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The old man got into the ______ of storing money under his bed.A.traditionB.customC.habitD

The old man got into the ______ of storing money under his bed.





更多“The old man got into the ______ of storing money under his bed.A.traditionB.customC.habitD”相关的问题


The old man got things straight enough to settle down at last to his usual ______.A.habitB

The old man got things straight enough to settle down at last to his usual ______.







听力原文:W: Wow, look at all these old books on this Shelf. They've got to be at least one
hundred years old. I'll bet they're worth a lot to collectors.

M: Well, they've got a lot of sentimental Value for me, but that's about it.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He plans to sell the books to a collector.

B.The old books are worth a lot to collectors.

C.He won't sell the books until he has read them.

D.The books probably aren't worth much in terms of money.



听力原文:M: I heard that Jack bought Fred's old car.Fred has offered a high price,but Jack
got it at a lower one.

W: That's funny.I heard that Joe did. They said Fred gave the car to Joe at a very low price.

Q: What does the woman think?


A.Joe bought Fred's car.

B.The man is joking.

C.Fred's car is not good.

D.The man wants Jack’s car.



听力原文:M:I heard that Jack bought Fred's old car. Fred has offered a high price, but Jac
k got it at a lower one.

W:That's funny. I heard that Joe did, They said Fred gave the car to Joe at over low price.

Q:What does the woman think?


A.Joe bought Fred's car.

B.The man is joking.

C.Fred's car is not good.

D.The man wants Jack's car.



听力原文:W: I hope I'll be able to find Fred's sister at the bus station. All I know is th
at she's got brown hair and blue eyes.

M: I could go with you. I met her a couple of years ago.

Q: What does the man imply about Fred's sister?


A.She is likely to get lost at the bus station.

B.He may be able to identify her.

C.He is an old friend of hers.

D.He has already picked her up at the bus station.




Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’ s house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it.After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleven, she really needed a better violin.One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. When he found out that they couldn’ t afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gaveher the violin----she called it the Erio Sound.

(1)Mary’ s father ____.

A.bought the violin from a shop

B.borrowed the violin from a friend

C.got the violin from his aunt



听力原文:W: Bob, do you know who I saw the other day? Old Jake, looking terribly depressed
. Did he get pensioned off at last?

M: Yes. They made him retire after fifty years at sea. He is pretty upset about it, but what can you do? He really is past it. W: He is all alone, isn't he?

M: Yes, his wife has been dead for years. They had one daughter. Dories. But she went off to town as soon as she left school. And he hasn't heard from her since. I hear she is making good money as a model.

W: Maybe someone could get in touch with her. Get her to come back for a while to help?

M: I don't suppose she'll come. She never got on with her father. He is a bit of a tough character and she is rather selfish. Oh, I expect old Jake will get by. He is healthy at least, comes into a clinic for a check regularly.

W: Are you his doctor?

M: No, my partner doctor Johnson is.

W: That bad-tempered old thing?

M: Oh, he isn't really bad-tempered. He just looks it. He is an excellent doctor, taught me a lot, and he has a very nice family. His wife invites me over there to supper every week. Very pleasant.

W: Yes. I teach the daughter Pen at school. She is a bit careless and lazy about her school work, but a bright little thing and very popular with her age group.


Why does old Jake look terribly depressed?

What do we learn about Jake's wife?

What does the man say about Jake's daughter?

What does the man say about Jake's doctor?


A.His health is getting worse.

B.He can no longer work at sea.

C.His past life upsets him a good deal.

D.He has not got the expected pension.



We left the camp the next day at 7 o’clock in the morning.We went north.However, arou
nd 10:00 a.m.our car got stuck in the sand! We spent about three hours trying to pull out the car without any progress.Finally, we decided to walk.As it was hard for an old man or a young boy to walk more than 40km in the desert, I decided to get help myself.I took a bottle of water with me and started to walk south alone.I knew the way well, but it was a long way in the sand.I walked more than four hours without stopping.When I felt so tired and thirsty, I stopped to rest.I drank all the water and slept for around two hours.

Why didn’t the three walk back together after the car got stuck in the sand?()

A、They didn’t have enough food and water.

B、The writer knew where to get a camel or a car.

C、The writer knew a Bedouin who lived nearby would give help.

D、The long desert walk was too hard for the young and the old.



听力原文:W: "Run, Forrest, run!" Do you member Forrest Gump ran from coast to coast. Well,
today 26-year old Jonathon Williams is just weeks away from his goal of running across the country from Newport Beach, California to Newport, Rhode Island, and the man known as Willy, joins us from his latest stop, Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Good morning.

M: Hey, how's it going?

W: Oh, pretty good. How's it going with you?

M: Yeah! That isn't bad. It's a beautiful morning out here in Pennsylvania. It's great.

W: Now is it true that the movie Forrest Gump is what inspired you to set across the country on foot?

M: That's right. You know, I saw that movie in high school. It is kind of amazing to me, it was an amazing display of freedom, athleticism, and willpower. So I just said to myself; "Man, that's something that I wanna do someday."

W: Alright, you set out on this journey three months ago. What is your average day like? How many miles are you running?

M: Yeah, urn, good question, I mean, basically I wake up sometime, you know, around six. I try to leave between eight and nine. I average about probably 30 miles a day. My longest day is uh 56, though actually. That was in Missouri somewhere. That was, that was a pretty killer.

W: Now, tell us about the baby stroller, that is part of your journey.

M: Actually I gut this idea from two guys who did the cross-the-country run from New Jersey to Oregon, David and Scott. Basically it's got my tent in it. I've got a spare tyre, my backpack, a sleeping bag, a little blown mattress. It's kind of a stack of basically everything I need.

W: Well, Willy, we wish you luck as you approach Newport, Rhode Island. Good luck to you.



B.New Jersey

C.Rhode Island




The jolly, red-suited man who () into your home every year to leave you gifs hasn'
t always been so jolly. The real Saint Nick was a Turkish monk who lived in the 3rd century. He was () for being charitable and selfless, eventually becoming the patron saint of sailors and children. According to legend, he was a rich man thanks to an () from his parents, but he gave it all away in the form. of gifts to the less fortunate. He eventually became the most popular saint in Europe and, through his alter ego. Santa Claus, remains so to this day. But how did a long dead Turkish monk became a big, fat, reindeer. riding pole dweller?

The Dutch got the ball rolling by celebrating the saint- called Sinter Klaas- in New York in the latc-18" century. Our old friend, Washington Irving, included the legend of Saint Nick in his seminal History of New York as well, but at the turn of the 181 century, Saint Nick was still a rather () figure in America.

On December 23, 1823, though, a man named Clement Clarke Moore published a poem he had written for his daughters called “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas," better known now as ‘T’ as the night before Christmas." Nobody knows how much of the poem Moore invented, but we do know that it was the spark that () lit the Santa fire. Many of the things we associated with Santa一a sleigh, reindeer, Christmas Eve visits一came from Moore's poem.





D. skips




C. remarked













A. actually

B. generally

C. eventfully

D. eventually

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