the scientific community has established the existence of planets outside our own solar system. Of course we knew that certain distant stars existed, but only recently did we learn that several of them are orbited by their own planets.

M: Why did it take so long to locate these planets?

W: Well, you have to understand that they are a billion times dimmer than their parent stars. It would be like trying to see the light of a candle next to a huge explosion. We don't currently have a telescope that can be used to see them.

M: But if the astronomers didn't see the planets through a telescope, how did they find them?

W: By a very indirect method. The astronomers measured subtle distortions in the frequency of the light from the parent stars and observed that some of the stars seem to rock back and forth. They determined that this was caused by gravitational pull from orbiting planets.

M: There is a powerful new telescope being built in Arizona. Will that help them see these planets?

W: They should be able to see them at least in the form. of small spots of light. And then the scientists will be able to break down and analyze this light. By doing this, they hope to learn about the chemical composition of these planets--oxygen and ozone molecules, for example, would be telltale signs of life on these planets.

M: I'm looking forward to hearing more when the telescope is in operation. And I'm sure our readers would be interested too.


A.The possible existence of life on other planets.

B.A technical problem that astronomers can't solve.

C.Methods for building powerful new telescopes.

D.The discovery of planets orbiting distant stars.



The city has always been an engine of intellectual life, from the 18th-century cafes of Lo
ndon, where citizens gathered to discuss chemistry and politics, to the Left Bank bars of modern Paris, where Picasso talked about modern art.Without the metropolis, we might not have had the great art of Shakespeare.

And yet, city life isn't easy.Now scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and the results are depressing.Just being in an urban environment, they have found, impairs(损害)our basic mental processes.(79) After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control.While it's long been recognized that city life is exhausting, this new research suggests that citied actually dull our thinking, sometimes dramatically so.

One of the main forces at work is a complete lack of nature, which is surprisingly beneficial for the brain.Studies have demonstrated, for instance, that hospital patients recover more quickly when they can see trees from their windows, and that women living in public housing are better able to focus when their apartments overlook a lawn.Even these glimpses of nature improve brain performance, it seems, because they provide a mental break from the urban life.

This research arrives just as humans cross an important milestone(里程碑).For the first time in history, the majority of people live in cities.Instead of inhabiting wide-open spaces, we're crowded into concrete jungles, surrounded by traffic and millions of strangers.In recent years, it's become clear that such unnatural surroundings have important implications for our mental and physical health, and can powerfully alter how we think.

This research is also leading some scientists to dabble(涉足) in urban design, as they look for ways to make the city less damaging to the brain.(80) The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life.The mind needs nature, and even a little bit can be a big help.

Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?

A.The city inspires talented people.

B.The city hurts your brain.

C.The city has many pleasures and benefits.

D.The city seriously affects the natural balance.



听力原文:W:Would you mind if we discussed tomorrow's agenda before dinner this evening.M:N

听力原文:W:Would you mind if we discussed tomorrow's agenda before dinner this evening.

M:Not at all. I certainly don't want to tell about it during our meal.

Q:When will they probably discuss the agenda?


A.Before dinner.

B.Right after dinner.

C.During dinner.

D.The next day.

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