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The factory has been ______ black smoke from its chimneys.

A.giving out




更多“The factory has been ______ black smoke from its chimneys.”相关的问题


When and where to build the new factory ________ yet.

A、has not been decided

B、are not decided

C、has not decided

D、have not decided



Dear Mr. Brown,Thank you for your letter of 6 September regarding Mr. John Green who has

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your letter of 6 September regarding Mr. John Green who has been employed by this company for the past 10 years.

Mr. Green served his apprenticeship (学徒) with Vickers Tools Ltd. in Manchester, followed by a three-year course of engineering for Production Engineers. He is technically well—qualified and for the past five years has been our Assistant Works Manager responsible for production and related business in our Sheffield factory. In all his job duties he has shown himself to be hard-working, responsible and in every way a very dependable employee.

I can strongly recommend Mr. Green as I feel sure that if he were to be chosen to manage your factory in Nairobi he would bring to his work a true atmosphere of teamwork, which would be found necessary and helpful by all who would work with him.

Sincerely yours,

Tom Smith

1. How long has Mr. Green been employed by the writer's company?

For ().

2. What kind of course did Mr. Green take?

A three-year course in engineering for ().

3. What job position has Mr. Green held in the past five years?

4.What does the writer think of Mr. Green as an employee?

He is hard-working, () and dependable.

5.What is the purpose of this letter?

To () Mr. Green to manage a factory in Nairobi.



Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A.Air pollution laws in the United

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A.Air pollution laws in the United States and in Canada typically don't specify the amount of pollutants released by industries.

B.The neighboring areas of a factory receive less pollution than distant areas.

C.The number of occurrences of acid rain over the last few years has been on the rise

D.It is generally believed that ineffective air pollution laws rather than industries are to blame for acid rain.



Sometimes file U.S. government goes out of its way to prove it can be an absolute nuisance
. Take the case of Southern Clay, Inc., which has a factory at Paris, Tennessee, putting out a clay product for cat boxes best known as "Kitty Litter." It's a simple enough process, but the Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) insists that since clay comes from the ground-an excavation half a mile from the Kitty Litter plant--the company actually is engaged in mining and milling. Therefore, says MSHA, Southern Clay is subject to all the roles that govern, say, coal miners working in shafts several hundred feet down.

The company has been told to devise an escape system and fire fighting procedures in case there is a fire in its "mine". Southern Clay estimates it will lose 6,000 manhours in production time giving its 250 factory workers special training in how to escape from a mine disaster.

One thing that has always impressed us about cats, in addition to their tidiness, is that they seem to watch the human world with a sense of wise and detached superiority, as though they wondered what the hustle and bustle is all about. If they grin from time to time, as some people insist, it's no wonder.

The author's purpose in writing this passage is to______.

A.explain how Kitty Litter is produced

B.describe the Mine Safety and Health Administration

C.show how tidy cats are

D.show that the government can sometimes be a nuisance



Enter the information age. Information is the raw material for many of the business activi
ties 【C1】______ this new era, just as iron and steel were the basic commodities in the【C2】______ of the industrial age.

The world's knowledge is said to be doubling every eight years. This knowledge【C3】______ is stimulating economic progress. The need to collect, analyze, and communicate great【C4】______ of information is producing new products and services, creating jobs, and【C5】______ career opportunities. The information age is【C6】______ considered to be a phenomenon of the service sector of the economy, 【C7】______ than a product of heavy industry. Certainly, rocketing information technologies are creating new capabilities【C8】______ knowledge-based service spheres.【C9】______ changes just as dramatic are【C10】______ industry, giving people the【C11】______ to do challenging work in exciting new ways.

Manufacturing is full【C12】______ in the information age. From design to production, the manufacturing【C13】______ has long been information-intensive. It always has required exacting communication to describe what goes into products and how to make them. Now, computer technology is giving factory managers new【C14】______ to gather all of this information and use it to control production.

Telecommunications are producing error free communication between the design office and the factory, computer-aided design is enabling engineers to【C15】______ product performance and manufacturing process on video displays, before resources are committed to build and test prototypes. Techniques like these are bringing【C16】______ new advances in manufacturing productivity.

Just as coal fueled the【C17】______ to an industrial society, so microelectronics is powering the【C18】______ of the information age. Microelectronic information-management tools are【C19】______ U.S. industrial capability, which remains【C20】______ to America's economic well-being and national security.








听力原文:M: Let's just go over the arrangements for my trip to Bombay.W: Sure, here's your

听力原文:M: Let's just go over the arrangements for my trip to Bombay.

W: Sure, here's your schedule. You're flying at 9:55 on Monday evening. That's British Airways flight 139. Er, you have to check in two hours before, so I've arranged for a car to pick you up from the office at 6: 30.

M: Good. What time does the flight arrive in Bombay?

W: It gets into Bombay at 11: 15. That's local time, of course. Er, I've booked you a room at the Oberoi. They're going to send a car to pick you up.

M: Fine. Now when am I seeing Mr. Shah?

W: Tuesday afternoon at two. By the way, Mr. Majundar is coming to the meeting as well.

M: That's good news; we won't have to arrange a separate meeting. And has the tour of the new factory in Bombay and the meeting with the directors been arranged for Wednesday?

W: Yes, they'll pick you up in the morning at 9, and plan to show you the factory, take you to lunch, and return you to the hotel at about 5 p. m.

M: Good. Now, has my visa arrived'?

W: Yes. The embassy has sent it off and we have received it this morning.

M: And when am I flying back?

W: I'm afraid the earliest flight I could get is on Thursday at 1:15 a.m. That's British Airways again, flight 138. It gets you back into London at 6:25 Thursday morning. You've got Thursday in London for the Sales Meeting, but not until 3 p. m. , then Friday morning you're leaving for New York.

M: Thanks. And could you order some travelers' cheques?

W: Sure I'll phone the bank.


A.A meeting with directors in the bank.

B.Schedule for a business trip.

C.The building, of a new plant.

D.Reservation of flight tickets.



Opinion polls are now beginning to show an unwilling general agreement that, whoever is to
blame and whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay. This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.

But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future of work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? Should we not rather encourage many other ways for self-respecting people to work? Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive(使复活)the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work?

The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people' s work has taken the form. of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a discouraging thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom.

Employment became widespread when the enclosures (圈地运动) of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people's homes. Later, as transport improved, first by rail and then by road, people traveled longer distances to their places of employment until eventually many people's work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they lived.

Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. It became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife.

All this may now have to change. The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the impractical goal of creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs.

We can conclude from the first paragraph that______.

A.the public in general are indifferent to the high unemployment in the country

B.the public in general feel optimistic towards the high unemployment situation in the country

C.people in general will readily share employment with other people

D.the present high unemployment figures are a fact of life



Hired in 1923_______

A.Osgood's terms of emloyment is longer than that of any other worker

B.no other employee has worked in the factory as long as Osgood

C.the factory has no employee who has worked as long as Osgood

D.Osgood has worked at the factory longer than any other employee



AutomationThe term automation was coined around 1946 by the automobile industry to describ


The term automation was coined around 1946 by the automobile industry to describe the increased use of automatic devices and controls in mechanized production lines. Today, it is widely used in a manufacturing context but is also applied outside of manufacturing in connection with a variety of systems in which there is a significant substitution of mechanical, electrical, or computerized action for human effort and intelligence. An operation is commonly described as automated if it is Substantially more automatic than its predecessor.

In its most general usage, automation can be defined as a technology concerned with carrying out a process by means of programmed commands combined with the automatic feedback of data relating to the execution of those commands. The resulting system is capable of operating without human intervention. The development of this technology has become increasingly dependent on the use of computers and computer-related technologies. As a consequence, automated systems have become sophisticated and complex. Advanced systems of this sort now represent a level of capability and performance that surpass in many ways the abilities of humans to accomplish the same activities.

Automation technology has matured to a point where a number of other technologies have developed from it and have achieved a recognition and status of their own. Robotics is one such technology. It is a specialized branch of automation in which the automated machine possesses certain characteristics. The most typical humanlike characteristic of a modern industrial robot is its powered mechanical arm. The robot's arm can be programmed to do a sequence of motions to perform. useful tasks, such as loading and unloading parts at a production machine or making a sequence of spot-welds on the body of an automobile. The robot will repeat the motion pattern until it is reprogrammed to perform. some alternative task. As these examples of robot applications suggest, an industrial robot is typically used to replace a human worker in a factory operation.

The field of robotics has its roots in the development of automation technology. Numerical control (NC) and telecherics are two important areas of technology that constitute the foundations of robotics technology.

Over the years, the social merits of automation have been argued by labour leaders, government officials, business executives, and college professors. No doubt the biggest controversy has focused on the employment issue: What is the effect of automation on employment? There are other important aspects of the automation issue as well, including its effect on productivity, economic competition, education, and quality of life.

The advantages commonly attributed to automation include increased production rates, more efficient use of materials, better product quality, improved safety, shorter workweeks for labour, and reduction of factory lead times.

Automated machines are usually designed to operate at higher production rates than humans are capable of achieving. This increased productivity has been one of the biggest reasons for justifying the adoption of automated systems. Notwithstanding the claims of high quality from good workmanship by humans, automated systems are generally capable of carrying out the manufacturing process with less variability that humans make, thus yielding greater control and consistency of product quality. In addition, the increased process control makes possible more efficient use of materials, resulting in less waste.

Automated manufacturing systems often, remove workers from the workplace, thus safeguarding them against hazards in the work environment. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) was enacted with the objective of making work safer and protecting the physical well-being of the worker on a






—How long have you been working in this factory?—_____ 1986.





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